Did you hear about the Irishman who spent an hour in a big store looking for a cap with a peak at the back?????
Then there was the Irishman who was stranded for an hour in a supermarket when the escalator broke down!!!!!!
Then there was Barry O'Loughlin who went to the doctor to get some medicine as he wasn't feeling very well. "This is pretty strong stuff," said the doctor, "so take some the first day, then skip a day, take some again and then skip another day and so on." A few months later the doctor met Barry's wife and asked her how he was. "Oh, he's dead," she told him. "Didn't the medicine I prescribed do him any good?" asked the doctor. "Oh, the medicine was fine," she replied. "It was all that skipping that killed him."
Circus Owner: "You left the door of the lion's cage open all night last night." Mick: "What the matter, sure nobody in his senses would bother stealing a lion."
And you'll remember also the Irishman who got a job as a doorman in a big building. He managed very well with the PUSH and PULL signs but he was seen struggling with is fingers under a door marked LIFT.
An Old Irish Army sergeant wasn't feeling very well so he went to the doctor and had a checkup. "When did you last have a drink?" the doctor asked him. "1945," said the sergeant. "That's a long time without a drink," said the doctor. "It certainly is," said the sergeant. "It's nearly 2130 now."
Luv and Peace....Zema
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