1.Why Do You Love USM? I feel safe here
2.What was the last thing you Googled? work: schwannoma home: income tax extension (!!!)
3.Pets?...If so what are they and what are their names? Three girl kittehs...Kitty Rillabob Floppy Flopperson Katkins (Big kitteh), Bony Odie Stellaluna Toey Hookerson Rowdypants (Little kitteh), and Bono Reah Tailey Wagerson Pandacat (Baby kitteh). If you look back at my old Caterday posts, their pictures are all there.
4.If you were a Food what Food would you be and why? Steak...I'm at my best a little fatty....and I'm rare!
5.Describe yourself in TWO WORDS..........international superstar
6.Ever eaten Caviar? yes, and I liked it, but it's only for special occasions
7.Whats your pet peeve? People who judge other people's beliefs and behaviors critically, as though they themselves are not also being judged
8.When was the last time you went out and where`d you go? Last Saturday night to Java's and Murphy's for music, friends and lots of tequila. I still enjoyed the music and friends the next day, the tequila? not so much.
9.What was the last piece of clothing you bought for yourself? Some plaid bermuda shorts from Target
10.If your Boss were to come on USM what would he/she have to say about you? Why are you on the internet instead of working?
11.What usually gives you nightmares? nothing in particular, just have one every now and then
12.What is your favorite pig-out food? Chocolate chip cookie dough, or Frozen brownie mix. It has to be in a metal mixing bowl, and then you wrap a dishtowel around it while you eat it. Out of the bowl, of course.