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I don't know what to do anymore. -x-Ashley-x-

  Author:  23101  Category:(General Advice) Created:(4/13/2006 11:25:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1446 times)

Hey guys.

So, I have this friend who is mucho spoiled. She gets anything and everything she wants from her parents, and she doesn't have to work for anything. She has no responsibilities or anything. Going hand in hand with that, she has no morals or values whatsoever.

She doesn't treat me good at all, and I'm tired of it. I got into a fight with her a little while ago, and all through that when I was trying to tell her how I don't like the way she was treating me, she played the dumb act like she didn't know what I was talking about, told me she didn't treat me that way, or told me it was my fault.

We went to the Fall Out Boy concert for her birthday and last minute she tells me I need to bring money for dinner, I got that handled, luckily. But then we get to the concert and her mom drops us off, now I didn't know this was going to be a problem because I had never been to a concert, and my understanding was that her mom would come along because when I was talking with my friend she said she had to purchase another ticket for her mom because she had given too many out. Well, I was scared to death, it was really fun but I was still mucho scared. haha. Not to mention when I got home, my mom was not happy that her mom didn't come along.

When I confronted my friend about this, she again, played dumb acting like it wasn't her fault saying "I thought I told you, oh well." She does this to me all the time.

She lies to me, manipulates me, and her influences are really taking a toll on me. I'm not happy because I'm always mad at her, and I'm not the person I want to be.

We went bowling last night, and I went over to her house early and we were playing games and she just snapped at me for no reason. Then in bowling we were all having fun, the little group of friends we had, but then she started to like ignore me and push me out of the group. Then afterwards we were waiting for rides and I asked her if she could give me the pictures we took after she uploaded them and she snapped at me NO. Then she's like I want to take more pictures and I got with the group and she's like NOT OF YOU. I didn't even do anything to her, so I don't know why she's being like this.

I did nothing to her, but I'm tired of her treating me like this. I don't know what to do, or to get her to stop. She doesn't care about anyone but herself and she thinks everyone else cares about her like her parents do; will give her anything, etc. I wish someone would put her in her place.



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Date: 4/13/2006 11:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 46527    It strikes me that this girl is not your friend at all. Find some new friends who will be truthful with you and fair. You deserve more.  
Date: 4/13/2006 11:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 16845    She doesn't sound like a friend at all Sorry she's treating you this way...if talking with her doesn't work it's probably time to cut her loose   
Date: 4/13/2006 11:35:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23101    Thank you Becky and LSR.   
Date: 4/13/2006 11:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 53052    i think you know what to do...she doesn't sound like a real friend or someone you would or should hang around with.. she seems like a very negative influence on your life  
Date: 4/13/2006 11:36:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23101    She really isn't Midnightly. Thank youu.   
Date: 4/13/2006 11:41:00 AM  From Authorid: 53052    its great you see this now before she gets you in a worse situation with peer pressure.. she seems to be going down the wrong path  
Date: 4/13/2006 11:45:00 AM  From Authorid: 50434    You must really be a good person to put up with all of this, but honestly it doesnt sound like its worth it. Why dont you try just distanting yoursefl from her. As far as being spoiled well thats her parents faults, children are products of their environment. Some can manage it better than others but apparently it doesnt sound like she can. One thing tho I would just try to keep it civil between you and her if you decide not to be friends anymore just because that can end up causing you so much more drama. Best of luck!!  
Date: 4/13/2006 11:54:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23101    Exactly Midnightly. That sounds like a good idea Star Bright. Thanks!  
Date: 4/13/2006 12:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 7830    I had a friend like this once...well..not a friend because people who treat you like that are not your friend. needless to say i removed that person from my life.  
Date: 4/13/2006 12:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 46069    You call that a friend.. i have another name for her. You dont need a person like that in your life.. no one does  
Date: 4/13/2006 12:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 4548    paying attention to her gives her power. you take your acknowledgement of her away and she has no power.  
Date: 4/13/2006 12:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 3263    Doesn't sound like a friend to me...  
Date: 4/13/2006 12:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 24003    stop hanging with her. Shes not your friend.  
Date: 4/13/2006 12:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 49091    AShems, she is NO friend. Shes not worth ur angeer or time. ESP if shes treating you like this!! She knows it makes u mad, so she keeps doing it. Almost as if she feeds off your anger. Shes spoiled n need to be put in her place. Im a very vberbal, blunt person, so I dont let people walk all over me without hearing an earful fist. Step up to her n tell her that u dont want to be pushed around etc. Next time she snaps at you, drop what ur doing n said forget u n leave her standing there....alone. She def needs someone to discipline her.  
Date: 4/13/2006 12:35:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23101    Thanks guys. I agree with you Bubbles. I just don't want to cause a lot of drama. Thank you!  
Date: 4/13/2006 1:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 63302    although it may be difficult you need to cut the ties......a true friend would never treat someone this way.good luck  
Date: 4/13/2006 1:25:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23101    That's true. Thank you.   
Date: 4/13/2006 2:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 63449    You keep referring to her as "your friend". Darlin' I hardly consider her behavior to be that of a friend. Sounds like to me she's stubborn and you aren't going to be able to get her to understand "where you're coming from". Move on chickie. She'll realize what a "true friend" she had in you when you're long gone. Oh, and don't worry - someone will put her in her place eventually. As my dad used to say - "The sun doesn't shine on the same dogs rear-end everyday!" ~CarolinaBlueGirl~  
Date: 4/13/2006 3:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    Dude, dump her!! She doesn't sound like a friend at all! She sounds like a very stubborn person. I hope that one day she will realize that she will have to work for her stuff and not always get whatever she wants from her parents. You said that she keep treating you poorly and you both get into agruements. Perhaps have a talk with her again, tell her how you feel and if she plays her little innocent or dumb act, dump her. She's no true friend.  
Date: 4/13/2006 4:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 46486    Have her IM me, I'll flip on her for ya. We gangstas stick together.  
Date: 4/13/2006 5:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 46486    And as far as advice for you. Get rid of her, seriously. No "friend" would treat another friend like that. Forget that. She's not worth the stress and the drama.  
Date: 4/13/2006 5:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 62881    I am sure you have other REAL friends...which she isn't...move on and let that one go. She is nothing but trouble if you ask me.  
Date: 4/13/2006 7:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 13969    Find a new friend and please, don't put up with this garbage anymore. Is this the same friend who thinks she's SO fat?  
Date: 4/13/2006 11:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 28190    Aww Ashley, Im sorry you are having to go through this. Unfortunately, most of us have had a "friend" like this before along the way. I know you have a huge heart sweety, but if she treats you like dirt then she doesnt deserve a friend like you. I know this is a hard lesson in life, but at least you can see it for what it is. Don't let people like that change who you are, or make you feel less of a person. Keep that head up high, and make new friends. People like that feed off of making others feel inferior or lesser than they are, because of their own insecurities. Trust me, once you hold that head up high and make other friends, she will leave ya alone, at least most do when they cannot have that control factor in their friendships. Just be yourself not matter what and things will work themselves out for you. Good luck sweety. *huge hugs*  
Date: 4/14/2006 8:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 60685    She's not being a friend to you, drop her.  
Date: 4/14/2006 8:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 15394    I think you know how I feel about this kind of thing... this young lady doesn't have a sense of "reality" because of her ummm condition... she isn't being taught what you are being taught, real life, real emotions, reality... she is given everything without concern of appreciation, integrity, accountability, true life important lessons... unfortunately you cannot teach her these things, so your decision is what you will put up with... I'm sorry she is like this, and I wish it were different, because just like an abusive person, when she is good she is a great friend with fun and all the things you wish for in a friend, but when she is bad, well, what kind of abuse is there that you would put up with ?? I'm sorry little jungy... the decision is yours I hope you find a "real" friend, that treats you like you DESERVE to be treated... you are an awesome friend to so many, I hope you find a best-est friend soon   
Date: 4/14/2006 1:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 31765    Listen to your mama   
Date: 4/14/2006 1:16:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23101    Thanks for the advice guys. Sand Ghost;; no this someone different. And that problem stopped after I talked to her. But I've talked to this one before, and she just doesn't get what she is doing isn't okay with me. Thank you fot the advice.   
Date: 4/14/2006 3:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 13969    Good luck Ashley, Let us know how it goes...no one deserves to be treated badly! *HUGS*  
Date: 4/14/2006 5:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 51194    I had a freiend Like that once.But one day she went to fair and i told her to change the way she treated me or or our friendship was over.I told her you have 1 week and 1 mess up thats it.well she messed up and I quit talking to her.she called once and tryed to say sorry but I said it always the same with you.You don't get waht you want you treat people bad or whatever it maybe.so I am not putting up with this anymore.we Are older now and she has to make it on her oun and she don't know how so sometimes she will call and we will talk but what I am trying to say is she will get whats coming to her when she has to not depend on her mom and dad anymore.so drop her and sit back and watch.  
Date: 4/14/2006 7:01:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23101    I will Sand Ghost. :] Thanks for the advice Sweet Girl!  
Date: 4/17/2006 8:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 29262    I have a friend like this that I have been friends with for 5 years and I can't take it anymore either. Get out of the friendship while you can or find an understanding because now she tries to control MY life along with hers. So yeah.. you need to find someone who will treat you a lot better I hope it all works out. GOOD LUCK!  
Date: 4/18/2006 6:13:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23101    Thank you Julie and author only. :]  
Date: 4/20/2006 6:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 62826    She is NOT your friend. Don't bother with anymore. If she calls or trys to get in touch with you just tell her you are busy. She is spoiled and nasty at that. Best thing you could do is to get away from her. You won't be losing ANYTHING!!

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