Okay, this wasn't MY embarrassing moment, but i think i just really humiliated someone else.
i live in a beautiful old apartment building built in 1916; it has a rather strange layout to it. There is a community laundry room, with 2 doors-the one everyone else uses, and one that goes straight into MY apartment. i got home from work tonight and sit in front of the computer to wind down before bed. Out of nowhere, i hear this gospel singing. LOUD gospel singing. i get up, hoping i'm not being serenaded at my front door by a psycho, and realize the commotion is coming from the laundry room. Mind you, it is 12:30 in the morning. i tiptoe over and spy out the peephole (yes, there actually IS a peephole!) and see a guy dancing as though he were on stage and singing at the top of his lungs, all the while doing his laundry! i went back to my computer and pretended i didn't hear him, figuring he would stick his clothes in the dryer and go away. But 10 minutes later, i cannot concentrate and go back to the door. i was curious and wanted to see the face behind the voice.
i open it, and he about jumps out of his skin. He apologizes profusedly, and, as i suspected, he had no idea there was an apartment on the other side of that door that just looked like a utility closet. He hastily explains that he thought he was in an area where no one could hear him.
Then i had to say something, and feel a little guilty. i really had no good reason for opening the door other than out of morbid curiosity; but it WAS very late and better that he not make a habit of it, i figured? i said, 'no, don't worry about it, i just thought someone had a radio on and i wondered what was going on. i actually think it's funny.' i told him to keep singing, i was getting in the shower and wouldn't hear him anyways. 'Don't stop on MY account!' i said, laughing it off.
Turns out he is an actor, he just moved into town 2 weeks ago to work for the local theater, i found out after he introduced himself. Kinda cool. i hope so much i didn't sound cruel or rude...i didn't mean it to be that way. He had a beautiful voice and is very talented, and i told him so. He told me he would be more mindful in the future that someone lived behind the laundry room. Should i feel so horrible for opening the door? i feel like i intentionally put myself in a position to embarrass someone. Sorry for such a long story-asylem_supastar You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 63042 ( Click here )
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