Date: 12/4/2006 12:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 14314
I think you should talk to them, and explain what happened. Good luck, I hope things get better with your cousins. God Bless |
Date: 12/4/2006 12:44:00 PM
From Authorid: 58308
The only thing you can do is tell them like you told us. Point blank. I really hope you all can work things out quick!! |
Date: 12/4/2006 12:45:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 51292
Thanks for your help..if I do talk to them Ill probably wait a few days and give everyone time to chill out a little. Because not only are they mad at me, Im mad at them for turing this into such a huge deal... |
Date: 12/4/2006 12:46:00 PM
From Authorid: 59418
Wow that sucks! I think you're thinking along the right lines though...Give them a couple of days to cool down, then confront them, even if they don't like it. You've gotta get the truth out! *Great big hugs* |
Date: 12/4/2006 12:50:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 51292
Thanks Metal Princess =] |
Date: 12/4/2006 1:00:00 PM
From Authorid: 16061
I think you just need to tell them what happened. You didnt lead this guy on but then as you said you never pushed away either and why should you as long as you are both single then I dont see a problem. Let them cool off and then tell them. |
Date: 12/4/2006 1:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 58078
People can't help who they like. Do you by any chance like him at all being you didn't push him away? Regardless you cousins are family...blood is thicker then water and eventually all will be forgiven and you guys will laugh about it years from now. Your cousin needs to hear your side of the story. Maybe you should try talking to the 3rd cousin whose teaming of with the cousin whose ex you kissed. Maybe they can be the inbetween and realized you didn't mean any hard from it at all. Mistakes happen. |
Date: 12/4/2006 1:17:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 51292
Thanks Stile, thats true that there shouldnt be so much drama over this since we are both single but sadly thats not the case. =[ |
Date: 12/4/2006 1:20:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 51292
Thanks IP, I dont really like him as anything other than a friend..i just didnt want to hurt his feelings because I know what thats like. Yeah I will probably do as you said and talk to the cousin whos in between, she doesnt seem to be as mad as the other one. Thanks a ton for your advice <3 |
Date: 12/4/2006 5:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 19345
you didn't do anything wrong and have nothing to apologize for. No one is dating each other so tell them all to back off, if you feel the need explain to them the truth. It's a shame they are putting you through this I hope things get better for you soon |
Date: 12/5/2006 5:58:00 AM
From Authorid: 35160
im sorry to hear this is happening to you hun. i hope that you all can sit down and talk about what happened and get things worked out. {{{{{{{{{{huggs}}}}}}}}}}}} |
Date: 12/6/2006 6:14:00 PM
From Authorid: 30786
I'd be pretty choked at you too if I were your cousin. You say that you don't think it's right to go after this guy, yet you kissed him. Even if your intent was good, actions speak louder than words. He didn't shove you up against the wall and force himself on you, you knew what was going to happen and you let it happen anyways. Stop making excuses for what happened, stop being the victim, and take responsibility for what you did. This guy is a free agent, he can do what he wants, but you are Family and you have a responsibility to be loyal to your family first and foremost over any guy. Apologize already! They have "teamed up" against you because (I'm assuming) they're sisters and that's what Family is Supposed to do for each other. If my cousin did this to my sister, you're darn rights I'd be standing by her side too. I know you didn't mean to hurt your cousin, but you did something that even you knew deep down on some level was not right and you need to own up to it. Even if they are no longer dating you shouldn't be getting involved with a family member's ex, some things should be more sacred than that |
Date: 12/7/2006 2:34:00 AM
From Authorid: 53634
Wow Breezy what a harsh reply. I do believe that your cousin had his time with your cousin and they called it a day, but that doesnt mean to say that you were not the right one for him. You were both single, noone has cheated and I do feel your cousins may be acting a little immature. maybe out of jelousy i dont know, but either way, you did nothing wrong and if it was a one off kiss and nothing further be it. you still did nothing wrong. |
Date: 12/7/2006 9:24:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 51292
Thanks guys..I just wish all this was over..I havent talked to either of my cousins since the night this stuff happend. Im not trying to play the victim, I know what happend was wrong..but I feel like theyve made it into more than it really was. To me family is way more important than guys..I dont think you should ever lose your family over something as petty as this. Oh and they arent sisters..we are all three cousins..LoL. =] |
Date: 12/8/2006 7:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 30786
Well Spacegal, I tell it like it is. I'm not going to sugarcoat my replies just to suit what someone wants to hear. I am not a sell out, and if someone is going to ask for advice, that's exactly what they are going to get. Does that make me harsh? Maybe, but it also makes me honest and not nearly enough people are these days. I would much rather hear someone's reply that is truthful and makes me see things from a different angle than hear from someone who tries to tell me what I want to hear; most of the time that is just a waste of my time. I truly do wish LeftBehind the best and I hope that her and her cousins can make peace and this won't happen again |