You know that you work with a bunch of monkeys and it’s time to look for a new job.
#1: Your co-workers drive you bananas.
Obnoxious people can invade your work life. Let's face it, not everyone gets along perfectly. But you need to have some sort of harmonious relationship with fellow employees to get the job done. They are distracting and impede productivity. Most offices have a Gossip, a Whiner, a Noisy Neighbor. How are you supposed to get any work done when these guys keep getting in the way?
#2: Your workplace is a zoo.
Everyone experiences job highs and lows, but discontent could also be a sign of a chronically depressing work environment or even a company in peril. A bad work environment is reflective of the culture of an entire business.
#3 You're going ape by the end of the day.
Stress can cause low morale, decreased productivity and apathy towards work. Plus, it can spill into your personal life and even have a negative effect on your health. Today there are fewer people who are taking on more and more work. According to CareerBuilder, 68 percent of workers feel burnout at work, and 45 percent said their workloads are too heavy.
#4 Your boss acts like Tarzan.
Even though this person is your boss, it doesn’t mean he can act like Lord of the Apes. Your relationship with your supervisor plays a big role in your overall professional happiness and success. And, fighting to have your boss removed or waiting for your boss to change or get fired are rarely successful tactics.
#5 All you do is monkey around all day.
One can only play so many games of Donkey Kong online. If you aren’t feeling challenged, that’s a sign that you need additional responsibilities or a change roles. And be warned, if you don’t have any responsibility or find yourself with nothing to do, management might be trying to phase you out and you might be in danger of losing your job.
#6 You're treated like a second banana.
Your ideas aren’t taken seriously; there are no opportunities for advancement; the boss ignores you; co-workers alienate you; you’re discouraged from improving skills with a course or seminar; you’re passed over for a promotion -- again; or you’re excluded from key projects and strategizing sessions. So why are you still giving this organization your time, energy and great ideas?
#7 Your co-workers act like animals.
They live for themselves and only themselves. They irritate you. They offend you. They have no manners or ethics. And you work with them all. There’s the Office Thief who steals your ideas. The Shirker arrives late, leaves early and disappears whenever work is near. The Buck-passer unloads her work onto everyone else and blames others for her mistakes. The Procrastinator delays things until the last possible minute. The Interrupter stops by your cubicle 10 times a day. And don’t forget the infamous Elevator Person who rides up only one floor instead of taking the stairs.
#8 Nobody cares if you’re howling and screeching.
Although we live in a world of e-mail, cell phones, instant messages, Blackberries, WiFi and, yes, even face-to-face conversation, there can still be a complete lack of communication. The breakdown of communication can be frustrating and detrimental to your job. It can cost you an account, make you to miss a deadline, cause you to lose a client, and even get you fired.
#9 You practically have to swing from trees to get noticed.
You need to realize that you deserve credit for your successes. Recognition is important, and good companies implement programs to let employees know they are valued. Is your company doing anything to reward your efforts? Do you ever receive bonuses, perks or positive feedback? If your boss has never heard of positive reinforcement - verbal or otherwise, find a company that will value your talents.
#10 You feel like you're stuck in a cage.
While salary may seem like the end all and be all, your quality of life determines your overall happiness. How much time you spend on the job, working conditions, supervisors and subordinates can positively and negatively impact your job outlook. If you dread the time you spent at work, it should be a clear indicator that it’s time to break free from the monkey bars. A job shouldn’t stifle you - creatively, mentally or physically.
Article written by Kate Lorenz, advice editor for You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 3125 ( Click here )
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