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Mandatory Christianity in the Military? Atheist soldier sues the Pentagon

  Author:  24924  Category:(Discussion) Created:(9/21/2007 6:19:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1346 times)

A military watchdog organization filed a lawsuit in federal court Tuesday against the Pentagon, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and a US Army major, on behalf of an Army soldier stationed in Iraq. The suit charges the Pentagon with widespread constitutional violations by allegedly trying to force the soldier to embrace evangelical Christianity and then retaliating against him when he refused.


 The complaint, filed in US District Court in Kansas City, by the nonprofit Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), on behalf of Jeremy Hall, an Army specialist currently on active duty in Speicher, Iraq, alleges that Hall's First Amendment rights were violated beginning last Thanksgiving when, because of his atheist beliefs, he declined to participate in a Christian prayer ceremony commemorating the holiday.


 "Immediately after plaintiff made it known he would decline to join hands and pray, he was confronted, in the presence of other military personnel, by the senior ranking ... staff sergeant who asked plaintiff why he did not want to pray, whereupon plaintiff explained because he is an atheist," says the lawsuit, a copy of which was provided to Truthout.

"The staff sergeant asked plaintiff what an atheist is and plaintiff responded it meant that he (plaintiff) did not believe in God. This response caused the staff sergeant to tell plaintiff that he would have to sit elsewhere for the Thanksgiving dinner. Nonetheless, plaintiff sat at the table in silence and finished his meal."


Moreover, the complaint alleges that on August 7, when Hall received permission by an Army chaplain to organize a meeting of other soldiers who shared his atheist beliefs, his supervisor, Army Major Paul Welborne, broke up the gathering and threatened to retaliate against the soldier by charging him with violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The complaint also alleges that Welborne vowed to block Hall's reenlistment in the Army if the atheist group continued to meet - a violation of Hall's First Amendment rights under the Constitution. Welborne is named as a defendant in the lawsuit.




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Date: 9/21/2007 6:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 46527    I'm not familiar with US Army rules, but I know that over here, if you join up, you're 'expected' to take part in church services etc. It's not right, but it happens.  
Date: 9/21/2007 6:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 62579    My goodness they have no right to force any religion upon him.  
Date: 9/21/2007 7:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    If he's that sensitive and litigious he needs to move on to some other line of work.  
Date: 9/21/2007 7:17:00 AM  From Authorid: 15228    I was in the military, my husband was in the military for 20 years and I can't recall being forced to accept any religion. I know on certain occasions the Chaplin would say a prayer, no one can force anyone to say a prayer, all one has to do is stand respectfully and let your mind drift. When I substitute, here in Texas kids have to say the Texas pledge. I won't pledge allegiance to Texas! But I do stand respectfully, it doesn't hurt me to do so nor conflict with my beliefs.  
Date: 9/21/2007 7:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 27403    Looks like someone really screwed up this time! Love and Light  
Date: 9/21/2007 7:40:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 24924    Threatening people for holding a meeting is crazy. No one who behaves that way is competent to serve as a military officer. Period.

His behavior is an affront to EVERYONE who has served to defend what this country is supposed to represent.

Date: 9/21/2007 7:45:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 24924    There is a website specifically for atheist's in the military. Soldiers of every level and rank are represented. They all tell their stories. Just the other day, one ex-military said:

"I was refused "atheist" on my dogtags, and threatened with disciplinary action for being atheist, and resultantly treated like crap for the duration of my time at that duty station.

The one who initiated it was a lowly clerk in S1 (administration, a secretary). He took it to his First Sgt, who took the request to the SgtMajor, who handed it to the Colonel. All requested I that be dishonorably discharged for daring to not be a Christian.

I fought back enough to make them lay off, but I should have fought it all the way to the SCOTUS. As it was, I had mere months left there, and was moving on to another station, where my OIC was a man I knew, respected, and trusted."
Date: 9/21/2007 8:01:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 24924    BCAR, It is the staff sgt and Major Welborne that needs to "move on to some other line of work"

Date: 9/21/2007 8:02:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 24924    Exerpt from ^^^^^site:
"Well, to make a very long story a little shorter, the Major turned out to be a fundamentalist Christian who verbally berated the other attendees, accused them of plotting against Christians and disrespecting soldiers who have died protecting the Constitution, and threatened them with punishment under the UCMJ for their activities (said they were "going down" and said he would do whatever it took to shut the meetings down. Keep in mind that by this point, he had two of the attendees (one soldier fled when the shouting started) standing at the position of attention so that he could yell at them, berate them, and humiliate them. This apparently went on for several minutes at which time the Major shut down the meeting by saying he wasn't some "push-over Chaplain" and that he would not tolerate the meetings to continue."

Date: 9/21/2007 9:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 21839    I was in the army & religion was never forced on us either... we could go to church on Sunday if we wanted to(basic training) , those who didn't were never forced... I have never seen it be an issue when I was in... I don't think he has the right to force it on anyone, but it don't need to get ignorant on either side of the fence..  
Date: 9/21/2007 10:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 15228    Just a funny little story about my basic training...the commander of our post was Jewish and his wife always had a lot of excellent food after Jewish services...they noticed that the Jewish services had swelled and started checking dog tags to weed out the Christians going just for the food!  
Date: 9/21/2007 10:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 7830    Theres no mandatory christianity in the military and stuff like this doesnt happen often in the military. It was just a pompous sargeant who did a stupid thing. Blame it on the sargeant.  
Date: 9/21/2007 10:58:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 24924    There is plenty of anecdotal evidence of Christian proselytizing in the US military. The thing is, if you are a member of a majority; a christian, most likely you won't notice anything amiss; you won't even hear about it. A skinny person who has never had any discrimination because of a weight problem won't understand or even notice all the hassles an obese person has to contend with. Unless you're a black man you can't possibly know what racism really is or the extent of it. Unless you are a dirty, bedraggled, homeless person, you can't possibly comprehend what they go through. When I was a christian; when I was a member of the majority, I never, ever ever even gave an atheist any thought whatsoever. I never knew anyone (at least anyone who would claim they were) who was an atheist. I never in my wildest imagination could have foreseen what it is really like in a religion saturated society. Just because You personally didn't see it, does not mean that it isn't there; or that it doesn't happen frequently. It does.

Date: 9/21/2007 11:01:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 24924    Kelly, that is a good story. Yeah, you'd probably have to check my dog tags in that situation. lol. Kniskes; lox, bagels & cream cheese....yum....  
Date: 9/21/2007 11:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 16865    I think this is so wrong. And George Bush supports stuff like this. That is one of the many reasons I didn't vote for him.  
Date: 9/21/2007 7:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 26303    That man's actions will only reinforce the others non belief. He didn't do his religion or himself any favours. But suing, geez, we sue over everything these days.  
Date: 9/21/2007 8:01:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 24924    AussieGirl, I don't see how this can be considered "sueing over anyhing". You think those superior officers should get away with such behavior?

The Uniform Code of Military Justice being violated; the soldiers rights guaranteed by the 1st Admendment of the Constitution being violated , is considered just "anything"?
Date: 9/21/2007 8:07:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 24924    This young soldier is deployed in IRAQ; and he has been threatened by fellow soldiers.

"who have reported the posting of messages on military and civilian-based blogs, such as military.com, apparently threatening Hall with "fragging," a term used by the military in which an unpopular soldier could be killed by intentional friendly fire during combat." Read about it here:

Date: 9/22/2007 3:13:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 24924    As I had suspected, a post was put up last night wherein this case was mentioned. The entire "Myths of Law" post consisted of MYTHS! Talk about irony of all ironies. Complete ignorance, misinformation (appears to be copied from the notorious LIAR ,David Barton, handbook of how to do a snow job on the ignorant), and frankly, a deliberate attempt to sway by not allowing rebuttal which will clearly show the falseness of the lame content of the post.  

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