Well, once again we are on the road. This time though we are not quite sure where we are headed.
On Wednesday, we dropped our trailer at my sister's house, loaded our bags on the truck, and took off for Birmingham. We stayed the night in a hotel there, and got up early on Thursday and went to the airport.
At 6:45 Thursday morning, we were on a plane for Dallas/Ft. Worth. By 9:20, we had changed planes and were on our way to Sacramento, CA. We got to Sacramnto about 11 AM, and by 1:30 we were sitting at my daughter's in Manteca, between Stockton and Modesto.
At 6:00 this morning, we got on the interstate and began driving. For anyone that has ever driven through north central California, it is flat. You can look off in the distance and see hills and mountains, but they are way off. Suddenly though, ahead of us, we saw a snow covered mountain. As we got closer we realized it was Mt. Shasta. We changed drivers so I could take pictures as we drove, and soon found ourselves crossing into Oregon.
Up and down hills and mountains, as well as around them, and we suddenly realized we had reached a town named Roseburg. That was when we remembered that someone had mentioned some kind of get together this weekend not far from here.
Well, we are now in a motel, MsPriss is freshening up, and when she is done, we are going to try and find a place to buy a cooler, some stuff to cook with, and about 25 pounds of meat and some charcoal.
Looking in our bags, we realized for some reason we had packed about 10 pounds of hickory, and a bunch of spices. Since I have all this stuff to cook with, I think we will try to find out where this get together is, and go up there and cook them some old fashioned southern style barbeque. Someone told us that it was near a town called Glide, at some place called Wolf Creek campgound.
We are not sure who is supposed to be there, but some of the names that were mentioned were a couple named George and Ginger, and some other people with nicknames like Akua Tuta, Dark Crow, Dina, Ultima, and a bunch more.
Anyhow, someone mentioned some surprise guests that were supposed to be there. I haven't a clue who they were talking about, but since we are here, we may as well find out. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 47296 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .