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Date: 8/31/2005 6:17:00 PM
From Authorid: 3263
Yeah, I just heard this. I understand WHY she did it, but I don't think it's top priority...basically everything is "lost" anyways, why not work on saving people rather than material things? ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 36704
Yeah, you're right we she should continue to let the lawlessness continue and more people get hurt and shot. Cars hijacked, maybe more police officers shot, more fires, that's a good idea. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 63026
its still an outrage to steal. how dare they, plus their interfering with the search and rescues. Plus one of the looters shot a police officer. They need to send in the Army and that'll end the looting. The looters are a disgrace to America. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:21:00 PM
From Authorid: 51061
I still don't think looting needs to be done... ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:21:00 PM
From Authorid: 28848
I just saw on the news, two uniformed police officers going through a Walmart with a shopping cart and filling it up with things that they need, even the police are looting now.. I haven't heard about the Mayor calling off search and rescue..it doesn't seem logical at all though.. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 1799
So, what, the economy is more important than human lives? :-/ ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 63026
its getting too dangerous with the looters, their shooting people. Plus there should be no search and rescues when they should of left town when told to or went to the dome. Im sorry but if your going to loot and tear up a town while its grieving, its sickening ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:32:00 PM
From Authorid: 1799
That's true PsyGuy, but isn't it more important to be saving lives instead of dealing with them? I'm sure most, if left alone, won't hurt others. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 42515
I think all the looting is out of control. Some people are just taking things because they can. On the news last night they showed a guy with a HUGE box that had Dora the Explorer on it. It was like a play house or something...he said that he was taking it for his daughter. Well somehow I don't think that he's going to be using it any time soon. I thought it was humorous too that he was hiding his face when the camera was in front of him. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:34:00 PM
From Authorid: 15228
There has been so much outrage over the looting maybe that is what the mayor is responding to. And probably your average policemen isn't the one in the helicoptor doing that sort of rescue...those are specially trained personnel. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:39:00 PM
From Authorid: 47296
There are other people there now to handle the rescue efforts. The police are needed to try and restore some kind of order, which is going to be very hard to do. In a few days, rescue efforts will be fruitless anyway. By then, it will body recovery efforts. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 62881
From what I have heard today, this isn't considered a search and rescue operation anymore...but a recovery operation instead. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:54:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
I am sorry that a police officer got shot. I think is one life is not equal to the many others that will be lost due to the fact that help is being cut. there are people with small children, people with medical problems that need to be resued from the waters. Base, uh...I do not like the looting either. i think it is horrible, until I see a mother carrying diapers out of walmart. is she going to wear those herself?? quite the style I heard. last time I looked there were no cashiers there either to help her pay for those. I think the gun problem needs to be addressed, but so far, i have seen people grabbing the necessities....no tv's. Not that they are not doing this, but my god. I am sure glad you are not up on YOUR roofs waiting to be helped as you neighbor floats by dead ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:56:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
emi...total agreement. earlier I was sickened by the looting. until I turned on my tv and sat for hours watching..... ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:56:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
super princess....did you ever think that maybe all her toys were destroyed???? i dont think that man will be playing with it...and last time I checked, noone in that area was buying dora stuff. i mean how much could he get for it really, resell??? ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:58:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
two spirit...the fact of that statement..in a couple of days, it will be recovery, makes it all the more important to me to have EVERY able body do searches and resues. My bf said that instead of waving flags to get rescued, the should hold up a sign that says "hey, looter's here!" ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 6:59:00 PM
From Authorid: 63026
its against the law to steal. The law is still in effect no matter what happends. Just becaise they want to steal stuff doesnt make it right just cuz theres a national disaster. Their calling in troops for help in the search and rescue. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:01:00 PM
From Authorid: 47296
Some towns have already stopped rescue efforts. When you have only so much resource, you have to set priorities. Priority one in any sitaution should be to maintain order. Priority two is to do everything you can to help those who need it. Because so much emphasis was placed in priority two, there is little hope now of regaining priority one. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:01:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
