So now you’ve decided that I’m no longer in your life It’s okay And you’ve took away what little bit of love I had left No, you threw it away You took it upon yourself to push me Right over the edge Left me here with that dumb face I sometimes have Puzzled, never being able to figure you out I could have looked deeper but I was too afraid I never wanted to see what was really going on I couldn’t live with even just a piece of that reality I just couldn’t accept that I would have to let go And be alone Pick myself up and move on I’m not that strong I’m not as strong as everyone thinks I am I can’t just let go of things that I love I hold on with every hope, dream, and desire I believe I believe that things can change But they don’t They don’t ever change And my insanity won’t leave me to the truth of it all I hurt so bad inside that some days I can barely awaken I always push everyone away So fearful that someone will see the pain inside So ashamed and not wanting to let anyone close I don’t know how to be happy I’ve never been loved before I give all I have only to find nothing in return And I’m tired I am so exhausted I scream Please, someone take me away Please someone save me That’s all I long for in life Just someone to hold me I want to free to be who I am Free to think my own thoughts I yearn for respect and a reason I’m so weak and pathetic I allowed you to control me because I am so afraid of being alone Please, someone hear me Don’t leave me here alone I just don’t want to be alone
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .