Hi there! well, I get those mix all the times and I am sure some poeple would like to know so here it is, this is about a king who married 6 times, And many people see different sittings of some of his 2 wives that he executed. Some people dont know the story of Catherine Howard, I dont know her nick as a ghost.. so I thought, maybe you guys would like to know about this...And if I did some errors here, or if some content should be modified please advise me. I tried to make this as user friendly and for all ages. Please excuse my grammar! Happy reading and please rate me!ty!
First, let’s start with Henry's first wife.
Catherine of Aragorn; Mary was married before to Prince Arthur, the prince of Wales in 1501, their mariage went to and end,one day a huge infection happened where they lived and Catherine nearly died and this left her as a widow, but they supposly never consumed the marriage. She was already beloved from the people, and had a good head on her shoulders, she married Henry, in 1509, but she couldn’t handle pregnancies because she was close to menopause. She had only one child, and it was Mary 1. Henry Annulled the marriage on case that he wasn’t sure if she consummated her marriage with Arthur and the failure of bringing in a male heir.(Also a passage from the bible who said that a man is cursed if he marries) He applied for the divorce and it took 7 years for the marriage to be annulled. Funny thing is that she never signed the divorce papers. She died of some sort of cancer in her remote castle in England.
Anne Boleyn; Anne was one of Catherine of Aragorn ladies in waiting, Henry had an affair with her during the divorce with Catherine, she was very beautiful but in a lot of opinions of the time, she wasn’t monarchy material, a lot of people thought she was middle class. She was suppose to be bethrove but Henry went against it and ask to marry her in 1527, and when the divorce was final, she moved in her own apts. with a bigger staff then Catherine, by this time, it was clear to Catherine that Henry was moving on. So Anne and Henry romance was good at the beginning but turned sour. Multiple times she argued with him in public concerning some affairs that ladies shouldn’t really have a word in and Henry took on a other mistress, who was one of Anne’s ladies in Waiting, Jane Seymour. In 1536, she was arrested on the charge of, adultery, incest and treason. She denied all causes. They interrogated(tortured) Marc Smeaton her musician, that admitted she had committed theses crimes. And when she was brought to the Tower of London, she heard that Jane Seymour, moved in her apts. with ladies in waiting, so that was a given for her and for everyone else. On the day of her execution, May 19, 1536, she wore a gray dress and fashioned her black hair all nicely, had her last sacraments and swore her innocence.
Jane Seymour; Jane had been the lady in waiting of Catherine and Anne, Henry married her on May 30, 1536, 11 days after Anne's execution. She was the first one to give Henry a male heir, Edward VI. She died of a fever shortly after she given birth.
Anne Of Cleves; In short terms, she married Henry Jan,6th 1540 and divorced July 9th 1540. They both agreed on the anullement and the fact the marriage was never consummated.
Catherine Howard; Catherine married Henry July 28th 1540. Some sources say that he set his eyes on her soon before the divorce with Anne. Catherine was not very attracted to Henry who was obese and approaching his 50s, compared to her, she was a teen. so she went to get some romance with Henry's favorite male courtier Thomas Culpeper. A lot of her family knew about this affair and blackmailed her, so to make them not spill the bills, she appointed them high roles in her surroundings, like Henry Mannox as one of her musicians and Francis Dereham as her private secretary. The rumors still grew, the king heard of this but refused to believe it at first but had no choice in the end because there was too much evidence in the end. She was interrogated and what got her was a letter she wrote to her lovers, so she go imprisoned and her lovers got executed. She was taken to the Tower of London on Feb 10 1942, some rumors said she practiced putting her head on a block the night before her execution. And on that day, she begged for mercy for her soul and died with dignity.
Catherine Parr; Catherine was the only one too outlive Henry. She was married twice before her marriage with Henry. After her second marriage she got involved with Thomas Seymour, Jane's brother. And she caught the kings attention so Catherine couldn’t refuse the proposal and got married with Henry but produced no heir. After the King died she married Thomas Seymour and got pregnant and died in child birth.
I hope you find this all interesting, once again please msg me to tell me if anything here is wrong. There is a good book out on Henry the 8th by an author, her first name is Margaret.. I don’t know the last.. anyone would know? And also there is a whole series on his 6 wives. So please tell me what you think of my post!
thank you for reading!
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