I believe in ghosts, spirits, what ever you may call it. I have had a few encounters in my time, but I have never shared the same space with them...Until now. I am at Abu Ghurayb prison, as which I am sure many of you are somewhat familiar with the history of this place. This prison was a slaughter house for Saddam during his regime. There is dark, negative energy abundant here.
Now to my tale. I had thought that I was just hearing things, you know a tired over active imagination. I would hear the other bed squeek in the prison cell now converted room, the door would open and close, and I would see shadow like objects moving in the room. Now people coming into the room is not an uncommon occurence, but they always answer when I addressed them. The past few times that no one did, I would get up and walk out into the open area and no one would be there. LIke I said, I just chalked it up to my imagination because I am tired quite often here, and during those times the mind will play games on you. However, my observations were verified this morning when my relief showed up. He said that he was sure that our room was haunted, and I said I agree. He asked me why I thought so and I told him what I had witnessed. We both had experienced the same things.
**now, while on the subject of this. There is a place here called the death house. People have taken tours of the place and pics. There wouldnt be any dust in the room or on the lenses of the cameras (( according to thier account >, but the pictures would be filled with hundreds of orbs...http://www.geocities.com/lstwikedangel/orb.html, this is the pic I have now, I will take some of my own. I might be going in tomorrow night, apparently no one goes in there at night because of the supposed paranormal activity. If it happens, I will do a follow up**
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