Well just like the title says, I'd like to share to you all how I've been doing. I haven't been on for awhile and it's not because I didn't want to be. My computer had to go to the hospital to have some data removed. lol I made a post about it awhile back asking what I needed to do with my new puter, that some files were missing and I couldn't retrieve my pics of my dad on it 2 days before he passed away. I didn't want to recovery it untill I knew I could get someone to take them out of my hard drive. So I took it in and the store I went to download most of my stuff on it that was very important off my hard drive and put the stuff on 2 data disc's. This way I could re-download them back on my computer once I got it all recovered. It only took them a day to pull that stuff off but it sat there a few days so they could do other peoples puters before me first. Which was fine, but my puter was down for over 2 weeks!!!
I had my fiance's computer here to go online with but didn't have the time or take the time to type passwords and stuff . I was going nuts without mine! I got most of my stuff back on my puter again. Plus some new stuff I got for free for reinstalling my stuff. The only thing I couldn't find on one of the disc the computer store burnt off for me was my dad's funeral pics. He showed me they were on it before I left the store and brought my puter home, but now I can't find them. He took it off my Kodak File and put it on my PowerPoint File instead. Well my PowerPoint had exspired way back 3 months after I got it and I can't bring PowerPoint up anymore. Iowa sued Microsoft for putting stuff on computer and then making them exspire like that. People here were mad. Microsoft lost this hearing and had to pay people in Iowa for this mistake and also has to give all these people new product key numbers to reinstall PowerPoint. I got my money but I'm waiting for my new numbers yet. So no PowerPoint. I can't bring out those pictures of my dad's funeral yet. I guess I'll take the disc to them and have them change it to something else or back on Kodak File. I'm so upset about losing my dad's funeral pictures!!!
Also I'm still upset about with my step-son yet. He is so mean, defient, and destructive that he's going to drive me to an early grave. I can't take it anymore with him. It seems that no medication last very long for him. After a month or two, he is immune to those meds and starts acting out again. He got sent to the principles office for saying naughty stuff to a teacher. He's been warned to change his behavior or he'll get sent away to lockup if he don't by a lot of adults. But it don't sink in. My hair is turning so gray from all this, I'm so depressed, hurt, angry, and villated because of his behavior. He is totally destroying this family. His sister's can't even stand him now. We have set up an appointment at the University of Iowa Hospital at the end of April to see if something can be done for him. I'm hoping they will keep him for a couple weeks to monitor him for awhile to see how he acts. If he last till that time. Before the school sends him away for his bad behavior.
This was also Flu Season. This year is the first time I ever caught it. I had Influenza Type A. It's the worst one. All my family had it except for my step-son. Heck some of us caught it twice. I was so sick. Thought I was dieing. I just got over it last week but I still have an awful cough. I cough so hard my ribs are bruised, I get headaches, sore throat and now I'm losing my voice. I can't sleep hardly, because I lay down and start getting coughing fits. I also found out I have COPD on top of this. Man I wish I could shake this off. Rod, my fiance has this coughing problem too. He has Asthma ever since he was small, so this coughing is hard on him also.
Well this is how I"ve been lately. My daughter still comes for a visit now and then from the other side but I haven't heard from my dad yet. He must be very busy. Saw my mom today and she is so lonely without my dad. She crys and I worry about her now. She said she will fight this and tries to stay strong she said. I told her if she gets to sad to call me and I'll come down. My mom and dad were together for 56 years! He was always there with her especially at night. I'm hanging in there tough yet. I still hurts losing two family members so close but like my mom, I'll make it. Thanks to all my friends out there on USM for being here for me. Love, Lora aka Sassy