Once, when the world was still young and ancient civilizations ruled the lands and seas, a girl who was just learning the strength of her spiritual powers found a strange piece of polished metal. She was suprised to see herself in it as she picked it up, for mirrors were not very common in her village.
Her reflection mesmerized her. She took her new treasure home and placed it next to her bed. Each morning when she opened her eyes, she turned them on the mirror and each night, she closed her eyes to sleep only when she could not keep them open and staring into it. Her mother, highly suspicious of an object that could command such rapt attention, consulted the village shaman and asked her to cast a spell on the mirror. The wise shaman gave the mother a powder, and instructed her to sprinkle it on the mirror as her daughter slept. "When she awakes and looks into it, the mirror will show her a different reflection, one so horrible and disfigured that she will throw it down and break it. Then she will think the true nature of the object was evil and be glad to be rid of it." The mother agreed and slunk home with the red bag of black powder in her pocket.
Late that night as her daughter slept, the mother sprinkled the powder on the mirror as the shaman had told her. She turned to leave and as she did, she caught her reflection in the corner of her eye. She saw the magical image looking back at her and an insane smile came over her face. What wonderful thing is this, she wondered, to make me look so beautiful? Forgetting that the shaman's powder was supposed to show the viewer a horrible reflection, the mother picked up the mirror and gazed into it. Her ragged gray hair was raven black, the careworn features were sharp and clear. Her eyes, once bloodshot and rheumy, snapped blue fire in their depths. "I am so lovely, a lovely girl again. No one will take my mirror away."
She slowly walked to her daughter's bedside, gazing down at her while raising the mirror in her right hand. Rivulets of blood began to run down her arm, as she gripped the sharp mirror's edge tightly.
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