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Religion, or lack thereof?

  Author:  8905  Category:(Discussion) Created:(6/26/2007 10:52:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1174 times)

What gives anyone the right to try and force their religion on someone else? I am just curious because lately I have noticed a series of 'God' or religion based posts, so this question popped into my head. Please know that I am not saying all the recent posts are trying to convert people, but it seems that some of them are. So I wonder... what makes one religion the right religion?

I am agnostic. The definintion of Agnostic is (according to Websters)

ag·nos·tic [ag-nos-tik] –noun 1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. 2. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study. –adjective 3. of or pertaining to agnostics or agnosticism. 4. asserting the uncertainty of all claims to knowledge.

I do not deny the possibility that there is a 'God' but which one is correct? How do we know any of them are? And what gives someone the right to tell us if we are right or wrong?

I believe that if you believe in something, with all your heart and soul, then it is true.... for you. DO NOT force it on me.

If there was truely one 'God' and we will go with the most popular version of said 'God' then why would He allow people to believe in other religions? Also, why would he of created other religions for these people to believe in?

Would it truely be hard to believe in the possibility of more then one 'God'? Maybe all religions are correct, and yet wrong at the same time? Maybe there is one supreme 'God' (sorta like Zeus, not saying him, just using an example) that helps rule over all the other gods? And how can you tell me I am wrong when you have no proof of either side?

"Can you see the air?" "No" "But its still there, so how do you know there is no God?"

Because I can see the air move things. And I have told people that before.

Basically, all I am saying here is that forcing your own beliefs down the throat of another person, and then telling them that they are wrong in their beliefs and that you are right seems wrong to me.... Not to mention... wouldn't that be considered the sin of vanity? To believe you are always right no matter what?

Something to think about.

