Date: 6/3/2006 3:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 11341
The sad thing is alot of this doesnt stop after high school or even college. Pick your friends wisely is my best advice. Good Luck hun!  |
Date: 6/3/2006 3:34:00 PM
From Authorid: 61920
I know how you feel. I'm also in high school. If I were you, I'd simply just ignore those people and focus on other things.  |
Date: 6/3/2006 3:36:00 PM
From Authorid: 49763
I know what you're talking about Little Jung nothing good ever come of school drama. There are always a few people that want to be in the "IN" crowd and its amazing how fast they will turn on friends or the stuff they do to be just a little more popular. Concentrate on your studies and people you know to be true friends it's almost summer then you get a break from it all lol *HUGE HUGS* ~~  |
Date: 6/3/2006 4:10:00 PM
From Authorid: 16061
thats life, you will always meet people like this were ever you go. choose your friends wisely.  |
Date: 6/3/2006 4:11:00 PM
From Authorid: 63743
This drama is evreywhere so the best you can do it's don't let it get the best of you. You know who your true friend is, and if you don't remember that USM it's always here for you to hear you and advice you (if we can). and remember that all there is in this world it's to improve and keep growing which way you do it it's your choice and if you don't want to be like this "fake friends" or be part of them you don't have to.  |
Date: 6/3/2006 4:14:00 PM
From Authorid: 39043
I know exactly what your talking about. I went through the exact same thing when i was in highschool which was 7 yrs ago (wow im old lol) anyway, Im a lot like u i trust pple way to easily..but the difference btwn me and u is im an idiot and kept giving them a nother chance and another and another and so forth until i FINALLY got out of highschool and i smarten up real quick. Sad thing is it doesnt stop after highschool. Im not really friends with my friends from highschool either..we talk if we see each other out but that is about it.. wish there was a way to stop the drama but i sure haven't found away yet!!  |
Date: 6/3/2006 4:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 49091
This was EXACTLY how I was in myy fresh year. I now cant stand girls. I have a LOT of guy friends and 3 girls friends. I cant stand the drama girls start. The backstabing, lieing, fake behaviors that girls out on now days is sick. Im glad ur being ur own person n not falling into it. Stay strong girlie, I hate to say it but it only gets worse. The more u believe in urself the more ull be able to get away from these girls and find some friends that are on the same wave length as u.  |
Date: 6/3/2006 5:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 46486
omg i know!! i've been the same way. i don't trust ANYONE.  |
Date: 6/3/2006 5:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 19682
I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. It is a mess. I see it in adult people too. My daughter got taken at Christmas with gifts she bought for all these girls.
My daughter has become a loner, which is not good, but at the same time why waste time with self-centered brats.  |
Date: 6/3/2006 8:17:00 PM
From Authorid: 37843
this is why my best friends are guys. guys aren't into the whole drama thing, and if they don't like you most of them will let u know. good luck  |
Date: 6/4/2006 3:45:00 AM
From Authorid: 50249
Understand you completely. I have been in your shoes before. It hurts when you trust someone, and then, that someone betrays you or stabs you on the back. Don't stop believing or trusting people, though. Not everyone is like that. Just be more careful next time and try to have your eyes open. Intuition and experience can help you tell who is a big hypocrite. Good luck and God bless!  |
Date: 6/4/2006 9:09:00 AM
From Authorid: 33401
I feel the same, just three more years of it and hopefully it will be over. *hugs* love,  |
Date: 6/5/2006 12:12:00 AM
From Authorid: 18516
That's people for you. I have major trust issues because of people like that. Don't trust anyone 100%. And keep anything you don't want spread around to yourself. I can't stand catty females and the drama that comes with them. I don't have the time for immature petty crap. Do your own thing & be your own person, forget about everyone else. Hopefully those brats will grow out of that stupid stage.  |
Date: 6/5/2006 2:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 16069
Thats just life. Some grow out of it, some do not.  |