In the beggining I seen my fate, through the years it ate away at me, slowly breaking my very mind, ive seen good and bad and all inbetween, but long ago i felt more , then just this calm cold sadness, though now to feel it would only confuse me, for I have forgotten what such things feel like, I have caged myself within my own twisted dieing mind, so that i could survive and continue to live, for those very few who would miss me, though as in the beginning shall it be in the end, once those I love have passed away, unto the nothingness of oblivion, I shall cover myself in gasoline, light my zippo...cut my throat, and as the pain of it takes me, my lit zippo drops to the gas soaked ground, just as the flames begin to consume my flesh, with both hands and my blade, I pierce my burning chest, leaving behind nothing but ashen dust and bone, freedom if only for a moment, I have deserved I have won, but it will begin again, in balance the end is the beggining, so it never truly ends...
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .