I had a friend who died sometime in October, 1979. His body was found in the woods about a mile from his home. It was badly decomposed, so badly, in fact, that he could only be identified by his dental records, and the time and cause of his death could only be estimated.
He had a closed coffin ceremony for his memorial. I attended his funeral that day, which is something I seldom do (I prefer to remember people as I last saw them alive). This would be my final goodbye to him, or so I thought. But for the last twenty-some years, I would have frequent dreams that my friend was standing at the foot of my bed, and, when I acknowledged his presence, he would say "remember me" and then disappear. I wondered at his visits. I even went, on various occasions, to psychic readers to ask about him, and they would always say that they could see him hanging around me.
I was his friend, but not his close friend. We were more like friendly acquaintances, people that didn't hang together, but that would have nice conversations whenever we should run into each other by chance. So I wondered why he would be hanging around me after his demise. One day, I happened to come across a chat room run by someone that billed herself as a psychic that "talks to dead people." I asked her why he was still with me. She said that he wanted his murder to be solved. I asked her why someone who had crossed over would care about such a thing. She said that it involved the karma of someone still living, and that he wanted this person to pay for misdeeds committed now, so that they did not carry a karmic burden over into another life. She also said that he was trying to communicate with people that he knew could sense his presence in some way, with hope that the details of his death would come into light.
I would have liked to help him solve his case. However, I was clueless as to what to do, so I did nothing. But It would seem that I was not the only one still interested in him. Recently, it was in the local news that the police had examined new evidence gained from DNA, and made an arrest in his case. The person they arrested was a family member. So, it would seem, he got his wish after all.
I hope he rests in peace now. I haven't seen him lately, so I am hoping that this means that he has gotten on with his next life. How it changed my life:This story didn't change me in any great way, but it did reaffirm my belief that there is more to this world than that which can be seen. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62835 ( Click here )
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