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Date: 6/26/2007 10:56:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 8905    I love that skit SC, and SO totally agree with it  
Date: 6/26/2007 10:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 37101    I preach by George Carlin's Third Commandmen, which he created after reducing the Ten Commandements down to only two: Thou shall keep thy religion to thyself. -  
Date: 6/26/2007 10:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 1799    The problem is we don't know what is real and whats not, and its not up to us to make people believe a certain way. I'm likely to not befriend people who push their religion on people because its pretty arrogant to assume you are right and everyone else is wrong.  
Date: 6/26/2007 11:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 62118    Their beliefs give them the "right" and the motivation, its how they get recruits. As for which god is correct, the ones that people are still making excuses for.  
Date: 6/26/2007 11:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 58308    Such a touchy subject for some. I have tried to answer this several different times. I can't come up with the right words to say. My thought is... I do not care what religion you are, if you even have one or whatnot. If I like you, I like you for who you are, not what religion/church, if any, you go to.  
Date: 6/26/2007 11:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 15228    Those types of posts are made for others who are interested in reading them, I don't know why it bothers people so much. You don't have to read them...I don't read them, the same way I don't read philosphy or poetry. In fact, you could put it as one of the catagories you don't want on your front page, the way I have with poetry!  
Date: 6/26/2007 11:17:00 AM  From Authorid: 35720    It is the Christian's duty to preach to everyone about their way; they think spreading information about Jesus and his teachings will "save" others. I have tried to keep that in mind in the past- even though I'm an atheist, it's their religion and they're just doing what they have been taught to do- but it became unbearable. I am comfortable in my beliefs and I'm not interested in ever converting them. If I did, it'd be because of my own research and ideas; it wouldn't be because some random nameless wanted to get in good with God. The more I thought about it, the more it irritated me. How dare these people insult my intelligence and assume I am a fool because I don't believe their fairytale. I will not go on any further, because honestly, I have no problem with Christians. I have several Christian friends who I love and most of my family is Christian. However, that doesn't mean I have to agree with or even accept what they believe. You can love someone who committed a murder, but you don't have to condone their crime. Probably an inappropriate analogy, but you know. ANYWAYYY.. </ramble>  
Date: 6/26/2007 11:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 60792    There are some that feel they have to spread the word of their religion and that they are absolutely right. There are some that are just excited about their beliefs and want to share it. And there are some that keep it to themselves and are willing to share if they are asked. I try not to let people who think that their God is right bother me, because what do they know and what do I know? They can use pascal's wager all they want to, but I see the flaws. One day we'll all know, but by then I feel it won't matter anymore.  
Date: 6/26/2007 11:25:00 AM  From Authorid: 16061    No one has the right to force thier religion on anyone else after all we all have the right to choose what we believe in and to me their will only ever be one time we will know if we are correct and then it will be to late. The right religion is the religion that feels right for you. We dont have the right to force someone to believe in or God or God's/Goddess's we can tell them about it of course and if they are not interested then we should leave it at that. Also to me you are forcing your unbelief on those that do believe even going as far as telling them they are sinning (vanity). Something to think about.  
Date: 6/26/2007 11:31:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 8905    How am I forcing my 'unbelief' on anyone when i already said that I believe if you believe in something with all your heart, then it is true, for you? I was simply suggestioning that it would be the sin of vanity. And please dont mock me. Its rude.  
Date: 6/26/2007 11:39:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    Now I've said many times that if you don't want a comment don't post. But on the other hand I know that I'm not persecuted or put upon based on what other people want to post. Maybe annoyed, but I know how to get un-annoyed. Just do as Kelly suggested and don't click on it.  
Date: 6/26/2007 12:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 30747    When someone asks an opinion, I give it and I base it on my own beliefs..that is what an opinion is. I don't try to convert anyone because personally I don't care what anyone else wants to believe but when someone asks...I speak my mind and my heart. That's what I'm here for.  
Date: 6/26/2007 12:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 63194    Even if it is the christian duty to preach their word - They seem to have actually made it their duty to do whatever they can to push people away from their beleifs.  
Date: 6/26/2007 12:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 60792    I think generally...we generalize a lot. We have one bad experience with someone of a certain religion, and we've already judged the entire denomination with them. I've met those who preach, and I've met those who listen. I prefer the ones with open-minds who can admit that we all have an equal chance.  
Date: 6/26/2007 12:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 30747    I rarely get involved in religious discussions for this very reason. It is a personal choice and for the record, I will not allow myself to be refered to as "Christian" (even though this post encompasses ALL religion as I read it) but if you want to single out Christians as being overzealous in their opinions perhaps one should look at the opposition they take for having an opinion at all and the need to constantly defend their beliefs. In fact, they are often baited here on USM and I for one fell for that bait today. (I should have known better) It will not happen again. I'll just go back to being ditzy, mindless me and let ya'll rule the board. Hows that?  
Date: 6/26/2007 12:39:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 8905    Thank you for realizing this post wasnt just about christians, but about all religion SD.  
Date: 6/26/2007 12:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 62118    Maybe its called retaliation? Some people would like to believe their beliefs get singled out for no reason at all.  
Date: 6/26/2007 2:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 16865    Perhaps when your done with this post, I could pursuade you to follow in a nice prayer to the invisible pink unicorns? They will help you and heal you and you won't have to suffer the immortal pain of dying and burning in their wings fire. Sorry, I couldn't resist.  
Date: 6/26/2007 2:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 60792    Dotchi, how dare you blaspheme the flying spaghetti monster! LOL.  
Date: 6/26/2007 2:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 63077    Perhaps a little off topic, but as an agnostic you may be interested in this link from the Rational Response Squad, http://www.rationalresponders.com/am_i_agnostic_or_atheist, "Am I Agnostic or Atheist?"  
