lonely summer days warm breeze across my face trees dancing in the wind watching the clouds roll on by just watching....
nothing else to do much ado about nothing absolutly nothing ado
aimlessly wondering within my mind cloudy days are clearer than my mind rainy days dryer than my soul drenched with nothing
I ponder thoughts so many never few about life death and the limbo I am in between
as of now its empty spiritless so lost
maybe if I were one of the many clouds above my world light fluffy always moving and changing pretty to look at making someones day brighter by being whatever you can imagine I am from what I really am
if I were I could touch the sky travel over the world below capturing innocence for once again in my life
I could be so far above that everything below would be just a speck a small dot in the world of confusions a look from a higher perspective above
sort out the roads from the flowing rivers from a clouds eye veiw I could float through a day and silently pass over the night with no cares or worries
as I float on by
if I were I could see you now laying there on the soft green grass shaded by the trees
your arms lazily lain across your chest eyes squinting in the suns bright glare relaxed with you juice bottle at your side
laying there
staring up at me watching me float across the sky seeing all the shapes I take on smiling with pureness within your heart watching the sky float on by
maybe I could dance for a while streatch my wings and fly anything you can see me be
and if there were a ray of light shining through me I would make it into a stairway so you could walk up to my cloud and sit a while and see what i can from my point of veiw
the world below and how all troubles are small when you sit high everything just a speck where troubles drift by and only a moment exists
and we sit
and smile how perfect it is to float in the sky You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 16164 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .