I have a friend who's name probably doesn't want to be said. I have added a few details to her words to help express the feeling. These aren't her exact words. But anyways, we (Crimson and I) were waiting for a bus to come. We were waiting for her to get there, and she was getting late. We thought she had slept in again, which she had had a habit of. We saw her the next day, and asked her why she was late. Expecting an answer such as, "I stayed up late," or "Had homework to finish," what we got was unexpected:
"I was walking to the bus stop, like normal, you know? Then something, like a voice inside of me said 'Walk faster... walk faster...' and I did. Then this car comes, speeding really fast. He hit a pole about five feet away. It fell over, and the glass in the car window shattered. I was thinking, 'I don't wanna die!!' so I ran out of the way." She sounded horrified. I felt bad for her, and grateful she was standing there next to us, breathing and telling us the story. She had a lot more to her story though. Wanting us to know all the details, she took a deep breath and began once more:
"I looked at his window to see if he was all right, but his face was covered in blood. I was too shocked too move, and felt like vomitting at the horrific sight! It was truly disgusting. I thought, 'Ouch. Ew.' The police came, and asked me a few questions. It was interrogation. I answered, but reluctantly. The police sent me home. I told my mom, and she called my school. I'm glad I'm alive!" How it changed my life:It makes me happy for her that she's alive!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 63846 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .