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Date: 2/7/2006 11:45:00 AM
From Authorid: 47162
such a tough topic..on one hand people deserve the right..on the other hand..it's a definate slippery slope ![]() |
Date: 2/7/2006 11:49:00 AM
From Authorid: 63280
It's a really controversial topic one on which I still haven't formed an opinion of. I think that people that are in a lot of pain and have no hope of recovering shouldn't have to spend the rest of their life suffering, but it's unfortunate because then their only option is suicide. I can understand why people would want to help others end their pain, but I still don't know how right it is. Personally, I believe what everyone does is between them and their faith and I can't judge them for what they do. I don't personally believe I'd ever be able to do it. Good topic for debate by the way ~ Coffee Goddess ![]() |
Date: 2/7/2006 1:23:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
Yes, but should this be better develop so people are not charged in murder? Is there a thing when you go in front of the juge and say I want to die and this person will assist me? Why cant people not die? ![]() |
Date: 2/7/2006 2:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 27583
this topic touches my heart and pulls both ways against the middle. i went through this with my wife of 30 years. to make it short she was told that she needed a heart and both lungs transplanted or she would die.. the hard part was that she had to have both done at the same time. they said her condition was so bad that they couldent give her a 20 percent chance of surviveing. i took ker to everywhere in the country and some outside of the usa to see if anywhere could help her but no luck. then the debora heart and lung hospital called and said to bring her there and they could run 5 tests and determin what could be done there. we made the trip there that took three days in her condition and they started her first test. a few minutes into it they took her off the machines and said they couldent finish the tests due to her condition and said to take her home that there was nothing left to do for her except to keep her comforitable. i took care of her for 4 1/2 years at home watching her pray to die and deterorate to 68 pounds , sit on the floor and pull on her hair and cry. she pleeded to be let to die but there was no help in that area. in her condition i would have allowed her to die with dignity rather than the suffering she went through . she was just 47 when she passed away. to this very day i think of if i should have helped her or why i diden't. all i know is it would have been better for her to go sooner than to go through what she had to untill the end. when she finaly went she was in the hospital , went into acoma for three days and died in my arms like a little child . sorry so long but there was no short way to express my feelings on this matter .wooden nickel ![]() |
Date: 2/7/2006 2:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 62100
I haven't went to see the video, but in nursing we school and college I have had to do some research into the whole death and dying, and right to die debates. Pretty much my feeling is that the Oregon law granting the right to assisted suicide is pretty much the protocol that should be in place everywhere...it clearly states that the person requesting this right MUST be in a terminal stage and I believe with a 6 month prognosis...they must go through psychological profiling to determine mental capacity to make such a decision. I fully believe that if such safeguards are in place and a terminal patient wants to die with dignity on their terms then it should not be anyone's right to take that from them. Most resistance to the right to die issues are based upon our own selfishness and wanting to keep our loved ones with us as long as possible with no thoughts as to how they may be suffering. ![]() |
Date: 2/7/2006 4:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 47296
One of the major issues in the right to die arguement is with insurance companies. Many companies have suicide clauses that will not allow payment to be made if death is by suicide, even when the person's condition is terminal. Some insurance companies are very much against assisted suicide, even for terminal patients. Part of the reason is greed. The longer a person lingers, the more money the insurance company is going to get in premiums before having to pay out. Having watched my father fight terminal cancer will every bit of will he had, only to spend his final days in a morphine stupor to control his pain, and in the last two weeks to not even have any control of his body, I am all for death with dignity laws. I have watched three family member deal with terminal illness. Two of them died of their illness, never knowing their final days. The third took his own life once he was given less than six months to live. His doctor actually made it possible to do so by providing his last six months of pain medication on the last visit before he took his life. ![]() |
Date: 2/7/2006 7:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 42945
Seeing what my mother went through I think we all have the right to die with dignity...and when!!!! ![]() |
Date: 2/7/2006 8:02:00 PM
From Authorid: 16671
Wooden Nickle, I"m so sorry this happened to you. ![]() |
Date: 2/8/2006 1:23:00 AM
From Authorid: 62146
I do not think I wanna watch that video by the sounds of it so I wont. ![]() |
Date: 2/8/2006 1:26:00 AM
From Authorid: 62146
I am sorry you had to go through that wooden nickle. :'( ![]() |
Date: 2/9/2006 4:36:00 AM
From Authorid: 62983
Before my mother passed away, I had mixed emotions regarding the right to die issue. I wasn’t exactly against it but I wasn’t exactly for it either. Now my views have changed. I believe that if someone is suffering, why not help them die with dignity. My mother had cancer and we didn’t know it until the end. Her last days were full of pain and suffering I can barely mention that time without crying. I try not to think about it. I still have nightmares of her screaming from pain. If at any point she had said to me that she wanted to end her suffering with my help I would have done anything for her, even if it meant me going to jail for it. I miss her dearly and think of her every day. I have been so lost without her. So to end this, I will just say I watched the video and I feel bad that someone has to face charges for helping those who have asked for help and wish to end their suffering. We really need more laws to protect those who want to die with dignity and protect the people who wish to help them. **WanderingGurl** ![]() |
Date: 2/9/2006 4:42:00 AM
From Authorid: 62983
Side note: My heart felt condolences to those of you who have watched your loved ones suffer as I have. I think sometimes people forget about the scars that are left on the hearts and minds of the care givers. Wooden Nickel, my heart goes out to you… **WanderingGurl** ![]() |
Date: 2/13/2006 10:26:00 AM
From Authorid: 15070
My Mother died at home, with Hospice. When we found out her cancer was terminal, she chose to die at home, refused nurishment, (except for the water to take her medicine), and she chose her Death, at home, surrounded by the ones that Love her. She decided not to prolong her life. She had no choice in her Cancer, but she took things in her own hands and called the shots when it came time for her passing. I have not seen the video. Nor do I wish too. Like my dear friend Woody, I lived it. ![]() |
Date: 2/14/2006 11:56:00 AM
From Authorid: 62823
My heart goes out to you Wooden Nickel, but do not think twice about the way you handled the last years of your wife's life here on Earth. It sounds like you did everything you could to give her the best quality life. I believe some people on earth are born into this world to be a victim soul or myrter for purposes only known to God. It is not God's fault, but rather our human nature that makes our bodies subject to decay and sin from the moment of birth. The divine self (soul and spirit) are not biological, but subject to something more serious, spiritual poverty and decay. Even if you die a most horrid death, the suffering you willfully accept brings cleansing and purity to your own soul and for the souls of others. Suffering is not something that goes wasted. To willfully put an end to your life or anybody's life, no matter what the circumstances are, is a decision and act that has eternal consequences. The sufferings your wife endured may have saved someone from commiting suicide or murder. It may have released hundreds of souls from Purgatory into the Kingdom of Heaven. You will find out all the good things she did, and that you did, on the day you stand before the Throne of God to account for your life. What you did was right, although I'm sure it was painful and God bless you for what you went through. People do not understand that to willfully take a life to prevent someone from suffering is taking that life in your own hands rather than placing that life in God's hands. Terri Shiavo's Husband denied her water and willfully made her die because he did not think her life was worth living. I don't believe that was his right. I was recently hospitalized and the nurse would not give me water. I was extremely thirsty and dehydrated and it was agonizing not to have water for an hour, let alone two weeks like Terri. Her Husband in my opinion was in grave error with his decisions. As a flower dies naturally, so should we. Would you cut that flower off from its roots because it lost a couple petals? The fragrance is still there. It still has a purpose. Suffering, too, has a purpose. Jesus the Savior of mankind is asking us to pick up our crosses and walk with Him to Calvary. Suffering, indeed, has a purpose. SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/14/2006 12:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 15394
I'm all for assisted suicide... we don't let our pets suffer needlessly... neither should human beings suffer needlessly... jmo... So so sorry for those of you that have had to deal with such pain... my heart goes out to you ... ![]() |
Date: 2/14/2006 7:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 62823
Jungabel, I disagree because pets have a different make up than human beings. They do not possess a soul. Human beings are created in the image of God. I think a lot of people feel the same way as you, but they're not thinking this through. You willfully eradicate a life to end all suffering to gain peace. By who's authority? God has the hairs on our heads counted. He has chosen the day, hour and minute of our deaths. Assisted suicide makes sense from a worldly view, but it completely objects God's Will. God is a God of life, not a God of death. You will never understand the concept of embracing life until you understand why Jesus died for you on the cross. Suffering is key to mankind's salvation. SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/14/2006 7:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 15394
Sue I purposefully did not address your comment, because I simply disagree with your view. Out of respect for your view, I left your comment as your opinion... Mine is the same, you and I cannot in all certainty say that animals do not have souls. Nor can we say in certainty that suffering is for a purpose. I do not believe as you do, and I do not believe that human beings need to suffer for some unknown, unseen entity that says we have to suffer. For this reason it is my opinion and my understanding that it is perfectly ok for someone that is terminal to end their suffering. I respect that you have a different opinion, and ask the same respect from you. Thank you ![]() ![]() |
Date: 2/15/2006 1:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 62823
I appreciate your holding back, but this is a debate. Feel free to give me your thoughts on this. Of course, we do not have to agree and I respect your opinions. as you do mine. Thank you for that. I am still curious to hear your side of the story. I will say with certainty (from what I believe), that animals do not have a soul because they do not have the power or ability to choose between right and wrong. They have no conscience but they do possess a heart and spirit. Can a spirit of light or darkness enter into an animal? Yes. There is evidence of this in the Bible. I do not think you can compare putting an animal to sleep vs. a terminally ill human being to death. The suffering a human being endures not only has physical impact, but a profound spiritual impact on the soul. The terminally ill person is resting in the palm of God at his/her death. By His authority alone should the life of that person end. We really have no right to interfere, only to keep that person as comfortable as possible. That person is going to die regardless, so why not let them die naturally, with dignity? Assisted suicide is not merciful, it is what it is, assisted murder. If God does not take that life naturally, then it's murder. A grievance mortal sin against God and a sin that will commit your soul to the realm of satan if not reconciled before the end of your life. I would like to hear from those who believe in God but believe in assisted suicide or ending a life due to terminal illnes. I'm curious. Why do you think the way you do? SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/15/2006 5:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 47296
Sue, first off, animals do have a soul. That is what their spirit is. Now, if you honestly believe that a person losing all control of their bodily functions, and having to have others do for them is dignity, then all I can say is that I hope it never happens to you. If I am ever told my condition is terminal, I will take my own life rather than suffer through what my father went through. If I am unable to do so, then I can only hope that there is someone around that will help me do it. ![]() |
Date: 2/15/2006 6:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 15394
The very personal choice of ending one's life in the event of terminal illness is just that. PERSONAL. It should be up to the person if they desire to live with the pain and let others see them in this condition or not. Our government should not be in charge of such a decision. Therefore it should be legal for physicians to prescribe medication in the event that the person so chooses. If one is religious and believes it is wrong then by all means do not do it, but don't imply that because one believes that way that others must too. That is an imposition of belief. No one is saying that all terminal people need to be euthanised, we are simply saying that the option should be available to those that believe that it is their personal decision. In fact, many people do take their own lives by saving up pills, or using more lethal means. Legalizing it would simply make it more dignified than say using a gun... ![]() |
Date: 2/16/2006 12:35:00 AM
From Authorid: 62118
SueBjazz, Its better to suffer to the very end waiting for gods mercy (if you can call it that), rather than taking responsibility for ones own existence. I'm curious why you think your god loves pain and suffering? ![]() |
Date: 2/16/2006 10:59:00 AM
From Authorid: 62823
Two Spirit, I believe (and I'm not forcing my beliefs on anybody) that human beings are born with a physical body, soul and spirit. I believe there is a difference between the soul and spirit. I don't believe they are one and the same. Rather than ramble on, I'll let St. Thomas Aquinas explain. "St. Thomas Aquinas says: "Praise be to Jesus." "You have been asking Heaven, in your heart, the difference between the heart and the spirit. The heart is the vessel which holds all virtue or lack of virtue. The spirit is the essence of what is in the heart. Let me explain it to you in this way." "If the heart was an exotic perfume, the spirit would be the fragrance of the perfume. Or, if the heart was a beautiful garden with a lovely array of plants and birds, babbling brooks and more, the spirit would be the peace that one feels walking through the garden." "The spirit is the invisible aura around a person that decries what is in the person's heart. Thus, you say, `He is a joyful person--a peaceful person.' Or, on the other hand, `He is an angry person,' and so on. It is always free will which determines what is in the heart and, therefore, what is reflected in the spirit." "Just as a mirror portrays truthfully all that is placed before it, the spirit reflects truthfully what is in the heart." "A fine wine cannot exude a false bouquet; neither can the spirit exude anything but what is contained in the heart." I believe that a human being soul is an immortal substance that can exist apart from the body. It controls your bodily functions, intellect and emotions and it has the power and will to choose between right and wrong. The soul is spiritual because it is connected to our spirit or heart aura. The spirit is the communication center with God its Creator. When you separate your soul from the spirit, the soul weakens to an unpure state because as a flower cannot live without water or sunlight, we cannot live without God. So does an animal have a soul? I don't think so because if it did it would have the power to choose between right and wrong. It can be trained to know what is wrong, but it does not have the power to choose. Animals live on instincts and survival. This is my belief and if you do not agree, that is okay. SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/16/2006 11:32:00 AM
From Authorid: 62823
RodTod, Yes, it is better to wait till the every end and to wait for God's mercy. No matter how much you or that person suffers, the right thing to do is to wait and let God's will be done. It takes courage and strength to do this and you cannot get weak and give in. Suffering is a reminder that life is not easy and Jesus never said it would be. Was it easy for Him? Jesus warns us in the Bible that the road to perdition is wide and the path to righteousness is narrow. Doing the right thing is never easy. In today's Gospel, Jesus reprimmands Peter because Peter was looking at Jesus from a worldly view and not from God the Father's view. Jesus scolds him and tells satan who is speaking through Peter to get behind Him. Jesus warns His apostles to detach themselves from the worldly view because the worldly view will not lead you to the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus explains the meaning of suffering in this quote. "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "I invite you to understand that it was not the Cross in and of itself that redeemed you--it was My `yes' to the Cross. In a similar way it is each one's surrender to the Cross which makes his sacrifice worthy. The purer the `yes', the better the sacrifice. Each surrender is purified through Holy Love." Not to drill this into the ground, but a good example of suffering is fasting. Priests fast for days before committing an exorcism. Suffering and self-sacrifice have enormous power on a soul. That soul is immortal and all the suffering that soul endured on Earth will be rewarded by Almighty God. So to interfere or to take your own life is a grievous error because you allowed your soul and spirit to make a decision that was not your decision, but God's. SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/16/2006 4:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 47296
Sue, not being a religious person myself, but a spirtualist, I stand by my ideal that animals have both a soul and a spirit. ![]() |
Date: 2/16/2006 9:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 62118
SueBjazz, unsupported claims; are you against medication that prolong ones life too? Its sad how religion can warp someones mind so they believe they can dictate the lives of others. ![]() |
Date: 2/17/2006 8:33:00 AM
From Authorid: 62823
Two Spirit, thanks for responding back. I'm interested to hear why you think animals have a soul. Will you share your thoughts on this. SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/17/2006 8:41:00 AM
From Authorid: 15394
I equate animals and the possibility of souls with the fact that as human beings we are animals of a sort and have "life"... animals too have "life" they are living beings with hearts, lungs etc just as we are. Why then is it a huge leap that they too have a soul... because we understand human reasoning doesn't mean that we necessarily understand animal reasoning. How do we know they operate entirely on instinct and how is it we discount instinct as non-reasoning or choice. So I stand by my original statement and others that it is a personal choice to end ones suffering and not to be regulated by government... ![]() |