I mean really...should we be passing judgement? are we there? we dont know who is looting for food, many do not have food, water, anything. kids are without their fave stuffy and maybe daddy does what he could do, steal a house for her, take her mind of things. I am sure that those stealing shoes (their size) no less are planning on making some dough, rather then making sure their feet are safe from debris or worse. I am sure that noone should feel it okay to eat or drink water. they should rather die of some moral code that states thou shall not steal???? ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:01:00 PM
From Authorid: 42515
I wouldn't loot even if I could, but I guess thats just me *shrug* ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:02:00 PM
From Authorid: 62938
Just a thought. It used to be that luting was getting shot. Just a thought. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 63026
and there are hungry people on the streets anyway and beg, at least they dont loot and steal. Its sickening. And for the dad stealing the house for his kid, just to take her mind off things, do u think if something else bad happened in another situation he steal to make his kid feel better, probaly not. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:04:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
I am glad we have such upstanding citizens as some of you. I have two kids. if I was with a child who could not swim and a grandma who was diabetic and there was an empty walmart across my street, I would take what i needed. maybe I should leave an IOU? ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 22308
*shakes head* ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:05:00 PM
From Authorid: 36704
You seem to be focused on looters, that's not the extent of the problem. The people are falling into chaos. There'shootings, fires, fights, carjackings among other things. They impede search and rescue operations. As more and more people are being brought in to help in the search and rescue, it opens up the police to do their job. Like Two Spirit said, the police aren't the ones in the helicopters and now they're not the ones in the boats. There's only so many boats, jet skis and people who can be on them. Those looters also need to be rounded up and evacuated from the city before disease etc. breaks out. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:07:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
psyguy....LMAO....who are they going to beg off of?? the guy next door who looted some food???? the over worked cop who is ignoring you to get to the other person who needs him worse, I am sure that those stores are just going to be reopening soon to sell those waterlogged shoes and such.....I heard one store...foget what one,, asked people to help unload their inventory, and to take what they needed. they helped load stuff into areas that it would be safe.....to bad more stores were not doing that ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 1799
I'm sorry, but I see saving lives as more important than maintaining order with those people. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:09:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
Base...it was stated (blame the news) I saw the mayor. she was discusted by the looters! not the chaos. she stated she was taking off the officers to deal with looting. fuel..who are you shaking your head at? just curious![]() ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:09:00 PM
From Authorid: 63026
that woman was the govenor, the mayor is a guy ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:09:00 PM
From Authorid: 63026
uh i guess i follow the law too much. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:10:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
Yes, the looters....are we talking about the gangs with guns coming from other states??? I think the highway patrol should deal with that??? I think it might be obvious if someone is coming in and out of an disaster area. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:11:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
oh sorry, meant govenor,,,,,,which to me is worse then mayor anyways. the mayor is probably out of there.... ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:12:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
I watch the newws too. I know I have seen too much suffering going on to not feel compassion for everyone there. i thought at first that it was discusting. i cxompared the looting to the LA looting. i was misinformed and frankly feel stupid. these people are not angry, they are desperate! most of them anyways. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:13:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
well, have to let my daughter on. curious to see what other have to say. goodnight. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:13:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
I think everyone who has fresh water to drink tonight thank god or godess for that and try not to judge those who dont. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 49091
*shakes my head* what will ppl think of next?? ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 5229
I haven't read any of the replies but all I have to say is: As long as there are people searching for the victims, it is up to the police to try and restore as much order as possible before it all goes completely down the hole. I"m in agreeance with him sending the police back to do the job of restoring order. It's not just the looting, there's a bigger picture there. With no structure then they wouldn't be able to restore the town. I said my part, have a good day. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 15394
I think tonight is going to be a very scary night... and how many days can you go without water before it starts to make you nutty?? And how long before people start taking from other people what supplies they have? ... they are scared out of their wits and like I said before I can't imagine what it is like to see what they are seeing... the fear must be overwhilming... and the smell is soon to be gut wrenching... ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:16:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
lol, another head shaker??? who is thinking of what, bubbles? me for posting this story? the comments? the looter? the govenor???? what is there to shake your head at. or is this not important enough to talk about??? ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 22308
my parents made a joke about all the looting. we're all big gamblers and we thought it'd be funny to go down there in MS and take some cash out of the casinos...lol..thought it was funny ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:17:00 PM
From Authorid: 41744
i think they should let them loot....they are mostly taking food and water and items that they need.....and the food will end up going bad...why not let the ppl have it. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:17:00 PM
From Authorid: 63026
well i want a psp and a new guitar and drums, and am i going to loot. No and what about the other tens of thousands who are in need of all this. If you cant wait for help then you should of left town or went to the dome. If you cant wait a few hours for help then you got a problem. And if you were going to take something, at least leave the money on the counter with a note. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:17:00 PM
From Authorid: 47296
When the looting first broke out, are you aware of what some of the first things looted were? Guns! Little is being said about people taking fod and water. Everyone knows that the situation is dire. The problem is that you now have people arming themselves, and doing carjackings in order to try and get out of the city. There is a good chance that some of those who have armed themselves are former felons, who are not allowed to own guns. You now have people who do not care whether order is ever restored. They are armed, and because of the fact that the police have not been able to do thier job, they control sections of the city. Armed mobs in a disaster area is one of the worst scenerios that can happen. Not only do they loot, but they take away from those who are only trying to survive until help arives, sometimes taking their lives. Two thumbs up to the mayor for making a tough decision. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:18:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
To say one would not loot "if they could" is easy to say when one is on dry land, sitting in an air conditioned house/office/car, and they can walk a few feet to get food or water. NO ONE REALLY KNOWS what they would would do, and to what extent, given the SAME DISASTROUS circumstances. NO ONE knows what THEY would do. Extreme heat, nothing to eat, or drink, surrounded by water, stench, filth, bodies, debris, and misery. I saw a beach strewn with coffins on the news today.![]() ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 15228
They were showing video of a winn dixie grocery store that people had busted into...many people were just sitting there surronded by diapers and such...I don't blame those people a bit. If I was waiting and waiting for someone to come get me, not knowing where to go or what to do, I wouldn't have a problem taking food or water especially for my children. that is different than the other looting I think they are concerned about...do you realize ammunition and guns are being taken from some of these places? That is a very big concern...earlier today they interviewed someone who had just waded out...he said a girl had been raped, people were shooting at each other, it has got to be stopped. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:21:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
I know about the guns....I understand about the carjacking. i know that people are desperate. i still feel she was wrong. the more people you get out of there, the less left to loot, kill, or steal. I cant bear to think of those innocent people sitting there waiting to die. hopefully the cops are smart enough and fair enough to know who is stealing for survival and who is stealing for.....not the same reasons. i think everyone is thinking survival though. i am just glad I am not in that place. the govenor makes me upset, because she looked so snotty and the way she spoke about people taking food and clothes was the same way she spoke about people stealing guns. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 7:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 41744
i do agrre that there need to be some control over the people looting.....but if they are just taking things they need an not causing trouble let them take it......and not everybody was able to leave..they didn't have the money or the transportation. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 8:44:00 PM
From Authorid: 47296
Catherine, as I said, if they are taking food and water, fine. I saw footage of one woman carrying two cases of beer. You can bet they are hitting the pharmacies also. Any bets on what they are looking for. I can assure you it is not Penicillan, Amoxycillan, Tetracyline, or any other number of drugs which they might actually need in all the filth they are in. No, they are looking for drugs so they can get a fix, or sale somewhere when they get out of this mess. I wonder how many have looted salt? Why salt? Well, if they had gotten salt before their meat went bad in the freezers, they could have salted it for later use, if they knew how. I wonder how many have looted hygeine products? Even in the worst of circumstances, good hygeine can mean the difference between life or death. I saw video of three looters carrying bags full of athletic shoes. Just how many pairs do they need right now. Alcohol is the worst thing they should be drinking right now, yet looters are hitting liquor stores. As for electronics and such, what good will it do them? There will be no power for months in many sections, and if there is a total evacuation, they can't take it with them. Also, there are no guarantees when they will be able to go back, if they can go back at all. Most all the homes which have water damage will have to be gutted if not torn down because of toxic mold. It could be years before some are ever able to go back. The troops will start coming in in the next few days, and I can assure you that they will deal with the looters a lot differently than the police do. If those with guns shoot at the military, then there could well end up being a bloodbath. The military does not train to handle this type of situation, yet they are needed, so they will be used. I can assure you that once the military goes in, there will be people wishing that the police had been handling law enforcement all along, instead of doing rescues. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 8:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 12341
Stealing food, water, and diapers under these conditions are not the same as stealing televisions, things to sell, or gain by, bare needs are left sitting on store shelfs while children are hungry or needy, I think this will be sorted out more by what has transpired and the suffering that people are going through, most only take what they need to exist, those who are taking or "stealing" are no different than those who look for an easy way out any other day. But some may simply have no no other choice right now. I can't imagine the horror of what they are going through. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 9:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 45630
I don't often agree with Two Spirits but I agree on this one. We as a society have a responsibilty to maintain order so as to not make life even worse after a tragedy. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 9:28:00 PM
From Authorid: 12341
Will there be a "separation" of those who "steal food and water and basic needs over those who steal items to sell? And can we begin to understand the devastation that some are living with, the conditions and the horror. The lack of food or fresh water.... where and when is looting a survival guide for some. And how are we to know? If I see a guy stealing a television where there is no electricity, I know he is a looter, if I see a man steal bread where there is nothing but devastation, than perhaps I understand what the difference is and why it may happen. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 11:27:00 PM
From Authorid: 59876
i saw people doing both on the news, some taking food water and basic clothing, and others carting of such as televisions and big racks full of expensive items, not likely items needed at this time. saw lots of people walking off with basic supplies and they wern't being harassed, but those stealing big ticket items were getting busted. not even really busted, just made to back off. i see nothing wrong with that. the people in the grocery store were peacable and taking necessities. no one was bothering them at all. as it should be. there is more to it, but when it comes down to it, most all is going to be a loss and that food and water is going to go out as needed anyway. hopefully people will look out for each other and try to meet as many needs as possible. ![]() |
Date: 8/31/2005 11:32:00 PM
From Authorid: 28193
I saw the two police women looting the Wal-Mart too. One man took a TV..and there isn't any electricity!! But, I think that the cost will trickle down to all of us, because of all of the theft. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 5:31:00 AM
From Authorid: 15228
They just suspended evacuations from the superdome...because someone was shooting at the military helicoptors...just as Two Spirit said could happen. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 5:33:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
psyguy....that is the most silly thing I have heard. we are talking about people who will have to wait days to be resued, in swealtering, humid weather without water. what i mostly see is people taking items,like diapers, or water or flotation devices from these stores. my gosh, that last comment about the playstation was just....cant they wait?? I think they have all been waiting since monday. more then a few hours to say the least. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 5:43:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
junggy and jungg.... I agree jung, it will be a scary night. I watched the new last night and saw that things are still rescue in new orleans. they have started to tranfer some people. what is sad is, it is not enough. no blmae here. just a sad situation. yes, i agree that some assembly of order is needed. I am just so irked by how that lady (govenor) looked and acted when she was speaking. like she was above all this. i have seen her speak since and I believe she must have spoken to PR because she acted less like a snot. I just feel very bad for these poeople and am sure the police will differeniate (sp) between the looters that steal for necessity and those who do not. I have not seen the footage of the police doing this. wonder what the govenor would say about this??? I am also irked at how easy it is for some of us to judge these desperate people and lump them together as common thieves. I am just glad that I am in the postition to judge at this point and not the position of those being judged. I will leave the judgement up to God and the authorities. I just find this terribly a horrid time for america ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 5:46:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
kelli??? really??? OMG! that is aweful! I know I saw a man who was very irate last night because he had kids and they would not let him in the texas dome because they were only taking people from the astro dome....he was mad because he hitchhiked all the way there just to be turned away. this......I dont know. just curious...how many prisions and jails lost inamtes...not lost in ways of dying, like in ways of they got out????? I am hoping at least the police and jails were transferred. doh..i agree with what you said completely. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 5:47:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
okie...I have my domes mixed up. sorry about that ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 5:55:00 AM
From Authorid: 15228
We talked to our friend in Florida this morning, he said that there have been some escapes from prisons in New Orleans...in one prison they took the warden, his wife and kids hostage (he brought his family to the prison to ride out the storm in safety)...I don't know how that turned out, they didn't show it on the news much. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:08:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
oh kelli. that is horrid. I wish we would hear more on that. I am watching the news now. they are saying that the efforts for the sunami was much better....no wonder people are angry. people have been predicting this exact senerio for years, yet noone seems prepared. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:13:00 AM
From Authorid: 15228
This is so different from the Tsanimi..that area didn't remain flooded..the wave came in, than everything was taken back out to sea. In this situation the water has remained. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:20:00 AM
From Authorid: 18928
He needs to worry about the people first, then the items. Ya know I was watching this on all the news channels and they kept talking about a casino being moved, and how people could steal from it. Not really much coverage on the people. It was and is sad. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:21:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
no but organized efforts were better executed. I am hoping the president can get help outside the united states. I am hoping that others offer to help. I am watching victims beg to hear from family members. this is horrid![]() ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:24:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
vadia, I agree. i am just now seeing some of the victims asking for people and giving numbers. there should be hotlines flashing on the screen. names being at least gathered of the people on roofs and such, so one can call in and at least find out their loved ones are alive. people are turning ugly in new orleans, but if you think about it....they are in a war zone. I am not excusing their behavior at all. they are just desperate right now. how many times can you watch boats and planes just go on by you and not pick you up as you are starving and dehydrated. I feel so surreal. much more so then I did with 9/11 and it was bad, bad then. this is so scary! ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:24:00 AM
From Authorid: 15228
Was the rescues better executed? I don't remember, seems like it took several days to at least a week to start getting aid in, but as I said, i don't remember for sure. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:25:00 AM
From Authorid: 62881
Very few countries come to our aid...but we are always there for everyone else...that needs to stop. We should help those countries who are willing to reach out and help us ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:26:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
fema....was talking about three things they were preparing for. 1. california big earthquake (great, i live here) the louisiana flood, and terriorist attacks in newyork. they decided to prepare for the flood and still they are fulling prepared. this is just beyond anything anyone can comprehend. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:27:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
froggy. i agree. and I think bush is too proud to ask for help from anyone else anyways. what gets me is that he asks us, americans for donations. that is fine...but I would be much more impressed if he said "I donated 10 million of my personal money" can you try and help,as well. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:28:00 AM
From Authorid: 62881
I saw on the news this morning...a woman's husband died at her feet. She tried to flag down a police car before he died and they ignored her. I know the have so many people in need that they can't answer every call or person who tries to stop them. This is a sad situation. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:28:00 AM
From Authorid: 62881
I like that CB! ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:35:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
dont ya froggy? he can afford it. how about opening the white house. there must be some extra rooms:P okay...that was said in jest. not the donation part though. but I am still shocked about the nfl donation. 1 million? that is not even the wage they pay most top players. I am hoping that people will really donate what they can afford.... ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:41:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
okie...off to work. I have seen two former mayors of new orleans speak, one agrees with me and says first priority should be evacuating those people. he states we have the resources to do so...and we do??? what about big rigs??? why not call some big companies or small....asking for help transporting these people out of that area????? sure, there are no seatbelts in the back, but bet those trapped would not care..... ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:45:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
why are there people without leadership, wandering around, not knowing what is up or down? maybe someone should print out a flyer. sound simplistic??? well someone needs to organize them into groups, tell them they are at the least, not forgotten. a newsman got trapped in anice hotel....he got water, tensions were high...but he got out. I am watching this...that is why i am replying about this. the police cant get back to their offices, ....I dont know. this is just sad. I dont know..... ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 6:46:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
they have troops STANDING BY!? but no requests for them to move into any certain area. planning is bad and lack of communication. that is what they are saying the problem. and the levi...can it be fixed???? dang it. I have to go to work ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 8:33:00 AM
From Authorid: 31765
I can tell you this. If I and my family were left stranded like those people were, for lack of money or transportation to get away from the disaster, and the government didn't see fit to bring buses and/or air support to get me and my family and others like us out. And days later, my family was hungry and thirsty and dying. Would laws stop me from stealing food and water? Nope. Not in this lifetime. This hurricane should be a lesson for us. If you're poor, don't think the government cares enough to evacuate you in time of disaster. I'm disgusted with my country. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 9:19:00 AM
From Authorid: 15394
awww people are outside in Texas with welcome signs... it's a small thing but it is good to see something encouraging for these people ![]() ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 9:30:00 AM
From Authorid: 15394
The news just said that today the president and Mrs. Bush are sending a "significant" controbution to the Red Cross... ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 10:02:00 AM
From Authorid: 15394
oooh the ... grrrr... the.... ugh... news confrence Mcclellan is dodging questions... they ask specifically if there are not enough personnel because of Iraq... and asking about the cuts the president made to the flood project in New Orleans.... in essence this could have been avoided if the money wasn't cut back in 2003... and Mc clellan is dodging the question with statements like "this isn't time for politics" ... and he said our experts said it wasn't a money issue it was a design issue... really, because the state is 5 million behind in paying the engineers and contractors to fix the levee and design, because of the cuts made by Bush in 2003... I agree it is time to pull together, but come on, it is also time to figure out how this happened, so that it doesn't happen again... jmo it isn't too early to start planning how to avoid in the future... (they knew how, but didn't get the promised money to do it...) sorry just had to vent ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 12:15:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
Thanks lady. I see it quite funny that some can actually talk about the law here. the mayor is now allowing the people to march. I think texas and the govenor of texas is awesome. I find our president a joke. I am sorry I voted for him. the fact remains he oraganizes aid to other countries far better then to his own people. SINCE MONDAY people, it is now THURDAY!!!!!!! Jungy....I missed that. wish I could have seen it. there are many regular humans doing extrodiary things for these people. medical personel who have traveled to that state to help.... ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 12:16:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
there are now dead people around the convention center![]() ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 12:21:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
as far as the extra military and police the governor ordered, charity hospital, which needs to be evacuated and are being shot at have seen NO police or military. They are probably steal looking for looters. all the guns are gone. who gives a crap what people take now....let them have it to survive. go to areas and rescue!!!!! and shoot the shooters. forget arresting them. this is a war zone. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 3:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 45630
also we have to separate simple theft and looting. They are very different. Looting involves chaos simple theft is alot less dangerous. ![]() |
Date: 9/1/2005 4:16:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 20296
kurt, yesterday as news people were talking about looting, they were showing people carrying out three packs of diapers, bad of clothes...one bad, not many. as I stated up there, one reported acted incredulous that people were actually trying on shoes!!! they are not theives in my book, they are survivors. but, yes...I agree there is a difference between looting and what would be in normal circumstances, theft. too bad the news cant get that right. ![]() |
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