This may be a tad bit lengthy...but I must explain the best I can so I can be more clear and precise. I've been talking to this one girl for about 2 months, and we've talked on the phone basically everyday from the time I got her number. For the past four weeks, we've been haning out even more....a group of us have gone clubbin in consecutive weeks for the past month. A few nights ago, after I dropped her off...she called me 20 minutes later just to see that I made it home safely. She'll call me up, just to see if I wanna go shopping with her or want to hang out...and from what a friend of her told me, she doesn't hang out with guys all like that. Here's where it gets confusing. Last week, we talked about a number of things. We talked about relationships, things we look for in a mate, and even got into sex talk. I told her that night, that I was into her. The thing is, she's not percise when she says things. She said that she wants to be in a serious relationship soon, and that she knows who she would want to be with. I ask her who, and she said that she won't get into it. She also said that she has talked to her mother about me, but once again when I asked...she declined to tell me..only saying that I told me mother about my dear friend "Greg". I'm initially thinking that these are good things, because she probably wouldn't say anything otherwise. This conversation lasted for 4 hours through the night. We've said that we're going to take things slow, and go step-by-step and see how it goes. The other night, she called me and said that we can't talk on the phone for that long anymore, cause it's not very "friend" like. She meant it as, she's in the friend mode and is trying to chill out. I agreed with her...but it threw me off. A female that I confide in tells me that the girl probably already has fallen for me, but is scared cause she was in a bad relationship recently...and is backing off slightly. She calls me alot, she's had her son around me...and my mother says that a girl won't bring their kid around any guy, and she lets me drive her car (and my mother once again says that a girl isn't gonna let any dude drive their car). She personally doesn't like calling people, but I questioned why she calls me and she says that she likes talking to me. She has never said outright that she is feeling me, but there are definitely some signs that could prove that....I just need some advice, cause i'm 19 and girls still confuse me lol. I just don't know how they think sometimes. Sorry for the length again, and if you need to elaborate or anything....feel free to ask me anything about the situation. Peace out and Thnx so much :P You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62684 ( Click here )
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