Date: 2/17/2006 8:55:00 AM
From Authorid: 62823
RodTod, Jesus, healed the deaf and blind, He walked on water, he calmed stormy seas, multiplied fish and loaves of bread for 5000 people and casted out numerous demons from people. He raised people from the dead and he died and rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are witnesses to these things and their accounts of what happened have survived for centuries. If that is not enough proof for you, then I'm afraid I can't help you. Anything that is done to support a life...medication, artificial limbs, therapy, etc. is condoned in the Christian Church..or at least the Catholic Church. What is not condoned is taking a life of a human being. It doesn't matter what state that human being is in. Murder is murder and it's against the Commandments of God. If you're not a Christian, than I understand why you feel the way you do. You don't see it as murder..you think you're helping that person. You have free will to choose between right and wrong and God does not interefere with your decision but you will be accountable for that decision so Jesus tells us to choose wisely. SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/18/2006 3:49:00 AM
From Authorid: 62118
SueBjazz, The books weren't even written in their lifetimes. Interesting you're quick to call this murder when you have no problem worshipping a murderer; instead you close your eyes, cover your ears and peddle love. ![]() |
Date: 2/20/2006 7:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 62823
RodTod, Don't you think your words are a bit harsh? I'll share this with you even if you completely disagree. Murder is an act carried out by the will of human beings ALONE. The God Christians worship is a God of life, love, truth and peace. Now if it is God's Will for a life to end by natural or sudden causes, it is His right because He is our Creator and the caretaker of our body, soul and spirit, unless that person has willed their life to a being of darkness. We belong to God, but the dark forces are fighting desperately to win your soul. Regarding the New Testament, many Catholics believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary was alive when the the writer John wrote his account of the Life of Jesus Christ. The BVM was there and she is/was a first-hand witness of Her Son's life. For centuries (and even today) she has been appearing all over the world at holy apparition sites to bring mankind the good news about her Son and his return. Our proof is in the Holy Rosary that the Blessed Mother sent to Earth centuries ago. Every mystery said on the rosary is an exact account of what really happened in the life of Jesus. It matches all four accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/20/2006 7:21:00 PM
From Authorid: 62823
Two Spirit, I look at my crazy, fat cat every day and I can't believe one day he won't be around. If animals do have an afterlife,which I hope and pray they do, I will be a very happy person. I believe God has a special place for everything and everybody. Soul or no soul?...I say no, you say yes...one thing's for sure..we'll find out one day. Suebjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/20/2006 8:22:00 PM
From Authorid: 12341
I didn't watch the video and won't. Everything wants to live. People and animals and plants. I have never not watched someone die and prayed, just prayed for God to intervene, because I have never witnessed anyone die easy. Those who passed always held on, for hours, days. and suffered before letting go. I have never witnessed a death any other way. ![]() |
Date: 2/21/2006 1:01:00 AM
From Authorid: 62118
SueBjazz, then your god that kills innocents just to teach others lessions doesn't fit the definition of beneficial; sure you could call him love, likewise you could say Hitler was loving too. Your argument "he created us, therefore he can do as he pleases" shows your god as a tyrant, and the followers "siding with the biggest bully". ![]() |
Date: 2/21/2006 10:53:00 AM
From Authorid: 62823
RodTod, I don't have a clue where you're coming from. Can you explain? God does not kill. Let's get this straight. Our deaths occur either through natural or induced (drugs, alcohol) decay of our body, by accident, by murder or death through war. One of God's Holy Commandments is "Thou Shalt Not Kill", so when you say that God kills it completely contradicts His Commandment. If you're referring to all the wars in the old Testament and the Inquisition, etc., again...it was men (holy or not) who took matters & interpretation into their own hands instead of placing them in God's Hands. We all know Hitler was a tyrant hiding behind religion. Do not persecute God for man's mistakes. God gave us rules to live by for a perfect world...our disobedience to His Holy Commandments are exactly the reason we're living in Hell on earth rather than Heaven on earth. SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/21/2006 11:20:00 AM
From Authorid: 101
I would like to add this comment. This discussion should not be taken to the religious level as everyone seems to believe differently about religion. Right to die, is a valid issue and should be discussed. Remember everyone can have a different opinion and we can still be friendly. Once you draw a line in the sand and refuse to let others express themselves without conflict, you have changed the debate into an arguement. ![]() |
Date: 2/21/2006 11:45:00 AM
From Authorid: 62118
No, you're wrong the biblical god does kill, he killed including children through moses to teach the pharoh a lesson, he commanded the stoning of families for the fault of one member; commanding one to kill is basically carrying out the deed yourself. The bible god is quite capable of making his own mistakes(or sick jokes), but interestingly blames mankind for them; the creation myth is one, curse all life for what 2 people did. Its odd that this omnipotent being chooses the bloodier and more torturous solutions. ![]() |
Date: 2/22/2006 7:09:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
The biblical god does not kill but men do kill under his name. ![]() |
Date: 2/22/2006 8:55:00 AM
From Authorid: 62823
Thank you 33918. Well said. RodTod, if you owned a piece of land and planted vegetables would you not root out the weeds and bugs to save your crop from destruction? Of course you would otherwise your time would have been wasted and you would have no crop. It is the same with our Father in Heaven. He has and will continue to protect His inheritance. He is consistent in conveying this promise to us throughout the Old and New Testaments. Evil will be uprooted and destroyed like weeds in a garden according to God's will. The Blessed Virgin Mary reiterates this in the Magnificat or Canticle of Mary which in the Gospel of Luke (1:46-55). "He who is mighty has done great things to me, and holy is His name. His mercy is from generation to generation to them who fear Him. He has shown strength with His arm: He has scattered the proud in conceit of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their throne,and exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things; and the rich He has sent empty away." SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/22/2006 10:12:00 AM
From Authorid: 62118
33918, actually the bible god does kill, I suggest you look at a bible sometime. SueBjazz, unlike the bible god I wouldn't put weeds on my land to begin with. ![]() |
Date: 2/22/2006 10:35:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
"thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" So is the bible the true word of god or men? ![]() |
Date: 2/22/2006 10:38:00 AM
From Authorid: 62118
You tell me, you're the one claiming the biblical god doesn't kill, when the bible itself states otherwise; I'm going off what the bible says. ![]() |
Date: 2/22/2006 10:45:00 AM
From Authorid: 27403
I saw the most outstanding phenomena when we had to put my dog Snuggles to sleep. She was 13 (which is very very old for a Rottie) and had cancer. She could no longer move and the vet came to the house. I was holding her head as the drug was administered to stop her heart. One of the saddes days of my life. And somehow, I knew the exact moment her heart stopped beating. I looked up and standing about 5 feet from the blanket her body was one, was Sunggles. She was shimmering, like you see on the freeway when it is very hot and there is a mirage over the highway. And still, sometimes at nite, I will fell her poke her head under my hand when my hand has slipped off the bed. She had the most beautiful yellow aura, which stands for wisdom and child like innocence. No one, NO ONE, can ever tell me animals do not have a spirit/soul, which I consider the same thing. It is their "energy", which is what we really really are! Love and Light ![]() |
Date: 2/22/2006 1:26:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
thats what I am aking too.. is the bible the true word of god or is it written by men to give them rights to what they think is right and wrong? So if you look at it, its okay for men to kill someone because she is a witch but its not okay to kill your neibors.. I am just asking.. there is contradiction here.. One of you guys says that the biblical god doesnt kill and the other one says he doesnt..So wich one is it.. ![]() |
Date: 2/22/2006 2:05:00 PM
From Authorid: 13119
People in Canada are being put on trial all the time for this issue. I believe that the right to die as you want and when you want is something that should be a given. When someone is dying and is put on machines to help them live (Terry Schiavo) then that is putting a monkey wrench into "god's" hands, she was not meant to live, so obviously her case shouldn't even be mentioned here because it is totally outside of the debate. The true crux of the matter is should you be allowed to end your life with the help of loved ones without them being penalized when you are gone. I say, YES super duper YES ![]() |
Date: 2/23/2006 1:20:00 AM
From Authorid: 62118
Well if you're talking about the biblical god(the god from the bible) it therefore kills if the bible says it does. ![]() |
Date: 2/24/2006 9:56:00 AM
