A couple nights ago, one of my friends, Robert, came over to our place because he got in another agruement with his partner. They've been agrueing over the stupidest things for the longest time that I could remember, ever since I've met Robert. There's been a few nights where he wouldn't go back to his place because his partner didn't want him there or something. So he would kick back at our place or my other friend's place.
This time, he came over with his car packed with most of his stuff because his gf, partner, or whatever she is, started to toss out all of his stuff out into the front lawn.
We told Robert that he could kick back at our place or at our friend's place for a while. The last few nights, he's been staying at my friend's place. But I don't know how much longer.
He seriously needs to leave her. She treats him like dirt! I guess that they're arguement was over money. They both work at a pizza joint, but at different stores. Robert is a supervisor and she's just a runt. He makes more money than she does and she expect him to bring home more money.
She wants him to get a better job. Why doesn't she?? I don't get it! Every time when we told Robert that he should leave her, he'll make up some excuse or something. There's kids involved with them as well, but I'm not too sure if they had a child together or they're kids are from someone else.
It seems like all they agrue about is that she wants more out of him. More money..better job... I just don't get her... I just hope that this seperation might be a good thing and pernament. She doesn't deserve him. He's such a great and sweet person and she treats him like dirt..
He seriously needs to leave her...I hope that he will someday soon. Thanks for reading my vent. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 53909 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .