i was standing there waiting for the training to start when i could feel like every one of my hairs had jumped out of its socket.I ducked down watching the post i was leaning on get sliced halfway through. i dodge forward when the porch roof collapses sending a splinter through my shoulder.i pull it out,sucker was about two feet long.i look up into this guys face all sepirothish and laugh but what do you expect when your being attacked by a guy that looks straight outta ff7?
"who are you captain dingbat?"
"I am the angel gabreal and i have come to stop you."
"so no come with me if you want to live?"
"you shouldnt plan on living much longer."
"but i just got these awesome tickets for ozzfest. i got an extra one if you wanna hold this off till afterwards. see we go to concert then afterwards we use all the space when everyone leaves and get to the slicey dicey."
"Why did the gods give you guys mouths."
"i think it was to eat originally then us dumb monkeys decided we could talk just like all of you."
"are you ready to die?"
"dude can you please stop with the cheesy one liners?"
"i have no cheese."
"screw it"
I slam my shoulder into his stomach knocking him off his feet as i summon my sword to me.as i grab it i turn around to block his strike feeling it reverberate through my spine. my teeth are jarred so hard that i can feel one crack.before i get back to stance he strikes again and i counter. move counter move all slipping by in seconds making me wonder where she is. as i look around and he slams the hilt of his sword into my jewels making me gasp. something snaps inside of me but theres only one thing i see in front of me.He changed shape into that of my friend.He killed himself two days ago and this final insult to my boy just aint gonna have it.
"you screwed up boy now its time for you to die."
I put all my rage and pain into one strike slamming it deep through his chest into that hole he calls a heart.im screaming as his body is enveloped in fire.i can feel the wind and heat rushing around me like a tornado of agony ripping through my flesh and all i can do is scream again and again.finally it stops but not before i hear some kinda voice.
"you can hear it to the voice of the wind?" I turn around to see her standing there watching me checking me out like id done something amazing.
"i heard a voice but i dont know what it said."
"thats the voice of the damned they call to you asking for salvation."
"why ask me im doing what i can cant they see thay?"
"they do but they also know you killed gabreal."
"who is gabreal all i know some dude looking like a reject from a cheesy anime walks up on me and starts trying to punch my ticket."
"gabreal is the angel of death and the last to fall because it is said that the gods couldnt get rid of him one on one so they had to team up on him.you sliced through him like a hot knife through cheeze whiz"
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .