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I'm The Person...........

  Author:  62841  Category:(Discussion) Created:(9/7/2006 10:29:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1400 times)

I'm the person you see in the hallways. Alone, always in black, with her head down, trying to avoid the stares from the people. People that judge her, people that have nothing better to do, so they make her life a living hell. I'm the messed up kid that parents warn you about. Listening to the "devil's music" to block the hurtful, hate-filled comments from her peers. The one you see sit apart from everyone, because she doesn't belong. Wherever she goes, she's different, she's unwanted, misunderstood, and alone.

People wonder why she's like this. It's the peoples fault. She constantly gets hurt and wonders why is it worth taking? Her best friend is her mind, along with a piece of paper and a pen. They think she's cold-hearted, she can take the abuse they give her. She doesn't let it be shown, but it bothers her. It takes her to the point of wanting to take her own life, but do they care? No, because she is the outkast, the one that wouldn't be noticed if she was missing. I am the girl most likely to get voted "Most likely to be a mass murderer" or "Most likely to end up in a mental hospital" simply because I am different. She wonders why they do this, why she has to be the target. She's been the target her whole life, and she doesn't know why.

I'm the one you see walking in the rain because she doesn't want anyone to know she's crying. I'm the one who gives up so much of herself for everyone else to have them throw it back in her face and be treated like crap. Just because she may be "different" doesn't mean she doesn't' have feelings. She has the same feelings as you or anyone else. I'm the one you see walking through your school campus and get stuff thrown at her. I'm the one who gets tripped, hit and "accidentally" bumped into during class. I'm the one that goes home to get away from it all, only to get jumped by the neighborhood kids. That's why she stays inside, that's why she doesn't have a life. She wishes she had died in that accident, like the kids say she should have. Just because she's different doesn't mean she deserves this treatment.

If people would get to know her and actually want to be her friend they would find out she is totally opposite of what they think. But apparently being a true friend to her isn't something you're supposed to be to her. She deserves this treatment in their eyes. I'm the girl who always has bracelets or long sleeves to cover her arms. She hides them so they don't see what they do to her. The cuts are her cries of pain, of agony. They are her release. It releases the pain the anger and the sadness.

When will this madness end? How much longer must she suffer at the hands of these people? When will people realize that others have feelings like themselves? Why do the people who are different have to be the target of the "normal" people? One day she will rise above this, she knows she will. It just seems that there is no end in sight. So she continues on, taking the pain, knowing that she will overcome and they will face their punishment. For the time being, this is her life.....

© Jennifer George, 2006

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 9/7/2006 10:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 3321    Sounds like you and I would have been friends-solely because I don't think appearance dictates the person, and regardless of that I'm sure you're wonderful. I gather from this post you are in high school? Well, if that is the case, high school is awful. Horrible. And it's only 4 years. So do what you have to do to get through it, and then go to college and prosper for another 4 years at a place where you can be yourself, discover new things about yourself, and just be you and have fun doing it. Don't sweat the jerks-they're not worth it.  
Date: 9/7/2006 10:36:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62841    Yeah, Im a big bad senior now..I can't wait to get out of here, it is so messed up. Thanks for reading...
Date: 9/7/2006 10:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 3321    You'll make it. Don't worry. It is horrendous but who cares-how much of an impact will these people have 6 years from now? I was treated horribly in high school, and now I don't even look back. They have no impact on me and they don't matter to me.  
Date: 9/7/2006 10:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 62998    nobody ever really bothered me in HS, most likely it was because I was pretty big and looked like I could beat the ummm (non g-rated word here) out of them. Had hair down to my waist, wore tye dye shirts, I was hard to miss heh. Of course the story of me breaking the bathroom stall door with a kids head in Middle School didn't hurt either.  
Date: 9/7/2006 10:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 61966    Jennifer, everyone has feeling and no one deserves to be treated in this way. Those who mistreat others, probably don't even stop to think how bad it may feel. The only thing you can do is just keep being yourself, and try to stay away from the bad ones. Just keep your head up hun.   
Date: 9/7/2006 10:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 32659    Instead of writing an emoblog about your life on a website, do something about it. Fix it. Make it better. Stop blaming others and start fixing the problems of your life.  
Date: 9/7/2006 10:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 39370    I always hated school because I got treated exactly like this. But then I learned of a little thing called Karma. Just remember...what goes around comes around. The ones who did all the taunting and teasing will one day realise how bad it feels.  
Date: 9/7/2006 11:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 29532    Ignore those who mistreat you. The last year is the best year. Go through it like a bull.  
Date: 9/7/2006 11:01:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62841    I'm not "complaining" about it, I have taken steps to change it and everything, this is just how I get my emotion out, and even though this stuff has happened to me, it happens to many people, people all over. I'm also writing my observations on other people who have to go through things like that.  
Date: 9/7/2006 11:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 32659    You're not complaining about it?? You sure fooled me...  
Date: 9/7/2006 11:31:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62841    I'm not going to argue. You want to take it that way, fine, do so. I just don't feel like wasting my time in an arguement.  
Date: 9/7/2006 11:33:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62841    Thank you to everyone else though. They will get what is comming to them. For ALL the people that treat others like this  
Date: 9/7/2006 11:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 36352    I care, I really do. That was my life in middle school only my crime to them was that I was poor and my dad was the town drunk. I was spit on, tripped, beat up, had pencils thrown at my head etc. Then I went home every night to a drunk father who beat the bejesus out of my brother and I and then I spent the weekends at my Grannys being molested by my uncle. And then after my mom finally left my dad she started abusing me, mostly mentally.How I ever survived I don't know. BUt We did finally move to a school that was better and there was a guidence counsler there that took me under her wing and helped me through alot. I also stood up for myself. The main thing you need to know is that it's not you. If you where'nt there to pick on they would find someone else. It is them that have the problem. I don't condone fighting, but I finally had to pick the biggest badest one and fight back. I beat the snot out of her and none of them bothered me again. When I moved to the new school, the most popular girl who was supose to also be the toughest started in on me and I beat the crap out of her the first week I was in school, no one their ever bothered me either. Sometimes thats all you can do is show that you will defend yourself. I'm not saying pick a fight or kill anybody. I mean defend yourself. And find a guidence counsler or someone you can talk to. Much love to you sweetie. You are a very special person and there is nothing wrong with being unique.
Love and Smiles
Date: 9/7/2006 11:50:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62841    Thanks. These people who do this to me, at least, are funny. If I go up to them (most are guys) they get scared and back down, but don't mind talking and doing these things when I'm not paying attention. But whatever I will be out soon and even though I dislike that it is happening to me, I know they will get what is comming to them, and I would rather it be me, since I can defend myself, than some one else who might not be able to do the same  
Date: 9/8/2006 12:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 58416    PB I understand why you posted this story. I'm sure there are many who are going through the same. And you know what... even if you were complaining you have every right to complain whenever and wherever you want. But it's good you are taking steps for yourself. Get some encouragement and stay strong.  
Date: 9/8/2006 12:03:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62841    thank you chickywoo... im glad you see where im comming from on this  
Date: 9/8/2006 12:10:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62841    And thanks to everyone else who sees where im comming from  
Date: 9/8/2006 3:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 11341    Plain and simple, people suck! My son goes thru much of the same thing because he is different. He cant fix it as Scrabble Kid would say, and I doubt "you" are the one that needs fixing. People cut other down because they need something to make them feel better, smarter, stronger, prettier, whatever. They are the ones with the issues they cant deal with on their own, so you are their out. Pity them...Oh and even if you were complaining, you have EVERY right to!  
Date: 9/8/2006 5:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 18516    Middle School was hell for me, literally, so I can definitely relate to you. I did everything to get out of going, I was a loner mainly because the other kids wanted nothing to do with me. I was this skinny little twig who never stood up for herself. I was bullied & picked on, one girl befriended me but later on she started picking on me, calling me names, well one day on the bus ride home she had two other girls hold me down and tickle me..well the girl bullying me saw that I had a bruise on my leg and she said "I've never seen you in pain before" and mashed my bruise..I tell you had this been nowadays I would have beaten the ever-loving crap out of her. I was also picked on by this guy I had in one of my classes, I got tired of him picking on me so I picked back one day, I got up to leave the room because my bus had been called & the guy grabbed my ponytail and pulled me down to the ground. Point blank, kids are cruel. You aren't the one who needs to be "FIXED" you can't fix idiots, but you can stand up for yourself. Just remember, you'll be out of there soon.  
Date: 9/8/2006 7:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 15228    Thankfully, High school is only 4 years long. I would bet a big majority of us look back on high school and cringe. Maybe you could branch out in your color choices? I always tell my kids to stop looking inward, but begin looking outward at other people...I tell my girls when they are in a lonely situation, to look around and they will see someone else in the same boat, go up to the other kid and talk to them. My oldest daughter who is also a senior, now does this as a habit, can't tell you the number of times she has brought home lonely exchange students who barely speak English and new kids who've just moved to town...I've started my 3rd grader doing the same thing.  
Date: 9/8/2006 8:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    Cutting yourself is a really foolish thing to do.  
Date: 9/8/2006 8:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 6915    Everyone gets picked on, you just need to move on and not dwell. Maybe people don't accept you because you a) don't give them access to your true self or b) you scare them. And I say scare them because honestly I looked at your pic and you look intimidating. If I didn't know you felt like this from your post I'd assume your confident to dress and look how you want and you have everything figured out.  
Date: 9/8/2006 10:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 36352    If they where intimidated (I.E scared of her) why would they be trying to pick fights with her. And it's easy to say move on and not dwell when your not the one going through Hell every day. Trust me I've been there, you can't just get over it. It is mental abuse and it ticks me off that the schools don't put a stop to it. Trust me they know it goes on.  
Date: 9/8/2006 11:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 22681    wow. i think every single person is guilty of this in some way or another-whether it is a thought or an action. and that is really sad. im sorry you've had to go through this.  
Date: 9/8/2006 11:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 47218    hm. You dress in black and listen to "devil's music." You aren't exactly attempting to fit in, are you?  
Date: 9/8/2006 11:57:00 AM  From Authorid: 63194    I have read a mirror image of this before somewhere a few years ago. I agree with some parts of it, but other parts dont make sense to me because alot the things (dressing in black) are things i see alot of people doing. Infact, I went to a school where people in dark clothing were the majority. To think, the few of us made the rest of the school depresseD?  
Date: 9/8/2006 11:59:00 AM  From Authorid: 63194    The first step in getting over alcoholism is to admit that you are an alcoholic. If you can write this and point out exactly what you are doing as a reaction -( "Listening to the "devil's music" to block the hurtful, hate-filled comments from her peers" ) then it is easy to get over. Those who do not know why they are doing this or that to ease the pain are the people that have a problem that needs to be solved. I agree with what Mollycat said.  
Date: 9/8/2006 1:31:00 PM  ( Admin )   Some comments have been removed due to bad content.
Date: 9/8/2006 4:28:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62841    Its not devils music, that is just how people see it because they aren't into the same type of music.. they are all into the hip hop and rap and all those, and im not putting them down, but just because my music is different doesn't mean its devils music like they say. And no i dont wear black lipstick every day.... those are just days when i feel like it, which are rare. ANd like i said before, its not ALL me, it is also my observations of other people going through it as well  

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