Heres The Problem...
1. I have this friend that I talk to on the computer and play yahoo pool with. He also likes to play pool with my 10 and 11 yr old to sometimes.
2. I was talking to him on the phone to see if he was going to be on later that night to play pool with me when the kids were in bed like we usally did and I said someting that really upset him and he said he was not going to talk to me anymore and but he would be my friend after he thaught about what I said for a while. I can not call him anymore when I am down and nobody else will listen to me.The thing that hurts the most is that I was upset about something and I took it out on him.I should have never had done that.
3. What I want to know is how do I say sorry and get our freindship back the way it was before I said that mean thing to him.I really like talking to him and this really hurts not to be able to. I ne ideas on what to say to him. So please help me. Thanks You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 51194 ( Click here )
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