Ok, now that I am back in Vegas, I figured I should finish this up.
Day One: After braving a serious thunderstorm, we arrived at the McFarland Park pavilion we were told to go to. Awaiting us there were a few USMers, some I knew, some I didn't know. Breathing Body and her dad Ranger were there, and Irish Raven, Sean, and I introduced ourselves, and I got to hug Prissy. Upon looking around I noticed a small child running around, and then happened to glance up at her parents. IT WAS KIARA AND CHOPS! I litterly launched myself at Kiara... shes a good catch. So I got to see my big brother and sister for the first time in 6 years. Ahhh, life was good. Then we all sat back and waited for Amanda and Gail to come back as well as for others to arrive.
In my usual fashion, I started yelling at cars passing by. I think one of the ones the made everyone crack up was "IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF USM TURN NOW, IF NOT TURN ANYWAY, WE'RE INTRESTING, I PROMISE!!!" Yes, I am crazy. So slowly more people showed up. I don't remember the order, but I do remember pratically knocking Emi over. Hee Hee. After a few more people this blue car with plates from TN shows up, and I scream its George and Ginger. Emi and I bolted for their car and got to be the first ones to hug our illustrious owners. Sweet!! And then.... more waiting.
Finally we had a whole group of people, so we decided to get pizza, eat and then call it a night. I went back to the hotel with Emi and Wye to hang out for a little bit. We decided to go swimming in a bool that turned the bottom of our feet blue, but it was fun none the less. Amanda called us letting us know that she was waiting for Kate and was gonna bring her to the hotel. We were like cool. So after swimming we went back to our respective rooms and changed into dry clothing. Then it was time to go meet Kate. Her and her parents were very cool, and got to see me in a dress. (Very rare occurance) Kate was a bit tired, so we went back to Emis and Wyes room, hung out a little longer, and then I decided to go to my room. By this times its LATE. I think it was like 1240. So I go to my and Priss' room, and go in the bathroom when suddenly there is this pounding on the door. PNK WAS IN OUR ROOM!!! So I got to meet her and then go down and meet my buddy Predictor. I stayed in their room until about 3 am, then FINALLY went to bed.
DAY 2: Originally I was supposed to go with Priss to the campsite at 8am. Love ya to death Prissy, but no way in Hades was I getting out of my bed. So instead I ended up riding to the park with PNK and Predictor. We got some McDonalds and made our merry way up there. There was a lot of hanging out going on while Priss was cooking what is considered the best darn BBQ in Alabama. This stuff is GOOD. Mmmm, I'm drooling remembering it. And then this red car pulled up and I am staring at it, trying to figure out who it could be. Low and Behold, its GREEN EYED FROGGY!!! YAY! LMAO.
Well, in tradition with the last G2G, I had brought water ballons. Well.... I went to hit Wye with one.... and I did, as I was getting shot in the back by Chops with ICE COLD WATER! This automatically starts what is now known as the annual Bama G2G Water Fight!!! It was great! Even George was going around shooting people. So we all got to shoot George with water guns. It was the best. What amused me was the entire time Wise sat in a chair, watching us, and I don't think he ever got a drop of water on him. That would make him the only one who didn't. LOL. Well, him and Ginger. No one shoots Ginger. Throughout the day different USMers were passed around on the phone to say hi to everyone. If memory serves, I spoke to Sur5r, Keeks, Dark Crow, Moon Girl ans some other chick..... dont remember her name......(:P Pluck me again Wyn)
Then it was time for lunch, but before we ate we bowed our heads in rememberance of those who have passed on this site. Every name in the memorial section had a bell toll. It was the most somber moment of the G2G, and one of the best. It let us know that our friends were still beside us, even if not in the physical world.
So we all finally sat down and ate after drying our tears, had a few more water fights, played some frisbee, and hung out until the time had come for..... DUM DUM DUMMMMMMMM, KAROKEE!!!! God help us all. By the way... CHOPS CAN SING! Wye took video of it, it will eventually be posted. Chops rocked out the pavilion singing to much time on my hands. I sang.... but we won't talk about that. LMAO. And the music lasted well into the night. People on the river actually stopped to see what was going on. USMERS PARTYING!!!!!
Eventually we had to say goodbye to Kiara and Chops. This was a tearfilled moment for both Emi and I.... I hated watching them leave. But no one is ever really gone when we have USM right? After that, Emi, Wye, and I headed back for the hotel. We hung out a little bit, and then it was bedtime.
DAY 3: The final day of the G2G. Priss and I slept in a little bit, and then I had to pack my bags because Irish Raven, Sean, and I had to head back to their house, and me to the airport the next morning. We sat around the pavilion waiting for the few USMers who hadnt left the night before. Eventually we started playing Pictornary, USM style. That had us cracking up so hard, but it wasn't really approprite for the site what was going on, so I will just say this. CHIHUAHUA!!!! LMAO. Predictor was doing Tarot card readings.... I scared him twice when he did mine. I love you Predictor!!! And eventually, Raven, Sean, and I had to go. We said our goodbyes and headed out of the G2G. Of course we screamed Chihuahua out the window.
We left the G2G with many memories, and it was a great weekend. I can't wait for the next one. And Amanda... I want your potato salad recipe. That was GOOD!!!
Much love you guys,
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