this journal this tale whatever it turns out to be has no sense of time well because neither do i. days come go speeding by or sometimes in reverse im never really sure. i was walking once it was in the desolate lands somewhere between where old detroit used to be and the megalopolis now stands. id passed the spot what seemed weeks before id actually met my only companion near there. i was walking through their the first time hunting through the stores hoping to find some still good food which youd be surprised as many times ive found fresh fruit and spoiled canned goods. as i passed an aisle i heard a growl as this giant dog leaped at me locking its jaws on my arms. i grabbed my kitana and slammed the hilt into the animals head with a smile. as it leaped off with a yelp i grabbed a can of dogfood and popped the top throwing it in front of him stopping his second leap in half back to what i was saying. i was passing through this desolate town again not more than what city's call a block from my original campsite and saw a fire burning in the i checked it out you know there really isnt that many people that wander out so its usually bandits or runaway kids. cant blame the kids but can kill the bandits. as i crept close by wolf started growling and i could see why. it was us from the night after we met. we were standing there doing exactly what i remember us doing. i hold this sad tale inside never knowing if its truth or not but knowing fully in an instant. an instant when i sit here screaming. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 13190 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .