with slight regret, heels spill through gutter-gaps on her way to work. she sucks on cysts and apricot skin, and spits out old eyelashes. amber un-tacks shopping lists plus seven men from her fridge at the start of each month. she buys new dresses with store cards and smashes cups on the kitchen floor. amber does not like: 1) postcards, 2) hugs, or 3) thermal coats. she holds a cannonball to her stomach.
amber has decided to die within the next two years. she laughs when I cry so the obese words sit in my voice box like a bad joke. she unloads her moods onto ferris wheels, watches them all the way around while I hear fire alarms and hold out my arms.
she does not wear her contacts everyday so I care for her through binoculars and trips on my lifeboat. we bypass the North Atlantic of our bloodstreams, pluck out a skyfuls of stars with our front teeth and inhale them for good health. amber's heart is a submarine, engineers inside do not help anymore, red cell, white cell,
...prison cell she likes to submerge her lungs in salt and lick the oxygen from her skull, she will not come home until she gags on a bottle of port, yanks it back from chemical lips and says 'I'm ready'. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 58334 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .