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My halloween Contribution from ages past. :) Kysta

  Author:  30986  Category:(Fiction) Created:(10/8/2005 8:52:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1286 times)

I've been trying to come up with something witty for The halloween competition (I'm still working on it) when I remembered this story that I wrote a few years ago. I was proud of it then and I'm still proud of it. I know it probably won't qualify for the current competition but I just had to share it again. See if you can remember some of the older usmer's I used in the story? :)

It's kinda long...

The night was dark in USM. It seemed as though even the stars had found somewhere to hide on this dreary halloween. No sound could be heard, as a lone traveler named Kysta roamed the hallowed halls of the great city searching for her friends. The air was damp and the buildings, once filled with happy people, were covered in moisture and the deep green beginnings of mold and grime.

Fear clenched and twisted her insides when she approached the Building of Humor and realized that no laughter could be heard within it's walls. "This is so strange," she said to herself as she reached for the doorknob. She almost jerked her hand back in fear as her hand touched the damp coldness of the rusted metal. Swallowing the lump that formed in her throat, she twisted the knob and pushed the door. It creaked as though it hadn't been used in years when it opened slowly. Stepping into the darkened building, she inhaled the stale air and hestitated a moment before moving further into the room.

"Hello?" She croaked, and wasn't surprised when the word echoed off the walls and throughout the building. "Hello!" she repeated louder as she reached to flip the light switch by the door, "Anyone here?" Silence was her only answer, except for the echo's of her voice and the clicking of the light switch she was flipping.

When she realized that turning on the lights was futile, Kysta left the building and walked down the darkened street. The sound of a woman's scream caused her to jump. Kysta almost turned and ran as she saw a darkened figure running toward her, screaming as though the hounds of hell were on their tail. The closer the figure got to where she stood the further Kysta backed away, ready to flee at a moments notice.

"Kysta!!!!!!!" The figure yelled, "Run!!!! They are here!"

"Who, Mom?" Kysta said, running to her Mother, Lady Luck, when she recognized her terrified voice, "Who is here?"

"Them!" Lady luck screamed as she grabbed Kysta's arm and began dragging her along beside her as she ran. "They'll kill us, we have to hurry and get to the Rad Girls Group Building before it's too late. Hurry Kysta!!!"

"Where are the others?" Kysta asked as she struggled to keep up with her mother. "Are they already there?"

"God, I hope so. I left to try to save the others and warn them, but you are the only one I found, except for....." Lady luck couldn't finish. She jerked on Kysta's arm in an attempt to make her run faster.

Kysta was about to beg her Mom to slow down and explain the 'except for' part, until she heard the sounds of running and growling, behind her. She also noticed they were getting closer to the opened door of the Rad Girl Group building and heard the sounds of her friends urging them to hurry and run faster. King Caspian, BCAR, DJ and Hack were standing by the door holding machine guns that were aimed directly behind Lady Luck and Kysta as they ran with every thing in them to the protection of their friends. Finally, when it seemed that they could run no more, they reached the door and stumbled through it, falling to the floor in gratitude as the sound of machine guns followed by agonized screams of pain filled the air outside.

"Are you guys, ok?" Gail, Private Lady and Aunt be said in unison as they ran to help Kysta and Lady Luck off of the floor.

"We're fine." Lady luck answered, still shaking as she stood.

"Ok, what the heck is going on here, and what were THOSE CREATURES?" Kysta asked as she stood. She was so scared that she wanted to pee her pants and it upset her that she didn't even know why. She'd been too afraid to look behind herself as she ran.

"Those are bad, bad, bad things, Kysta sis!" Monkey said from where she huddled in the corner eating her bannana. Charlie held his arm protectively around her.

"They are evil too!" Becky said as she held up her index finger for inspection, anger evident on her face as she finished, "I killed one too! It had the nerve to break one of my nails!!!!! Just look at this mess, it'll take me a week to file it back into shape!"

Kysta looked around at her friends, glad that she had them all here to help her. She was lucky to be envolved in such a fine group of loving and supportive friends. Star two was pacing back and forth with Storm who was holding her stomach protectively. Amanda was with her mother, Gail, and Fiance. Tonya was sitting beside Kikki, Monkey, Charlie and Kasti. Teddy Bear Woman was firing up the grill on the off chance they brought one of the creatures in so she could cook it. Moon Girl and Moonpriestess where by the fire chanting the protection spells that Kept the creatures from entering the building. Telsha was in the corner drinking beer and laughing histerically as she imagined kicking one of the monsters butts. Oddsmell was busy hanging her dirty underwear, socks and shoes over the windows and doors, just incase one of the creatures should be brave enough to come past the spell walls.

"What are we gonna do about these creatures?" Kysta asked as she heard the men coming back inside the building and closing the door. "Are we the only ones in Usm to survive?"

"We can't be sure," BCAR answered, "Radman, Ginger and the Admins rounded up the majority and flew them to safety on their space ship."

"Why didn't they take us with them?" Kysta asked.

All eyes turned to monkey who suddenly stopped eating her nanner and snuggled into charlie's side before saying, "I'm sorry, I lost my nanners, and everyone stayed behind to help me find them."

"That's ok, Monkey," Lady luck said, "We know you can't survive without your nanners, don't feel bad." Everyone agreed with Lady Luck and Monkey happily continued eating her nanner.

"What do we know about these creatures so far?" Kysta asked, beginning to pace.

King Caspian stepped up to put his arm around Lady Luck's shoulder before answering, "We know they don't like the smell of Odd's shoes, that's how she made it to safety. We know they don't like Teddy Bear's cooking, she threw broiled snake at them to get here. Becky clawed one to shreds over her fingernail. So, they really aren't hard to kill, it's just that there are so many of them!"

"The men and I have shot at least a hundred of them with our machine guns, and still more keep coming. We are almost out of bullets too!" BCAR added, shaking his head. "Did you find anyone besides Kysta when you went out Lady Luck?"

Ladyluck noted the sarcasm in BCAR's last question, because she knew he had been adament that they all stay together, but emporer or not, she couldn't leave any of her children out in the cold with those monsters. She shivered as she remembered what she had found before she had ran screaming into Kysta, "I found. . ."

Her statement was interrupted as Rika and Obsessed Rebel came running into the building and were almost shot when the men swung their guns in the girls direction.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kysta screamed as she ran to pull her daughters into her arms, "Thank God you are safe!" Seeing that the guns were lowered once again, Kysta ushered them nearer to the fire. "What did you see out there?"

Rika was shaking badly as she tried to speak, but couldn't, and Obsessed Rebel stared blankly into the flame. Private Lady felt bad for them as she joined the group near the fire saying, "Let them rest a moment and warm up, then they can speak."

Kysta agreed that they should rest and went to retrieve some blankets for them to sleep on. Once the girls were settled, she turned to Lady luck who was finishing her conversation with BCAR and King Caspian.

". . .And that's when I ran into Kysta."

BCAR was ashen as he digested the knews he had just been told. "Dead? are you sure he was dead?"

"Yes, I'm sure he is dead," Lady luck said growing more agitated by the minute, "He had three of them on him tearing him to. . . . ." Unable to finish she collapsed into King Caspian's arms and cried. "Who is dead?" Kysta and the others asked, as they too had just heard the last half of the conversation.

BCAR looked around the room, his face pale. He almost looked like he was gonna pass out as he answered, "They killed my peter!!!!!!!!!! St. Pete is dead!"

No one could speak as they digested the news of St. Pete's death. Tears formed in many eyes as they had a moment of silence to remember their dear departed friend. Blue knight was the first one to break the silence. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm not waiting here like a sitting duck," Shoving another cartridge into his gun, Blue knight continued, "I'm gonna kill something!"

"I'm with him!" TSK, Dang!, Kronk, DJ and Hack stated in unison, Their rage almost uncontrollable, as they reloaded their weapons.

"Wait!" Gramma Linda said "We can't just go rushing out there to kill them! Those things are EVIL! We can't lose anymore usmer's!"

King Caspian, still holding the sobbing lady luck agreed, "We've already lost too many of us, We need a plan before we go barging into battle."

Rika, who was asleep near the fire with her sister, awoke with a scream, "NO!!!!!!!!!! Get them off her!!!!"

Kysta ran to her daughter to comfort her. Her features drawn together in worry as she knelt to pull her into her arms, whispering, "It's ok, baby, your safe now.... shhhh........"

Rika was shaking violently as she awoke to feel her mother's arms around her. The dream was still vivid in her mind and she sobbed as she spoke, "Mom, it was horrible........They took Sunangel, Cruella Devil, and picwic," Her voice broke on a sob as she finished, "I can still hear them screaming!"

As if in echo to Rika's statement, Screams could be heard coming from outside. Moonpriestess and Moon girl chanted louder, their chants mingling with the sounds of guns being prepped for fire and aimed at the door. BCAR and King Caspian ran to look out the window and almost fell backwards as they threw odd's dirty socks that were hanging there behind them and into the room.

"Dang if those aren't ripe!" King Caspian said and moved closer to the window. Peering out, he noticed spooky gal and CaitieAngel running toward the building, followed closely by three of the growling, hungry creatures.

"Come on!" He shouted to the men in the room and quickly opened the door. Rushing out with gun ready, he was quickly followed by the others who waited until the girls were safely inside to open fire. They took glee in the sounds of the creatures pain, and the sight of the neon green blood that dripped down, through the fur in their chests. The red light's that were the creatures eyes slowly faded out to blackness as they took their last breath.

"They're dead." BCAR said as they moved back into the building.

"The grill is ready guys, go get them." Teddy Bear said happily.

"NO!!!!!!" The group of people shouted, aghast.

"What?" Teddy Bear asked, confused, then went into the kitchen to get the snakes she had frozen in the freezer, mumbling to herself, "Never seen a bunch of people so against trying new foods!"

Shaking her head at her cousins words, Kysta went to where Private Lady, Star Two, Ladyluck, Aunt Be and Amanda were comforting the destraught Spooky gal and Caitie Angel. The two's clothing was torn in the back, testimony that the creatures had gotten a little too close for comfort to the two terrified girls.

"Did you see anyone else out there?" Lady luck asked them.

"No," Spooky Gal said, her voice shaking as she continued, "Just those creatures...........Those horrible, awful CREATURES! They seem to be swarming out from the Building of Horror!"

"Figures!" Becky stated, "I always hated that place! Gave me the creeps just walking by it!"

"Me too Becky," Gail said as she started pacing back and forth. She stopped and looked around the rooms at everyone before speaking, "Now that we know where the things are coming from, what are we gonna do about it?"

"Burn the building down!" Telsha shouted drunkenly and snickered, "I have the alcohol right here to torch it with!" All eyes turned to telsha who had begun laughing histerically, "anybody gotta match?"

"Good Grief!" Kysta said, exasperated, "and ya'll say my pet taggie is the alcoholic!"

"Burning it was a good Idea Kysta," Aunt Be added. She stood near the fire that was built in the middle of the room and was eating some of the snake that teddy bear had just finished cooking. "We just need to figure out how to get there without being eaten!"

Lady Luck, noticed that Becky was busy pacing back and forth in the corner with a worried expression in her eyes. She also noted a faint glow about her eyes, but dismissed it as just a reflection of the flames flickering in their depths as she asked her, "What do you think Becky? You killed one with your bare hands, do you think burning them would work?"

Becky jumped when she heard her name mentioned. She had been listening to their conversation but had been busy with her own plans. These foolish humans knew nothing of the world outside their planet, nothing of the magnificant creatures that roamed the darkened solar system. She was thankful that she had been shown the 'light' (so to speak) earlier and had been adopted into the superior clan of Rachtnari as their leader. The pain of her induction meant nothing now. Now that the truth had been given her as the teeth of a beautiful Rachtnari had injected the liquid fire into her veins, she wanted nothing but to give them the women they needed in order to breed. If it meant spending time with this inferior species she had once called family then so be it. A tiny glimmer of guilt tugged at the back of her mind as her thoughts raced, the old becky was trying to take over, but she couldn't allow it. COULD NOT allow this weakness in the Rachtnari's greatest hour of need.

"Becky?" Lady luck asked, "Did you hear me?"

"Yes, I heard you, and I think it is a bad idea." For emphasis she showed them the triangular bite marks on her wrist, "It is way too dangerous to leave the safety of this building." She glanced at spooky gal and CaitieAngel who were both watching and listening attentively as the conversation went along, "Don't you agree, girls?"

"Yes," They answered in unison, the fire light lending a spooky glow to their eyes. CaitieAngel looked around the room and finished, "We need to sit here and wait, maybe Radman and the Admin's will come back for us!"

"Maybe we can listen to the radio and they'll have some news, Mommy always keeps one in the kitchen." Monkey spoke up from her position near charlie, she hated all the tension of not knowing what was going on everywhere else.

"Great Idea," Amanda said as she ran to the kitchen to get the small transister radio, "Why didn't we think of this sooner?" Returning with the radio, she handed it to her mother, Gail, who turned it on and found the local USM station.....................

"This is Heather 333, from USMVX coming to you live from the tower news building. I have Babie Bec here, She is an eye witness to the horrible events that have been sweeping the city. Babie Bec, what is your opinion of the creatures roaming the streets?"

BabieBec's voice sounded shaky as it came over the airwaves and the group listened intently, "I'm telling you Heather it is PANDIMONIUM out there, Monsters stealing the women and killing the men who try to defend them. I have never seen such ugly creatures in my life. The thoughts of them being in our beautiful ciy is just horrible, I say we nuke the buggars!"

"But if we nuke them, wouldn't we, in turn, be nuking ourselves?" The reporter asked.

"Well yes, but at least we women wouldn't be carrying those ugly creatures children in us!!!!!!!"

"What makes you think they are stealing the women for breeding purposes?"

"Well, I don't know for sure, it just sounds logical to me. No body has found women's bodies, just the men, they gotta be using them for something!"

"But what do you think..........." Heather's question was interupted and the air waves were filled with screams as the Radio station was apparently swarmed by the creatures. The last sound that could be heard before the small trasister radio went to static was Babie Bec's words, "Oh no you don't you sorry........"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." Was the only sound coming from the small black transitor radio as Gail, with a heavy heart, turned it off.

"That does it!" Private Lady screamed as she stood up and grabbed a machine gun out of TSK's hands, "I'm gonna Kill those son of a biscuit eaters if it's the last thing I do!!!!"

"I agree," Aunt Be said and one by one everyone else in the small group agreed as a cheer went up around the crowded room.

"Wait!" Becky yelled, and walked to stand near spooky gal and Caitie Angle who also stood at her approach. She spoke in a calm, strong voice, "you cannot go marching out there to kill them. We Must stay here and wait for Radman, the admins and the people of usm to return to help us."

"Becky what is wrong with you?" Kysta asked. She was getting very frustrated, her nerves were on complete edge and here becky stood acting all calm, like she wasn't afraid at all! "Why can't we go out and kill them? They are killing us, one by one. Moonpriestess and Moon girl can't keep up that chanting forever and we NEED to do something!"

Deciding that pretending to be the sweet Becky wasn't going to help her cause one bit, Becky decided to do it HER way. A low growl started in the pit of her stomache, rising in crescendo as she sent her body into transformation. Hair began to grow coarse and long, her facial features became more angled to accomodated the fangs growing in her mouth. Her fingernails grew long, thick and sharp, turning an awful shade of green. Spooky Gal and Caitie Angel's transformations began as well and they smiled as they watched and felt the changes in their bodies.

Those in the group watching the changes in their friends take place were too shocked to move. They each stood stock still with mouths agape. BCAR was the first to find his voice as he said, "WHAT THE......"

"OH MY GOD!" Monkey screamed as she buried her face in charlie's neck.

Becky laughed as she watched the shocked expressions on her former friends features saying, "Not sweet little becky anymore am I?"

"My baby!!! Oh not my baby!" Lady luck screamed and almost ran to Becky, but King Caspian stopped her before she could. She could only force one word through her trembling lips, "WHY?"

"Why?" Becky asked sarcastically and laughed as she revealed the entire plot of the creatures and how she had became one of them ending with, "So you see, We are the true rulers of USM now and you will either join us, or die!"

"JOIN THIS!" Teddy bear screamed as she whomped Becky on the back of the head with a cast Iron skillet, knocking her out cold. This spured the others into action and they quickly brought Spooky gal and Caitie Angel down and tied them all up, including Becky. Once they made sure the three of them were bound and gagged securely they set about making plans to kill the others.

"Apparently we have their queen," Dang began, "it shouldn't be too hard to manipulate the others into a spot so that we can ambush them."

"Yes, but how can we get them to come where we want them to?" Gail asked.

"And how can we kill them when they get there?" Lady Luck added. Her brows were knitted with worry as she kept glancing back at the three who were tied in the corner. That's when she noticed a strange humming coming from the pit of Becky's throat. As the humming grew louder, so did the growls and yipping out side the building. She soon put two and two together and shouted, "OMG! She is calling them all here now!!"

Amaranth grabbed the skillet from Teddy Bear's hand and quickly whacked Becky again and laughed, "Hee hee, this is fun!" Her laughter soon died, however, as the window's and doors busted in and swarms of the evil creatures came crashing in around them.

EVERYONE screamed bloody murder as the Men and Private Lady opened fire! Kysta clung to Lady Luck, Monkey grabbed all her nanners and sat on them, Amaranth and Teddy Bear took turns bonking Becky on the head and ALL were shocked to hear Laughter coming from above the building over the loud speakers. The Creatures suddenly stopped and started laughing too as they ran outside.

When The Group of tired and frightened friends, gained enough courage, they too went outside to see what was so funny. Kysta screamed and BCAR said words that should never be said in the city of USM as they saw RADMAN and the ADMINS rolling on the floor laughing.

"What the heck is so funny?" Lady Luck demanded.

When Radman finally got enough composure to stop laughing and speak, he said, "Happy Halloween! We got you good!" Breaking out into more peels of laughter he said brokenly, "You should...have..... seen the look........ on BCAR's face.......... St. Pete!!!!!!!!!!!!!" With that he fell back on the ground laughing.

St. pete came out from behind the bushes, wiping fake tears from his eyes, "I didn't know ya'll cared so much!" and broke into rounds of laughter.

"Fake?" Gail cried, "This was all a joke? But.... But we killed some of them!"

"Do you think we'd have REAL bullets in the city of USM?" Radman said as he continued laughing.

"What about Becky, we saw her change!"

"Ever hear of mirrors and lighting?" St. Pete said, still laughing.

Teddy bear held up the skillet and noticed the real blood on the bottom of it, and mouthed the word uh-oh as she turned and ran back inside the building to untie becky and the others. Becky stumbled out and rubbed the pump knots on the side of her head and looked at Rad Man saying, "I'll remember this next halloween and you come up and say, hey wanna have some fun... I'm gonna run!!!!!!!" And all was well with the city of USM once again!!!

disclaimer: despite Becky's pump knots, no usmer's were harmed in the making of this story!!!


Hope ya'll liked it...


* Kysta *

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 10/8/2005 9:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 14780    Ohmygosh, this is the funniest post. I dont remember ever reading it before although I could have. This surely made me laugh.  
Date: 10/8/2005 9:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 11341    I only dont remember 2 of the USMers used in this story. I dont see why you cant use this for the contest.....Great story BTW Giggles at BCAR and his words that should never be said in the city of USM :P  
Date: 10/8/2005 1:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    If this doesnt win, I dont know what will. LOL.  
Date: 10/8/2005 6:18:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 30986    Thank ya'll. I loved this story too. Writing it was as much fun as reading it now over two years later.  
Date: 10/8/2005 6:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 62100    This is hilarious..great post!!  
Date: 10/8/2005 6:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 32070    I'm just wondering if Becky is still so anal about her nails, now that she has a baby...lol....  
Date: 10/8/2005 6:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 32070    Still not done reading. But goodness there's a lot of names I haven't seen in a LONG time and I remember them ALL ( so far)  
Date: 10/8/2005 8:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 5061    Oh goodness,this was super great,and i to, noticed names i'd not seen in a coons age,Privatelady,where ya been hun?lol.  
Date: 10/9/2005 5:24:00 AM  From Authorid: 33925    I remember this!! You worked very hard on this story Kysta and it should be allowed to be entered in the contest!  
Date: 10/10/2005 7:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 25390    OMG Kysta *falls over* I had forgotten about this, LMAO!!  
Date: 11/2/2005 7:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 28946    It's good to reread a favorite story from the past and still get a lot of laughs. You did a great job in using alot of USMers.  

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