November 28h, 3006 Govenor Jessie March Reporting
After weeks of what seemed to be like a life time of trials and tests General Greenleaf and his team proved they were rightly chosen for their positions. I however just wanted to make sure and they proved me wrong.
Admiral Wilson and the General are now promoted to Captin Wilson and Coporate and were immediately put in a strong postion of power .
Around the 13th however an unknown package was left on the front stoop. When investigated it turned out to be a big box of "Charleston Chocolate Chip Cookies" and only one message was sent with it " Dont eat just examine"
They were immediately brought into the lab and looked over inside and out and it turns out that they were laced with some kind of unknown drug. One which our doctors and examiners have never seen before. The post mark to the package said they had come from Jacksontown and I feared that the city might have been compromised in some way.
So The City was shut down, while we went searching for any kind of evidence.
It was determined that A disgruntled baker had mixed up his own form of a hypnotic drug and mixed them in and now the entire city was under some kind of spell.
Vincent Bradley was prosecuted to the full extent of the Law.
And just in time too cause deliveries of these cookies were planned to go out for Christmas.
So now Jacksontown is under close watch until we can determine if the will be ok.