Date: 2/28/2007 9:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 47218
tsk. They didn't put any guaze on your wound. The first time I donated blood I passed out. They stood me up, asked me if I was okay. I said "sure!" and so they left me to walk by myself to the cookie table. I took a few steps, and then the room began to go gray. I cried out "help!" weakly and sat down. Next thing I know, I was looking up at the flourescent lights, surrounded by people in white coats calling out my name. For a moment, I thought I'd been abducted! This is why I don't donate blood anymore.  |
Date: 2/28/2007 9:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 7830
yikes! I wonder why you passed out..  |
Date: 2/28/2007 10:02:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 62841
they didn't put much guaze and didn't wrap it too well either. The Red Cross came to my school and did it. I took that picture after I took it off, before I took a shower. I was fine until I sat down at the table and started drinking some juice. I remember things starting to get a little hazy, then next thing I know 2 of the nurses are shaking me and calling my name. My friend told me I passed out twice, but I only remember the last time.  |
Date: 3/1/2007 12:29:00 AM
From Authorid: 62881
You wouldn't have bruised like that if they had done their job right. I donated for years and only bruised like that once...the needle wasn't inserted the right was painful and hurt like heck until they took the needle out.  |
Date: 3/1/2007 12:31:00 AM
From Authorid: 62881
After reading your post again I have a suggestion that your school should consider....Have the blood drive AFTER lunch. It would be better for all who try to donate. If they can't then they should allow a snack time for those who want to donate.  |
Date: 3/1/2007 12:43:00 AM
From Authorid: 38683
Good on you for donating.. but *faint*  |
Date: 3/1/2007 5:57:00 AM
From Authorid: 36901
It's good that you donated, but I'm sorry you were hurt. I hope you feel better soon!  |
Date: 3/1/2007 8:38:00 AM
From Authorid: 59418
Good for you for doing!! I hate needles, but I hate the idea of bruising even more. During my work experience I watched about 6 million people having blood taking, and nearly passed out once when this womans whole inside arm went all bruised - It was horrible! Yuck! Passing out isn't fun I hope you feel better now though..  |
Date: 3/1/2007 9:02:00 AM
From Authorid: 14754
Youre doing a good thing in donating blood... dont let that spot on your arm make you stop, that happens sometimes.. Make sure not to skip any meals. Eat before you go. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid the dizziness.  |
Date: 3/1/2007 9:19:00 AM
From Authorid: 21839
that last time I gave blood I almost passed out. They put the needle in wrong.. I didn't say anything becuase I didn't want to get stuck again. I got light headed..(now I know why the fans are in there) it was really hot. The nurse kept telling me to cough. It kept me from passing out.. ( I have passed out before so I knew what was happening) The nurse told coughing helps the blood circulate so that you don't pass out.. it worked...  |
Date: 3/1/2007 11:21:00 AM
From Authorid: 11039
some ppl bruise you can have a preson that has 20 years of pokin ppl and stiil get a bruise ane sometimes you pass out from time to time it many never happen again or next time you might pass out ive seen ppl get sick to thier tummy from giving blood  |
Date: 3/1/2007 11:43:00 AM
From Authorid: 47218
The reason people get a bruise is because they don't put pressure on the wound immediately after they take the needle out.  |