Date: 1/13/2005 5:23:00 AM
From Authorid: 58308
Wow! Very interesting!!!  |
Date: 1/13/2005 5:31:00 AM
From Authorid: 49101
I don't recall hearing that Aleister Crowley was an evil man either. I will say this though, his tarot deck is awesome. The artwork is VERY unique and the meanings he put behind each of the cards is very deep.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 5:44:00 AM
From Authorid: 62100
Wow..interseting stuff..thanks for sharing..  |
Date: 1/13/2005 6:07:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
that's cool missC. i didn't know he had one. can you buy it or are you talking about his own deck that he used?  |
Date: 1/13/2005 6:27:00 AM
From Authorid: 49101
I WISh I had the deck he used, it would be worth a pretty penny LOL! No I have the Aleister Crowley Tarot deck, hang on let me get the book and I will give you the whole name.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 6:29:00 AM
From Authorid: 49101
Ok the name of the book that goes with the cards is "The Mirror Of The Soul" HandBook for the Aleister Crowley Tarot. So I assume it is just the Aleister Crowley Tarot, or perhaps Mirror to The Soul? It is a GREAT DECK though. I only recently started using it, I usually use RiderWaite decks.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 6:32:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
that's neat i'll have to check into it 8-)  |
Date: 1/13/2005 6:35:00 AM
From Authorid: 49101 That link will take you to a place where you can see reviews on it, and a picture of some of the cards. The reviews will tell you, they are not easy to read, but they are a fascinating deck to own.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 8:42:00 AM
From Authorid: 19613
Can I ask what you're definition of evil is, considering Crowley was once called "the most evil man in Britain?" (for various reasons which I probably couldn't go into on usm)  |
Date: 1/13/2005 8:45:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
i don't believe paganism is evil. there are many forms of it. he was a gifted man, not an evil one. evil is a serial killer/torturer.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 8:46:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
people sometimes label things evil that they don't understand.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 11:50:00 AM
From Authorid: 35160
im curious, did they ever try to get rid of the bed. maybe that would end the problems. not mention if he died in 1947, the bed is super old anyways{gross},lol. i think its time for a new bed.   |
Date: 1/13/2005 11:54:00 AM
From Authorid: 62801
Crowley was born in 1875 and was called the "Great Beast." He was known to practice ritual child sacrifice regularly, in his role as Satan's high priest or "Magus." Crowley died in 1947 due to complications of his huge heroin addiction. Before dying, he succeeded in establishing Satanic covens in many U.S. cities including Hollywood.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 12:17:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
i'm sure he didn't sacrifice children regularly because if it was known as they say he would have been arrested. it's the bible thumpers that see satanism in such a bad light. it is just another religion. and it's the others that don't understand the concept that think they must be sacrificing people. and yes i know all about him. he was a great man, very powerful. a sorcerer, of sorts.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 12:18:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
p.s..didn't the bible have several passages condoning child sacrifice..yes, i believe there are posts here outlining just that. not to say it's alright, or that crowley did it - but, if we listened to the bible, there are many instances in which is calls for child sacrifice. stoning them to death, and such.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 12:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 19613
No question modern day paganism owes alot to Crowley, but so does modern day Satanism "Do what thou wilt be the whole of the law" is the "golden rule" of Thelema, and seems to be the basic idea behind modern day Satanism.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 12:46:00 PM
From Authorid: 62801
Well Heather, my former best friend was a Satanist. I know what real Satanists do in secret to get power. I don't care what religion your a part of real Satanism is vile. I know what there black masses are all about and they are murderers.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 12:58:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
as with any religion there are those that pervert it and those that practice it as it should be. lots of the younger satanists might be vile, but they aren't truly gaining any power. and 'do what thou wilt' is not a bad concept. this isn't a religious debate. i don't want to turn it into one.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 1:35:00 PM
From Authorid: 49101
Wow, this looks like it could get silly. *sigh*  |
Date: 1/13/2005 1:39:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
it always seems to me it is really only the christians that get offended somehow and try to put the other religions down. try to convince you it is bad - when if you believed as they did you wouldn't need convincing and if you don't then they're not going to convince you anyway. i used to frequent the religious debates. but it is pointless. to me this was just a cute story about a haunting. i don't believe his ghost is anywhere near the bed - but it's cute that some do.  |
Date: 1/13/2005 1:44:00 PM
From Authorid: 49101
yes it is, unfortunately people aren't allowed to think diffferently these days. *sad sigh*  |
Date: 1/13/2005 2:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 62675
Didn't Ozzy write a song about him?  |
Date: 1/14/2005 6:06:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
yes, ozzy did  |
Date: 1/14/2005 12:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 19613
I'm pagan myself, and it's not just Chritians who don't like Crowley (I doubt your average christian even knows who he is).All I'm saying is if you compare Crowley's "Do what thou wilt" to the wiccan version " An Ye HARM NONE, Do What Ye Will" you will see there is a huge difference.  |
Date: 1/14/2005 12:52:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
i didn't say he was wiccan. pagans are as varied as christians. and a 'witch' isn't necessarily wiccan. i personally believe you are either a natural witch or a witch wannabe. oooooops.i didn't say that did i?  |
Date: 1/14/2005 7:44:00 PM
From Authorid: 19613
I know you didn't say he was Wiccan, I was just pointing out how the Wiccan Rede is a much more admirable code than the one espoused by Crowley where you basically do what you want.  |
Date: 1/18/2005 8:45:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 25828
yes dark phoenix, it is a more admirable code.  |