"hey dahlin how you doin?" he leans back in his chair laughing at some inane joke his girlfriend is telling him on the phone. he lets his hair fall in front of his eyes then hears a ding as his computer lights up. "hey you online dahlin?" "well it says you are and your trying to let me view your webcam"
He clicks on the thing popping up the little webcam window. instantly he recognizes his beloveds room the pink fleece blanket on the bed but theres weird red splatters all over it come to think of it the rooms covered with it. He can see the calf and foot of his girls leg bloody lying half on his bed.
An instant message pops up from her. 'hey sean im gonna find you once im finished with her' 'who are you? what do you want?". He's still talking to rebecca while this is all going on. "dahlin are you at home?" "good stay away from there im gonna call the cops i know its your room and theres something bad going on here."
'now now seany baby dont you dare think of calling the cops' 'why not' 'you know shes not dead. i was waiting so you could watch' a hand lifts rebeccas head off the floor making the camera show the tears streaking down her bloodied cheeks. sean is crying begging him to let go not knowing that the man cant hear him because he has no microphone.
'please dont hurt her ill do anything anything' a scream rips through the speakers then is quickly cut off followed by a laughter filled with malice and wicked glee. "you see sean theres only one problem with that statement, you see you were the first." You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 13190 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .