Ok, everyone, doing something nice for my servant...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~KATSHOS WEBSITE.......
If you belive in ghosts and other things paranormal things, then this site can provide some insight. Its got pictures, stories, the history of Prarieville.
I found the ghosts pictures to be interesting. Especially the one with all the blue orbs. The ones that I could definately see what was pointed out were fascinating. Something believers, skeptics, and the no way do they exist people can enjoy.
The articles on how ghosts contact us was very informative. It explains how ghosts use our senses to initiate contact. Some of the stuff I knew from previous experiences and some I learnd. So it goes to show that even a wise old tiger can still be taught something.
She has true ghost stories that she herself has experienced. Good reading. I enjoyed the read.
The site is visually appealing and easy on the eyes. Navigating the site can be done with ease. Some of it is still under construction, but honestly, what project is ever truly finished?
So stop by her profile; auther ID:14780, screen name: Katsho, and click on the link to her site. Check it out, and sign in the guest book to let her know you were there.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .