I haven't posted a story in a long time, but I had to get this off my chest.
Belgium has made it to the international press once again. And not from its best side.
10 years after what we belgians have started calling 'the Dutroux era', once again 2 little girls of 7 and 10 were taken from a market place almost 3 weeks ago and found dead in a pit near a railway track in Liege.
The girls disappeared without a trace in the night of 9th to 10th June. Their parents were drinking in a bar near de place they were playing. At 2 (!) in the morning, the (steph)mother noticed that the girls were no longer playing on the stage which was set up in front of the cafe. A search by the police, a lot of news reports and posters with their pictures lead to nowhere. One guy was arrested 4 days after the girls were taken, he had been in jail for abusing a minor and was not found in his house. Witnesses had seen him near the cafe round the time the where the girls were taken. He was arrested but denied every involvement in the case of the missing girls. He even had an alibi, but police recon he had 4 days to find one, so he was held in custody (he still is).
Today then, Nathalie and Stacey were found dead near a railway track, about 20 m apart from eachother in some kind of draining canal. That location had been searched before, but nothing was found. The bodies are probably flushed into that location after heavy rainfall in Liege.
Police now hope to find traces of the murderer (because it was clear that they were murdered) on the body. An authopsy will hopefully tell which monster has done this.
2 questions are burning on peoples lips : a)which mother leaves 2 little children play in the streets at 2 in the morning ? b) who did it and why ?
Strange thing also : today a dutch news paper received an anonymous letter in which a detailed description and map was given about the finding location of the bodies of the girls. Police is investigating where this letter may have come from. It was written in dutch, altho the place where Stacey and Nathalie disappeared lies in the french speaking part of Belgium.
My heart goes out to the girls. I truly hope they didn't have to suffer before they died....
This is the third time in about 3 months that our country is shaken with useless violence. A couple of months ago, a 17 year old boy was stabbed to death in a Brussels' train station because he did not want to hand over his MP3 player, and last week a man was beaten to death on a bus in Antwerp because he wanted to calm down a group of 6 youngsters who were to loud.
I wonder where all this is going to. I know that in the States these things happen every day and they shouldn't. Over here tho, these kinds of violence are rather rare thank God.
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