First things first, I should tell you guys that I didnt go to bed until about 6 this morning. And I felt like I had heartburn, but decided to try and sleep it off. Well, at about 830 I woke up, and had to run for the bathroom, ***IT GETS GROSS HERE PEOPLE!! IF YOU ARE EASILY GROSSED OUT, DO NOT KEEP READING!!!*** where I promptly emptied my stomach into my toilet. Weird thing was it wasn't liquid, it felt like little chunks of wood rolling up my throat and out of my mouth. Can we say EWW. So I figure once my stomach is empty, I'll be ok right? So I go back to sleep. Wake up again at 10, go into the kitchen and take a few sips of gatorade, because I need some sort of something in my now bone dry stomach. Wrong move. Waited about 20 seconds, and back to the bathroom, where the gatorade decided to make a second apperance. It was still in liquid form. In case you were wondering.***GROSS PART FINISHED*** SO I call my work and tell my manager, hey its up to you, I can try and come in, but I have been throwing up all morning. She tells me to try, Im like, fine. I get in the shower, do all that good crap, and have to cut my shower short because I am dry heaving so bad that the room is spinning from me not being able to breathe properly. So I call the boss back, tell her whats going on. Her response is to tell me "You're on your 90 days, if you call in sick again, your terminated." Fine... whatever. Would they prefer me to come into work and puke on everyone? Cause I was half tempted to. But now, I am sitting here grossing most of you out.... and I have only been awake for.... 3 hours. Can't wait to see how the rest of my day goes.
**Just to add another fun little tidbit, my stomach wont even allow its own bile to stay down. And now I have the hiccups from dry heaving. Yay! Anyone got any advice for me?
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .