After an unexpected zap to MSNever Neverland, (I didn't do anything wrong, i swear! I'm a good girl, I am!), i remained in that land against my will. Granted, I didn't see any helicopters trying to find me, but it was a very long and arduous nine months, thank you. Missed it here somethin' awful.
Obe la de, obe la da, life goes on, right?
And boy, did it go on.
Last i was here, i was whining somewhat considerably about the house we'd put up for sale in May with no potential buyers. I was at a crossroad about what I'd do regarding school, if i was finishing up the semester in new york... whether my family was picking up and going to Florida, or Arizona. Who knew?
Well, as it happens i'm currently outside my college in Arizona, thanking my lucky stars for Sur5r, who i contacted last night, and did some quick work to get my rear back in the system.
We moved to Arizona this past January, and things have been going well. Weather is gorgeous, my college is down the block (literally). My dad has a good job that he's steadily rising in. Mom took it easy for a bit, then got a job yesterday. I'm still relatively..jobless.
Besides some family matters, and some social troubles, things seem to be a-okay. What can I say?
I've always relied on consistancy...helps keep me focused and grounded. In the mayham of moving halfway across the country from somewhere i lived my whole life, a new school...seeing USM still up and thriving is a godsend.
I'll be seeing you all around!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .