I dont know why I am stuck with England today, but, well I hope you enjoy:)
She was allied with King Henry the 8th family, she was the godmother of his first daughter, Mary 1st of England. Margaret's husband was accused of conspiring with Charles V against the throne, so he was put to jail and executed, they accused margaret of being a traitor also because of a sign on a tunic that they found in one of her coffers. this "linked" her to the uprising group that was in the north. So she was taken in the tower of London and striped of all her titles, and since she was nobility they didnt executed her in from of the populace....She was 63 when she died.
I cannot post the details of the execution, but she comes back every year on May 27. Google her to see more.. Sorry guys theres a G content here:)
thank you!
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