From Authorid: 62823
Magoo, I don't know about that. Terri was still alive, smiling, squeezing her Mom's hand. She was still alive. No, she didn't deserve to die at the hands of her Husband. He dehydrated her to death. Remember? SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/24/2006 8:05:00 PM
From Authorid: 62823
RodTod, we're off track here and I know that but I have one last thing to say. When nature takes life (i.e. the 10 plagues) it could be none other than Divine providence at work. The reason I say this is because all of creation worships God, including the elements. We have yet to learn that sin reaps destruction and death. These things are chastisements. To avoid chastisements we must avoid sin. The first born of Egypt died from a plague but as a result of this God released a million jewish slaves from captivity. Exodus set the course for the birth of His only Son, the Messiah, the Savior of mankind (according to Christian belief). The Bible has many tragic moments, but it is chock full of hope. I guess you see the glass half empty and I see it half full. SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 2/25/2006 8:15:00 AM
From Authorid: 62118
You're right we're off track, you're still using unsupported claims. All creation worships your bible god? Rubbish. Tell that to the civilizations who've never heard of it. ![]() |
Date: 2/25/2006 8:42:00 AM
From Authorid: 13119
she had no brain activity, the doctors proved that when they did the autopsy, everything you are claiming came from her mother involuntary actions. BESIDES which, this isn't about brain dead people, its about the right to die as you choose. If you are able to make a conscious choice, terminally ill people etc. ![]() |
Date: 3/2/2006 1:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 62823
I understand what you are saying, but I do not agree. I stand firm on my belief that we do not have the right to "give death a hand." It violates God's Holy Commandment "thou shalt not kill." You may not believe in God, but 1/3 of the world's population believes that God is their Creator. I support this with God's own words. "I am Jesus. I am God, the Eternal Mind and Eternal Wisdom. All knowledge is inspired by me. All life is sustained by my hand. Trust in my name. The evil one flees in terror when my Name is invoked. My Father pours forth his graces abundantly to those who trust in my Name. Children I am callng you. I, Jesus, am humbling myself before you and begging for your love. Can you not have pity on your God, who is your Creator? Children it is I, Jesus who sustains you and places the food on your dinner table. It is I, Jesus, who breathes energy into your sleeping bodies each day so you may arise. Oh, children, how many thorns shall you press into my forehead? Each time you reject me I am scourged again. Repent, children. Repent and turn back to me. Be humble as I am humble. Children, I bless you. Do not doubt in the power of my Name. Let my Name be never far from you lips. I, the Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob am a Sustaining God. I am a God of life, of love and of mercy. My eyes have seen the devastation that sin has caused and my ears have heard the cry of my people. I tell you solemnly a great purification will befall you and you shall see yourselves through My eyes. I will restore My people and deliver them out of the hands of satan. Woe to those who choose the path of darkness. In darkness they shall dwell for all eternity cut off from Me, their hearts as rocks. Children, I, the Lord, am calling you. Why do you choose to stay in darkness? I am the Truth and the Light. I am Justice and Mercy. Compassion and Righteousness are My garments. Adore me. Praise me. Love me. Little ones, time is short for you. Be prepared." SueBjazz ![]() |
Date: 3/2/2006 1:30:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
magoo...its normal to have no brain activity when you are dead no? What is brain activity for you? speaking eye moving ect? How about normal body function, to what I know her stomach still worked as other parts of her body that are controlled by her brain.. And how about her soul? Do poeple actually help poeple because they would be better dead Or is it poeple are selfish and dont want to help that person who cant help after themselves anymore.. But a other question, Should this be really legal, I mean a murder could now be passed as the person wanted to die.. Its ridiculous, who are we to have a right to decide who should die or not. If this would be made legal, any murderer could use this at his advantage and imagine if that would be one of your own that would justify that. I am not chritian I am pagan and I still strongly beleive that when your time is due its for a reason and no blood should be spilt on any hands.Its just not right. ![]() |
Date: 3/2/2006 1:44:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 33918
LIKE I said about the poeple who murder and use that excuse.. Check this Link out please and tell me.. what do you think? http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/03/02/killer.nurse/index.html ![]() |
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