Date: 6/26/2007 3:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 59876    well, i'll tell ya, i haven't been here in a couple of days. today i read several religious posts. in two of them, most of the people were rude and sarcastic with totally inappropriate remarks. neither post claimed right or wrong in each person's personal beliefs, they were simply posted religious text. as long as it is in an appropriate place and follows the rules of usm, people ought to have a little respect same as they would expect on one of their own posts. one man's crap is another man's inspiration. if it wasn't up for debate or discussion, or looks like a newb posted it in the wrong place, some people could at least try to control themselves. anti religion or anti specific religion? that's fine, but it doesn't mean one has to jump every post possible with their trashy mouth. (not talking to you there, just in general)what some people just flat out do not get is that even if someone isn't pushing their beliefs, to ask them "Would it truely be hard to believe in the possibility of more then one 'God'? Maybe all religions are correct, and yet wrong at the same time? " is asking them to vilolate their own belief system. i wouldn't ask any one to do that. that also would be a kind of forcing belief, get it?  
Date: 6/26/2007 3:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 15228    I agree with Doheney. The religious section was made so that religious items could be posted without debate.  
Date: 6/26/2007 3:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 15228    That would probably extend to the catgories of Angels/God/Spiritual and Prayers as well.  
Date: 6/26/2007 3:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 62118    But hey as long as its part of a religion, hate literature is tolerated.  
Date: 6/26/2007 4:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 62423    you're right...some people can be more forceful than others, though. its def. not right to "shove it down someones throat" but theres no harm in informing someone about it. im a christian myself, and somewhat serious about it, and one of the things God wants us to do as Christians is to "spread the good news". this does NOT mean forcing it on anyone.  
Date: 6/26/2007 5:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    If it's something that people want to talk about, more power to them. I don't mind people sharing their beliefs. I can choose not to click on the post if it bothers me. I just don't want to be badgered or chased down the street by people with pamphlets (as has happened on occassion). If I ask, feel free to share. Otherwise, do not try to entrap me with answers to questions that I wasn't asking you. You're never going to persuade me trying to coerce me.  
Date: 6/26/2007 5:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    ...sometimes when people have a really good experience they want to share that experience, indeed in some way try and have people enjoy a similar one. However, sometimes peoples way of perhaps relaying that experience and encouraging others to also enjoy a similar one leads to a bit of 'going overboard' in the other persons eyes. I don't think its something malicious or intentional...its just that the person is so passionate about it they kinda get a bit overcooked in the moment relaying to another person. Its kinda like a friend of mine who swears by not smoking. See, I'm a smoker, I enjoy smoking...I really do...and I know that he enjoys now being a Non-smoker. He loves it. He loves the increase in his health, in his wallet, the lack of stinking like smoke, the return of his taste-buds and all those great things about giving up and remaining smoke-free. Me - I'm kinda happy remaining a smoker for now and don't see it as such a major issue. But he does. And even though I know he has the best intentions, that he just wants me to also be free of that nicotine addiction and all that it entails...he kinda gets a bit too *preachy* about it for my liking...and indeed winds up making me wanna have another smoke to get over the *trauma* of his lecturing...hahahaha. In a way it might be a bit like that. See, I love God. I have a strong belief in God. I believe that God has worked wonders in my life and allowed/encouraged me to work towards becoming the best ME I can be. For me my relationship with God is one I greatly treasure...and it brings an amazing level of peace and enjoyment in my life. I would love for others to experience that too. BUT, I won't go ramming it down anyones throat...any relationship IMO needs to be one of personal choice...or else its not really a true relationship. I hear what you are saying...that sometimes those of us who have a belief try to almost (and I hate to word it this way) 'brow-beat' people into having the same beleif as them. To me thats not the way to do it...to me I think one of the greatest sins that could be committed is to force/scare/drive/irritate someone away from God. That to me would be a great sin. But the message can be displayed in other ways...through showing love and kindness...though walking ones talk, through action. Actions certainly speak louder than words. By embodying that which we believe in everything we do each and every day - to me - is a much better method of passing on 'Gods message'. One other thing is while I certainly hear and take your point...there is also the inverse that happens on this site - those who basically do the same thing but in reverse. Those who castegate and ridicule those with a belief. Who try to drum in what they would believe is sense, try to essentially negate that persons belief and drive them away from it. Its just the same message - different mouth. Still...thats not entirely a bad thing...for it can be the wind that blows away the chaff...and can actually lead to a person holding a STRONGER belief through their considering the challenges to their beliefs placed before them.  
Date: 6/26/2007 5:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 54444    It doesn't bother me at all when a two year old acts terrible; it is something I expect. Likewise it doesn't bother me when a religious zealot acts like a fanatic; I also expect that. I am always comfortable with my beliefs, but They seem to change a lot as I grow. "when I was a child...etc." So It really isn't about why people want to shove their religion down your throat (of course they do...that is the nature of religion), but the only real question is why let them affect your feelings at all? They have a right to their opinion and to express it. You have a right to ignor it and be content or to react to it and feel miserable, and even to express your content or misery. But in the long run it don't matter either way, unless you let it matter to you. It ain't nothing but a sandwich.  
Date: 6/26/2007 6:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    That article on athiesm is wrong-- you can't be an agnostic athiest. You're either one or the other. An athiest holds that God doesn't exist, an agnostic holds that all positions on the afterlife, including athiesm, are equal. The difference-- athiests take a position and declare that such things are knowable, agnostics are more or less neutral. Someone's just eager to call everyone an athiest, so they can have more people in thier ranks and have less of stigma-- and this might be a quibble over semantics-- but I think there is a very important distinction between those who declare that there's no such thing as God and an afterlife and those that declare such things are "unknowable"...they shouldn't be conflated.  
Date: 6/26/2007 6:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    Agent Smith, I'm always heart-warmed that someone would care enough about me to want to rescue me from damnation; however, I get the feeling-- for example, with people who are anti-smoking-- that too many of them evangelize less out of your interest and more out of their own interest and a feeling of self-righteousness.  
Date: 6/26/2007 10:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 63194    I have faith. I am not religious - I believe in God, but I do not believe in the God that man speaks of to be of the bible. Also, and it's almost obvious that Molly may just believe that same, but it seems as if a lot of religions - christians (self proclaimed, that is) act as if the dictionary does not exist - nor the definitions of the words within it.  
Date: 6/26/2007 10:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 63194    And thus, they would take the bible over the dictionary anyday - but if they would do that, they would be denying the very thing with which god gave to us to understand his word. If they understood the dictionary, and found it within themselves to ACCEPT the defintions of words - Then, and only then, do I think they will be able to understand and know what the bible speaks.  
Date: 6/27/2007 7:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 62118    In Apologetics definitions are very flexible.  

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