Hey! Does any one have any suggestions on how I can make my best friend feel better..
Yesterday her boyfriend broke up with her.. She's known him for over two years, and they've been going out for over a year of that..She's 19 and it was her first real relationship where they were in love. Well, Their relationship was really good until she was under the influence of something one night, and cheated on him. It made her really guilty, so she told him. And he broke up with her. Their relationship is in the air right now, he might come back, he might not.
I've been trying my best to make her feel better, and be there for her. I cant be all the time though, because I work, and I start college in a week. But I was just wondering if any one had any ideas..I dont need anything to say to her, because I'm really good with words :) What I mean is, is there any fun projects I can do for her? Like make her a mixtape, or a video (Of what, I dont know), or draw her a picture, or ANYTHING! I really have no idea. I was thinking about making her some sort of video that she can watch when she's by herself at home (she's honestly not used to being by herself at home. She was always with him and me). But I dont know what I'd do in the video, I just want to take her mind off of it! And help keep her busy even when I'm not there.
All I can think of is making a mix cd (which I don't really feel like doing, I've already made her two before and I have no other songs to show her! plus most of them might even make her miss him more)..So a mix CD (no), or make her a video of maybe something that'd make her laugh...Yeah that's pretty much all I can think of.
Is there anything that you did for a friend that was really nice at a time like this? Or vise versa? Or maybe I could not make her something, but take her out someplace special. I am willing to do all that it takes for her! Do they have cards for this type of thing? Maybe I should go get her a feel better card tomorrow?
Thank you soo much for listening to me and helping out :) If I was more creative I wouldn't have to ask you all lol. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 10534 ( Click here )
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