You want to believe, so hard that things are not as bad as they seem that success is within Everyman's reach a moth drawn to the flame of industry success burns, battering, fluttering moving in futile patterns, beating against the light Everyman reaches, like an orphan in the night for a hand no longer there and he cries in grief, not for the here not for the now but for the Was, the Could Haves the Would Have Beens 'til even that lies forgotten all pain drowned at the bottom of his cups Who is Everyman - my captive moth drawn with no thought for true consequences only to fulfill a vicious cycle so monstrous in proportion nothing so small as an insect can fathom nothing so small as a boy just turned eleven with icy hands so brittle if he rapped them too hard against the brick of a city building his fingers might
in the end, we all burn we are the chaff we are the cattle in the end, we all freeze
success beats on fragile wings
-- I read the book "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair, about the meat packing industry around the 1900's. This poem kind of..came out of my reaction to it.
Really good book, by the way, but I don't recommend reading it if you get easily queasy..
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