I have lost a good friend tonight, he was really nice. We talked on Yahoo Messenger, and he told me talking to someone like me with my age being 18, doesnt seem right. I believe he is 30 something. Now he was so faithful to God. He always helped me along to gain back confidence in God. But I guess all good things must come to an end. He doesnt want to talk to me no more. It hurt so deeply, I felt like my heart ripped out of place, and split in two. I was sorta questioning in my head "Why God? Why this? He helped me know u!" Not exactly like that, but u get the picture. Anyway.. God is being such a wonderful God quickly gave me an answer. And it was to bless me with a new and even better friend! A friend that knew how to hit the soft spot in the heart, to bring u to Christ. Her name is Ms Morality. I honor you my bestest online friend! Coming second is Firstborn! lol.. U 2 are so close to being my bestest friends, then comes my other friends! All I love dearly! God bless u all. Anyway, Ms Morality explained this to me. "Maybe God wanted to give u a new friend!" (Again, not the exact words since i cant remember, but near that.) And you know, it just seemed to fit right there. God did give me a new friend alright, an even better friend. USM Admins, I would like to request an Award for this dear friend Ms Morality. For being a wonderful friend in a time in need! I honor you Ms Morality! God bless you with a cup of blessings you cant contain! God is wonderful, and your just like him! Except.. he created me, and u didnt! lol! And he ofcourse is better than anyone. God comes before everyone! But Ms Morality! God bless u!! Thank you for everything. I just wanna anounce this publicaly! (Did I spell right? LOL) Anyway.. thanks USM for the time to read this. God Bless u all! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 54461 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .