** Updated about Past Life Questions. Read third paragraph below, to find out more!
~~~~~ To be better able to help answer your psychic questions, here are a few guidelines that will assure you the best way for energies to reach the psychics, for a good insightful reading, and the best quality for your reading.
~~~~~ Dream Interpretations are not generally answered in the psychic category. We have a Dream Interpretation Category for that. If you do prefer one of the psychics to interpret a dream however, please profile one of them, to determine the possibility to post your dream in this category for interpretation.
** ~~~~~ Questions about Past Life Identities are now allowed, but it needs to be known that these will need to be meditated on, and at times may not be answered promptly as the other questions. The question of your past life will be answered within one week from the time it was posted. It will help if could put on your post: your birth year (right now in this lifetime), and the color of your eyes (naturally at birth, not with colored contacts, surgery changes, or similar). It is not required, but does quicken the window that needs to open.
~~~~~ ALL QUESTIONS are to be within the G rating guidelines or your post will be deleted and unanswered.
~~~~~ The psychic advice at USM is free and open to everyone who is a member.
~~~~~ Please allow 24 to 48 hours for your question to be answered. Around Holidays will take longer however. We apologize.
1. ~~~ Please limit questions to 2 at the very most. It makes a better focus point for the psychic. If you wish an answer from a certain psychic, please include their alias name in your title.
2. ~~~ Be complete with your information on the topic you wished answered. Using Author Only Mode if desired. *See How to create author only posts, below these guidelines, please*
3. ~~~ Please do not post ramblings from one subject to another, this confusses the connection. Keep within the topic of the post. If there is another matter that concerns you, a separate post is better.
4. ~~~ Do not put up a new question post to ask more questions, if you already have a previous post already started for this same question. Keeping your comment additions to the same post allows more energies to arise for the psychic, and a better insight can be felt by the psychic. If that post goes onto the next page and you are not done with that one, leaving the URL in the psychics profile can allow them to get to it faster, as usually the first page is the only page looked at after being answered. You can get to the psychics' profile by going to the faq page, scroll down to the monitors list and clicking on one of their tags.
5. ~~~ All insights are at the time of reading your questions to your post, and the disclaimer should also be understood.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ** Creating Author Only Mode Posts for Privacy **
~~~~~ To make your posts unviewable from other members and to allow a more private session with your psychic, you can opt for the author only mode feature at USM. The G Rating Guideline affecting all of USM is still to be observed, please.
~~~~~ To do this you must follow these steps EXACTLY to achieve that privacy level:
1. ~~~ Go to the button on the home page that reads: 'click here, new story'.
2. ~~~ Scroll down through the categories offered and find the choice named 'psychic questions/advice', highlight that by clicking on that category, and then click the 'continue' button.
3. ~~~ Place your title in the space provided, and include any specific psychic if you wish a certain one to answer.
4. ~~~ Where it reads: 'Enter all the details you can about your question', you will only type the words, "author only please", or something to that affect in this area. Scroll down and click on the 'submit' button. You have just now created a space to ask your question in author only. Your post will be the next thing you see on your monitor, when the page refreshes.
5. ~~~ Now scroll down to the red box on the post you just made, where comments are given. This is where you type in your question or questions and where you will continue to add more input later on if desired. When you are satisfied with what you have written, there is one important step you MUST DO to assure author only mode BEFORE submitting your question. Please read step 6 carefully.
6. ~~~ On that red box you will see some options to use. Go on to the part that reads: 'Comments and Replies'. There is a circle already with a dot in it that reads: 'forall readers'.. you do not want this, or anyone can read what you are asking.. you have to MANUALLY with your mouse, click the other circle that reads: 'or Author Only:'
7. ~~~ Now you are ready to submit your question through the red comment box and onto your post. When it refreshes and you can read it, you will note that your typing fonts are in GREEN letters. This shows you that you correctly are in author only mode, and only you and the psychic can read what is there. If you will be asking more questions, or commenting to that same post and want to keep all future replies private, you MUST follow steps 5 and 6 EACH time you comment.
8. ~~~ Always check that your submissions are in author only by scrolling down to look for those green letters. If you forgot to put it in author only mode (and it does happen, Lol) you will see yellow letters and anyone can read them. You can delete that comment of yours that is in yellow letters, by clicking on that small box at the beginning of that particular comment just before the time and date stamp on that comment, and then scrolling down and click 'delete marked comments'. This will erase it from the post and you can start over, making certain to click that circle that reads 'or Author only:'
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .