I was walking through hills with tons of old cars laying around. Not sure why I was there walking alone, but it was peaceful . No birds chirping , no sounds of bugs, just the sun blaring down on my pale skin as I breathed in the fresh air, calming my soul of the stressful events that was happening in my life. Then there he was , hovering, with his silky dirty blonde hair, blowing n the breeze, watching me.. His eyes were so beautiful, the color of the blue sky.. But who was he? I had no idea. I stood there looking at him , seemed hours , he was the most beautiful thing I have seen. He flew down, and I still gazed at him, like I was in a different time , on another planet. I didn’t want to stop looking at him. He grabbed me and held me against his strong muscular body, it felt so good and I didn’t want him to let me go. His skin was so , soft and young. We started dating, but we always met at that place , in the hills with the old cars. It was his home, because it was so peaceful. And no one there to ever bother him. I told him I wanted to be at peace just like him. I WANT to be like him. I begged him. One day we walked out of the hills and into the world I hated and didn’t want to go back to. The awful world with all the hatred , people killing people, diseases. I didn’t want to live like that anymore. Once again I begged him to make me what he is. I wanted to live forever and let my soul be at peace for once, no stress no nothing to worry about. I wanted to live free and finally he put my soul to rest. I was so in love with him , he made me feel so good, like no one ever had in my life. I thanked him. We went back to the hills, he hugged me then he started to walk away. I stood there in tears, wondering why he left me . I was broken, because I loved him so much, I was sure he was the one. I walked out of the hills with my head down. I was like him , but yet I was alone yet again. I went to my mothers , went to the guest room, closed the door and tears feel out of my eyes. I was so sad . I stayed in there for days , thinking of him.. Will he ever come back.. “oh please come back” I thought to myself. “I surely can’t do this on my own.” Months passed and I didn’t leave that room. I was so depressed and I just wished I could die. But then I felt something, my heart started to beat faster.. It was my love.. My lovely Vampire, he was here to rescue me from this awful world. I ran out of the room and outside and he was there hovering waiting for me in the beautiful moon light. I smiled and hugged him. I had never been so happy in my life. I waved good-bye to my family as him and I flew off into the big beautiful dark sky. How it changed my life:It hasn't but I've been having alot of strange dreams lately.. again. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 52247 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .