Life so bitter the taste "so cold". a path to be known following "faint" from reality, I might as well fall into "the deep end". The "hollow" world absorbed into darkness. while the pain is "dripping" the "colors" "tear away" somehow I must "find the real". why should I "follow through" theres no "chariot" on the other side/ they say "open your eyes" and it will lead "to peace". knowing that theres "somewhere I belong" "whats the meaning" will it lead "to my happy ending". The next paragraph is about multiple people see if you can figure any of the paragraphs out we said we were "just friends" "whats to say" that we could just "slide" into more. "one step closer" to her to them "crawling" "from the inside", is it a "crush" or just an "illusion". you "take me away" "one step closer" from realizing. "I don't want to be" "forgotten". when can I "fall to pieces" when Im "torn" from all the "sympathy". as you "slipped away" it became more real "in due time" that "who knows" how "unconcerned" you are now that your "so far away". there is "no giving up" now its time to "shed my skin" and spread these "broken wings". looking into a "starless" sky I must face the "faceless man" . the "unknown" ask me to leave my "dead skin" so as I could not "deny me". "one day remains" in this "over rated" existance. though "you run" he says "in the end" you must find "whats this life for". with a "flicker" of hope you must "divide the hate" to stand above it all. "are you ready" for "broadway" as its dark all around. "what if" the beautiful takes you "higher" than my babys "black balloon". "watch your words" as I'm "down to my last" "bullets" this can't be the last of "my sacrifice". as it feels "numb" that every bit of what I've known is of you "in loving memory". You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 49564 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .