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Date: 5/12/2006 9:52:00 AM
From Authorid: 54461
We must not forget, that there is a trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. The most high (The Father) does not live in houses made by men, but his Holy Spirit lives in [US!] Our bodies. The moment Jesus Christ is our Lord, the Holy spirit is then present. The holy spirit could very well be what 2 Chr 7:12,16 is referring too. Always question, its good, but never doubt. God has a answer for everything. I know I am not very well educated in the Old Testament, so sorry I couldnt help as much as you wanted. Im sure others will come along and answer. ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 10:04:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
Good explaining for the second one how about the first one. He speaks of a temple. Not the body of the guy., ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 10:39:00 AM
From Authorid: 7830
Some believe (as I do myself) that Satan influenced some of the writings in the bible, thats why the bible has so many contradictions. ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 10:41:00 AM
From Authorid: 7830
here's a great link about gospels that arent in the bible. theres a list at the bottom of the page where you can read them. http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/gnostics.html ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 11:24:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
so satan wrote in the bible that slavery was okay? ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 11:50:00 AM ( SD-Admin )
I find no Contradictions in the bible. We do have to remember there is a New testament and an Old one.![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 11:51:00 AM
From Authorid: 36704
There are no Biblical contradictions, please do not let people lead you astray. ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 12:01:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
Can you post the creation... Gen 1 and Gen 2 please... ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 12:06:00 PM
From Authorid: 52155
Context, context, context. ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 12:14:00 PM
From Authorid: 7830
There are plenty of biblical contradictions, all you have to do is read it inbiased. If you have a set idea of what its supposed to say, given to you by teachings of other people, then you wont read it clearly. Yes I beluieve satan put in the bible that slavery was ok. Jesus would have never condoned slavery, and anything that goes against teachings of forgiveness, love thy neighbor, etc etc is NOT from the Lord Jesus, but from an evil entity known as Satan, please do not let people lead you astray. ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 2:05:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
Isnt there a time contradiction in Gen 1 and 2 from when he created adam? ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 2:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 7830
There are men and women created on the sixth day, and then on the eigth day it goes on to either describe more thoroughly about the creation, or it describes a totally different man (adam) being created. I dont buy the "more thorough description" reasoning, because when Adam and Eve were created they werent told to be fruitful and multiply, as the men and and women created on the 6th day. That's something that Jesus hasnt revealed to me yet, so I cant give a defenite answer on this. ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 7:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 19613
It wouldn't really matter if there were contradictions in Genesis. It seems pretty obvious to me that those stories weren't meant to be taken literally. ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 10:39:00 PM
From Authorid: 52155
Shai, how can the Bible be Gods word if it is (even in part) inspired by Satan? ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2006 10:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 52155
as for the orginal question, there are no Bible contridictions, just misintrepretations from lack of our own understanding. Thus the need to really dig into the Bible to figure out what is beign said, who it is being said to, and what purpose was intended for it being said. Looking at the orginal launguages helps a ton when looking at what is being said. ![]() |
Date: 5/13/2006 12:32:00 AM
From Authorid: 34912
Satan did have an influence on the Gospels and I think credit is due him. For example, in Mark 1![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/13/2006 12:50:00 AM
From Authorid: 34912
you know, there's just too many to list. But Satan did have an influence on the Gospels. ![]() |
Date: 5/13/2006 9:25:00 AM
From Authorid: 52155
ahhhh, good point PS ![]() |
Date: 5/13/2006 11:28:00 AM
From Authorid: 3125
"I know theres a passage in the bible that says that you are allowed to sell your daughter.. which one is it?"..You are probably thinking of Ex 21![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/13/2006 11:30:00 AM
From Authorid: 3125
"the bible was incomplete, that it was missing some books from different poeple"..'IF' the Bible is missing any books, they would all teach the same things as the books that are included in the Bible, so what difference would it make if some were missing? We are given all that God requires of us in the books that are in the Bible, so that we are without excuse if we choose to ignore them. ![]() |
Date: 5/13/2006 11:42:00 AM
From Authorid: 3125
"have chosen this place for myself *as a temple of sacrifices*".. God chose the temple that Solomon built as a temple where people could go to offer sacrifices as God had commanded. God's spirit is among those who are in accordance with His Word. In Matt 18![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/13/2006 12:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
Isnt there a time contradiction in Gen 1 and 2 from when He created Adam? There is no time contradiction in Gen 1 & Gen 2. Gen 1 is an introduction to God as the Creator of all things and it gives us history of creation. Gen 2 is a summary of creation which leads immediately to the creation of man whom God created the universe for. ![]() |
Date: 5/13/2006 4:29:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
QUOTE: "Looking at the original language helps a ton......". In discussions with respect to the Bible's validity and meaning of verses (exegesis), apologists often say, "But you have to go to the original Greek and Hebrew to determine the meaning of words and phrases in order to see what the author meant." The implication, of course, is that if you don't know Greek and Hebrew, you can't really understand the Bible. There are several flaws in this tactic, however. To begin with, an apologist correctly stated: "With the various revised versions at hand, with an analytical concordance, with reliable commentaries, and with the help of dictionaries of the Bible language, the reader need not know Greek and Hebrew to verify the original meaning of a given passage. He has in his mother tongue the means whereby he may determine the correctness of most of the obscure translations." (Bible Difficulties, by W. Arndt, p. 20). Robert Ingersoll also made an appropriate observation in this regard: "It has been contended for many years that no one could pass judgement on the veracity of scripture who did not understand Hebrew. This position was perfectly absurd. No man needs to be a student of Hebrew to know the shadow on the dial did not go back several degrees..." (Ingersoll's Works, Vol. 11, p.297-98). But equally important is the fact that returning to the "original" Greek and Hebrew doesn't really solve the problem, because thoroughly knowledgeable Greek and Hebrew scholars often can't agree on the translation of many words and phrases. They not only can't agree on the best translation of many terms, but they can't agree on which manuscripts are the best reproductions of the non-existent original manuscripts and, thus, which manuscripts the translations should come from. To make matters worse, they can't agree as to the authorship of many books in the Bible or when they were written. Disputes in these matters are never-ending and often boring. All of this disagreement has given rise to the many versions of the Bible that currently exist. Which is the best version? Who knows? They ALL claim validity; they all came from Greek and Hebrew scholars, often teams of individuals; and they disagree on significant points. For example, what is the correct translation of Isaiah 7:14? Should it say a "virgin" or a "young woman"? What is the correct translation of Luke 2:43? Does it say, "Joseph and his mother" (KJV) or does it say, "His parents did not know it" (RSV)? The distinction is crucial because the KJV implies a virgin birth, while the RSV shows a natural birth. To further complicate the problem, some manuscripts, which are felt by some scholars to be accurate reproductions of the originals (the autographa,) don't even include many verses in most current versions of the Bible. For example, some of the most ancient authorities don't even have the last 12 verses of Mark, which are quite important to critics of the Bible's validity.![]() |
Date: 5/13/2006 4:36:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
These are only some of the major problems one will encounter if he thinks returning to the Greek and Hebrew will resolve problems. If there WERE ANY UNITY among the scholars, this would be a wholly viable approach. But one need only compare the KJV with the RSV to see that it's still a matter of selecting whom you wish to believe. Any true believer in the Bible is really placing his bets and hoping for the best when he chooses a version. Apologists try their best to put a gloss of confidence over the whole situation. They confidently assure their followers that the latter are getting the truth straight from God's mouth, that there is nothing to worry about, they are receiving the words of God as originally written. Because there are so many versions today shows scholars can't agree. Any layman walking into a bookstore to buy a version can only guess and take his chances. Anyone trying to reconcile the Living Bible(LB), the RSV, or the NWT with the KJV, for example, is destined for a migraine. Before one can discuss the Bible's validity , there must first be agreement as to WHICH version is to be discussed. ![]() |
Date: 5/13/2006 5:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
I speak from experience..If any person is interested in doing God's will and will seek Him with all their heart, God will, as He has promised, give them understanding of His Word. No one needs to learn other languages in order to understand what God's will is for them. ![]() |
Date: 5/14/2006 2:26:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
Thank you for your post the thinker.. its the info I was asking for. And why do poeple read the bible if its been written by the devil. I mean its riduculous.. the main bible today was all written by apostles... so they were posessed at some point.. I dont think that has nothing to do with the contradictions.. I think yes.. the language barrier of the true text must be the reason.. thank you again for osting thinker.. Its a breathe of fresh air. ![]() |
Date: 5/14/2006 5:55:00 AM
From Authorid: 24924
Quote: "I know theres a passage in the bible that says that you are allowed to sell your daughter...Which one is it?" There are several, but perhaps this one you're thinking of? http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/lewis/lewun02.htm#CHAP5 Scroll down to the story of Dinah, who was the daughter of Leah. (Leah was the un bargained for and unwanted wife that Jacob was tricked into taking by Laban the father of both Rachel and Leah). There are many stories of lust, incest, infidelity, rape, polygamy and prostitution in the Bible. From "The Bible Unmasked" by Joseph Lewis. Would anyone reading these stories come away from it all and just say that "The devil wrote them"? Maybe....maybe...I suppose one could say that if they do not wish to deal with the reality of what the Bible REALLY is all about. ![]() |
Date: 5/14/2006 10:30:00 AM
From Authorid: 3125
Thinker..And what would you expect to find in a book which teaches against the unrighteousness of mankind? Who do you think were (and are still) guilty of committing such acts as lust, incest, infidelity, rape, polygamy and prostitution? The answer is PEOPLE! The Bible tells us the terrible wrongs that people are very capable of doing. God condemns any such acts and He pleads with mankind to cease such nonsense and to be the righteous people that He created them to be. The Bible is not a science book, a math book, etc, but it is a book that instructs us in righteousness and condemns the immorality of mankind, so of course there are MANY passages showing the indecencies of mankind. It is PEOPLE who act like the devil. ![]() |
Date: 5/14/2006 12:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
Rusure, Nice bit of apologetics ya got there, but it don't fly. Seeing as how many of the perpretators of such heinous acts were carried out by the much touted scions of godliness and those who are pointed to as being examples of God's favorites. Would you like some more examples with the naming of names? Besides, this post is about contradictions, is it not? And all that "Thou shalt not.." business in the Bible is directly contradicted by the very shenanigans of many of those whom God allegedly gave the commandments to. Furthermore, if there was any such "pleads with mankind to cease such nonsense and to be the righteous " immediately AFTER such stories, then you might have a point ...maybe. Oh, and there is nothing in the Bible about trickery, deceit and LYING. Nothing about equality, freedom of thought and speech; nothing about women having rights or women being equals. Face it: The Bible times were nothing but enslavment, subjugation , abuse and degradation of women. And, Do not tell me that an OMNI "god" could not have gotten across his "pleas for rightousness" in any other way either. That is S T R E A T C H I N G apologetics to the outer limits. ![]() |
Date: 5/14/2006 5:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
"Besides, this post is about contradictions, is it not?" ummm..Since when did the subject of a post really matter to you? ![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/14/2006 5:06:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
Thinker, If you and people like you would study the Bible with the attitude of trying to understand what it really does teach, instead of looking for any little thing that can be used to justify your perconceived ideas and misunderstanding, then you wouldn't be so negative and show ignorance regarding what the Bible does teach. When I visit most of those sites on the internet or read material where the author is attempting to 'unmask' the Bible or to prove contradictions, etc, I don't know if I should laugh or cry. The authors of such things don't realize just how much their ignorance of God's Word is showing through. They have no idea what the passage below really mean and they cannot know. To know that the chances are that they will never know because they refuse to seek is what makes me so very sad. ![]() |
Date: 5/14/2006 5:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
1 Cor 2![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/14/2006 8:10:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
You're "teaching" what you BELIEVE to be true. What You believe; what you have FAITH to be true. You make pronouncements; statements of belief; statements of faith. Simple rhetoric based upon the idea that "truth" is a matter of pronouncement, "above" or "beyond" man's scrutiny. When I read the scriptures; I do not in any way do it as your strawman assertion makes: "with preconceived and misunderstanding" . I do not need special membership or "holy spirit" to tell me what my eyes see and my thinking mind can figure out. You forget that I used to be exactly like you. I thought the same things and said the same things with regards to anyone who didn't believe or take things on blind faith. If scripture commands one thing here, but then condemns the same thing in another book/chapter/verse; For EXAMPLE ![]() Out of one side of his mouth, the Jesus of the New Testament railed upon his followers that to call someone a fool would put them in danger of Hell's fire. But then almost immediately afterward he called people fools, simply for disagreeing with him (or so the Bible says))))); And if it portrays a Jesus that is unlike the candy-coated one I learned about in Sunday School ----ah, well, then to you I must not be "interpreting the scripture properly" or because it is "only discernable to the believer" and thus God don't reveal anything of "truth" to anyone UNLESS they FIRST believe and have faith. What's that about reading with "preconceived ideas" again? And, just WHO is it that has these preconceived ideas...again? ![]() |
Date: 5/14/2006 8:35:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
Quote: "If you and people like you would study the Bible with the attitude of trying to understand what it really does teach,...." EXCUSE ME! It is precisely the fact that I DID study the Bible with the attitude of trying to understand WHAT IT REALLY DOES teach/say, (as opposed to what I WANTED it to say), and not with any preconceived ideas, that eventually led me to atheism. That fact is something you do not understand. Let me ask you something. When you flat-out take "God's" word for something, How do you even know it is "God's" word without making some sort of judgement or interpretation as to whether an alleged Scripture is really from "God" and not mere pretence (Deut. xviii. 20-22)? And if you are, in fact, making some sort of judgement or interpretation as to whether a given Scripture in the Bible; the Koran; the Hindu holy book, etc. , whether it is or is not the "word of "God," then how do you differ from ME, an atheist in this respect? How do you differ from an atheist who is making judgement calls or interpretations on virtues and moral principles and the rightness or wrongness of certain behaviors? ??You're NOT any different; you just claim special treatment; or special discernment; special revealation "from God" or the "holy spirit" (whatever that is). And, you know what... If I believed in a god, my concept of a god would be much MUCH higher, much more moral than this jealous, petty, angry and evil god that IS described in the Bible. ![]() |
Date: 5/15/2006 5:29:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
The bible is a guideline, a moral written by men to excuse themselves from doing atrocities. Like the burning of what they called witches..who were all mostly midwives..ANYWAYS, a lot of poeple dont beleive in ghost BUT they beleive in god the devil angels ect.. why is that, because they say its not possible. And when something happens that they cant explain, they say God did it. Did you guys know that Poeple in Sri Lanka say that they are under the wrath of god.. and this was only a tropical storm caused by the solar influx.(read about how waves are formed..google it.) I respect people opnions here and everyone is entitled to it. But knowledge is power. There is a reasong for all of this.. Like for exemple when Moise passed the Red sea.. findings say that it was indeed the Reed see and a low tide happen when they had to cross.. but that tide happens every year in western. I will get more info on this to prove my point. But anyways, the bible is Not the word of god but the word of the poeple. So there is contridictions and who knows wich is real or not.. I heard of a lot of poeple that read the bible and turned atheist. I just want to test this theory, who here read the whole bible cover to cover.. not skipping. Just read it all.. not parts? ![]() |
Date: 5/15/2006 11:02:00 AM
From Authorid: 3125
Miss Mlila, You are entitled to your opinions and beliefs just as anyone else, but I strongly disagree with you. Unless you have known God through His Spirit, then nothing I can say will change your mind. It all amounts to this.. We will all know the truth at the end of our life here on earth. ![]() |
Date: 5/15/2006 11:09:00 AM
From Authorid: 3125
"I just want to test this theory, who here read the whole bible cover to cover.. not skipping. Just read it all.. not parts?" Anyone can 'read' the Bible from cover to cover. The problem comes when they don't 'study' the Bible. It is not impressive to read the Bible from cover to cover without understanding what one is reading, but it is impressive to study the Bible by subjects to understand what is being taught. Unfortunately, many do not study for themselves, but they rely on what some others think they know and teach. ![]() |
Date: 5/15/2006 2:21:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
but your not answering my question...have you read the whole thing? ![]() |
Date: 5/16/2006 9:02:00 AM
From Authorid: 3125
MM, Yes I have read the entire Bible several times. In 30+ years I have also studied each book of the Bible. ![]() |
Date: 5/16/2006 9:31:00 AM
From Authorid: 52155
I have read the entire bible, and am not an atheist. ![]() |
Date: 5/16/2006 10:29:00 AM
From Authorid: 3125
^^![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/16/2006 12:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 52155
I have also read "See Spot Run" and didn't turn into a dog. ![]() |
Date: 5/16/2006 9:12:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
LOL again..Stop already! ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 5:36:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
Why did some books got left out of the bible? Why did these apocrypha, which may have been written around the time of early christendom, get ommited? Who decided what is the word of God and what isn't?![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 2:52:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
Ms Mlila, I think you'll definitely find a lot of answers to that here: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/larry_taylor/canon.html#ot-apocrypha ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 2:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
Some more Contradictions: GOD prohibits adultery (Exod. 20:14) and then instructs Hosea to marry a harlot (Hos. 1 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 5:06:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
Thinker, As I have said before, You and those like you, have no understanding of what you read in God's Word. You keep showing your ignorance of God's Word by spreading your garbage and it would be very time comsuming to pay attention to each one of the passages you quote in order to show you just how little you do understand. Between you and the Fred Phelps bunch, I don't know which one of you cause more harm.. You by spreading your hate as an atheist and through misunderstandings or Fred Phelp's bunch in the name of God?? ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 5:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
Hosea 1![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 5:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
God calls Himself the husband of Israel; and this chosen nation owed Him the fidelity of a wife. Deut 31:16 And the LORD said unto Moses, Behold, thou shalt sleep with thy fathers; and this people will rise up, and go *a whoring after the gods* of the strangers of the land, whither they go to be among them, *and will forsake me.. God said to Israel..Isa 54:5 For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel. Jer 3![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 5:28:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
Christ also calls His Church His bride..Rev 21![]() ![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 5:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
As I said, I could take each passage you gave and show just how much you do not understand what you read, but it really would be very time consuming. BTW, I see the same lists of supposed contradictions on many of the atheist sites. Could it be that you are believing what some others are saying, or do you actually try to read and understand what God is saying yourself? I doubt very much that you do the latter. Anyway, Because many others rely on others to tell them what God says and they believe it, instead of reading for themselves and asking God to help them to understand, that is why we see so many false teachers out there... "Let the blind lead the blind and they all will fall in a ditch" ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 6:08:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
Rusure, your anger and outrage is sorely misapplied here. Why not just state YOUR opinion, or refutation or evidence, whatever. Why do you have to say that MY opinions, or MY material offered is "spreading hate and garbage"?? You have your opinion, I have mine. My mind (or anyone else seeking truth) is capable of being changed through effective discourse, which would include BACKING UP YOUR CLAIMS WITH EVIDENCE. If you did so effectively, it would actually change my mind. I do not appreciate your insinuation that just because I have an opinion, I am therefore close minded, ignorant and rely on others, or am "spreading hate & garbage". Lady, you realize the IRONY in your charges there with your assertions about me!?? Do you realize you busted the irony meter with that outburst?? No. I don't think so. Sister, you're only preaching to the choir here. Believe me. Those of us (millions) who spent some long, painful years coming out from under the spell of organized religion; those of us who are still suffering at the hands of people still in the grips; and those of us who believe in honest and truthfulness ABOVE all else, well, we are quite used to the faithful flock getting all het up and riled at us speaking about what we have uncovered; what we have learned OURSELVES. There is not one single solitary statement about anything of the Bible that I did not check out, read, and with using my intelligence.....figure out MYSELF. Sorry, but you're showing YOUR ignorance and hatred. Like I said, you bust the irony meter when you go talking about atheist spreading "hate". You have no freaking idea what hatred is until you go up against a die-hard, born again, Bible literalist! I could write a book. And someday I will . You do not know what hate really means. Many religious folks talk about "love thy neighbor" Love your enemies, love love love" out of one side of their mouth, but oh my word, if that neighbor or enemy is a non-believer, then it is Katy-bar-the-door and all reason , all "love" flies right out the window. I'm not pulling this out of my kazoo. I see it; I hear it; I witness it everyday; and I FEEL it. So, excuse me if I tell you that your accusing me of hatred means absolutely nothing to me. Your preaching to the choir. Thats all. ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 7:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
You can and DO interpret , or rather: add words or meanings to what it says in order to have it make sense to YOU. And you DO let church leaders interpret for you. Very few would come to the conclusion you did all on their very own! An ALMIGHTY....OMNI- god would not have had such a confusing, mish-mash of what appears to be the rambling thoughts or words of the cultural mores of that time. It is not possible. It says nothing about any "spiritual" this and "spiritual" that. Nothing about any "fit symbol". Hosea took "Go'mer" daughter of Dib'la-im, and bore a son and this son was called "Jez're-el. Then Chapter 2 goes on about all sorts of degrading stuff about about the children and not having mercy on them. and destruction that would follow this woman, on and on and on and everywhere it references to women...degrading, lewd and very much befitting the macho MALE mindset of those times. Give me a break! ANYONE can interpret anything they want to out of that whole jibberish in the one chaper alone. An almighty "god" authored or said those words, or inspired those words??? ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 7:22:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
And by golly, in Exodus 20:14 it says: "Thou shalt not commit adultery" but then in the Hosea chapters tells him to take an adulteress/a harlot for a wife. It does not say anything about her being a "fit symbol" . bleh. Apologetics....of the Josh McDowell type I'm afraid. ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 7:30:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
ALL THAT>>>>>> "Christ also calls His Church His bride..Rev 21 ![]() ![]() Talking snakes, walking on water, dead people coming back to life, witches, parting of the sea, burning bushes, etc.; sounds so Harry Potterish, no? ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 8:44:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
"you DO let church leaders interpret for you".. Sheesh Thinker! There are NO church leaders here to tell me what to say! And.. yours is the FIRST time I have ever seen such a lack of understanding of what is being said and why in Hosea 1 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/17/2006 8:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 3125
OK Thinker..After reading the following, I have changed my mind. "SOUNDS and reads just like a whole bunch of MYTHICAL hoo-ha from countless other dreams/myths and what not. Not unlike all the other tales of magical, mystical, Talking snakes, walking on water, dead people coming back to life, witches, parting of the sea, burning bushes, etc.; sounds so Harry Potterish".. Forget it!! I refuse to throw pearls to the swine! ![]() |
Date: 5/18/2006 9:33:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
*leaves paxil on the floor and backs away slowly* Thank you for your comments.. ![]() |
Date: 5/18/2006 10:38:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
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Date: 5/18/2006 9:49:00 PM
From Authorid: 16671
I've read alot of the comments here, and many that will confuse you. Rusure has some very good comments that are right on as well as does Base. I was not christian until I turned 35 years old, I've read the bible several times from page one to the very last page and no reading the bible did not make me an athesist. I do not believe as some do that satan wrote parts of the bible. As clearly the bible tells us that it was written by men UNDER the inspirtion of the holy spirit. NOTICE the KEY WORDS HOLY SPIRIT, not satan. satan is clearly in the bible one can look it up. God tells us that satan comes to kill, steal and destroy. YOU have to remember that the bible has two parts old and new testament. It would take more then a few comments to explain the whys or why nots of the bible to you. You best thing is to read it for yourself. You also have to understand that in the beginning is a LONG time ago and customs and laws were very much different at those times. So of Course God addressed those laws, trying to make them better instead of the worse that they were. If you truely want an understanding of the bible there are many people here at usm that can help you IF YOU really want help. They are Eddo, rusure, king caspin,base,myself, woodself,just to name a few. Msg them for the help you need. What you choose to believe is up to you. ONLY you can make up your mind to know the truth about the bible and discern the lies that other people tell you. ![]() |
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