Ever since that night Darren beat Katherine, she avoided him. She didn’t pick up the phone for any of his calls. She hid under her bed every time his car pulled up to her house. She even told her own parents that she was mad at Darren for “forgetting their anniversary.” Katherine thought that she was handling the situation quiet well.
The thunder crashed outside and lighting flashed in her window like dancing lights of a flying saucer. Silently, she watched the storm from her bedroom window. Just as she was about to fall asleep, Darren called her cell phone. She picked up the cell phone and through it across the room. Avoiding him had to be teaching him a lesson. Katherine fell asleep safely in her bed.
A crash sound echoed through her bedroom in the darkness of the night. Katherine flew up from her bed, only to find a vase lying on the floor. It was shattered into pieces. How it happened, she just didn’t know. She figured that she probably kicked the night stand that it resided on. So, Katherine just laid back down in her bed.
A couple minutes later, something grabbed her hair. She jumped out of her bed only to find Darren reaching out for her. “Leave me alone!” cried out Katherine as Darren grabbed her by the throat.
“No! You are not allowed to avoid me like that again! How do you think I felt! I was lonely, and you just ignored me like an unwanted child! Don’t you do that again!” he yelled as his grip tightened around her throat.
Darren realized that Katherine was just inches from death so, he let go. She fell to the floor with a loud thump. He grabbed a pillow and placed it over her head. “Don’t fight back or scream, or you’ll get what’s coming.” He whispered in her ear.
“Remember that video? Well, we are going to be doing the same thing tonight. If anyone finds out the truth, I’m going to make sure you won’t be able to talk again!” Darren said as he pulled something out of his pocket.
He had his way with the unwilling Katherine. She didn’t know what to do though. She really thought that he wasn’t like that. Every time she though about what had happened that night, her stomach would turn and make her vomit. She felt violated, unclean, and dirty. There were just so many unwanted feelings that it confused her. Katherine had no on that she could talk to, because even if she had someone, Darren might end up killing her.
At school, she convinced all of her friends, and much of the school, that Darren was the sweetest, kindest boyfriend that anyone could have. One day, he arrived at her school during lunch.
Darren ran up to Katherine in the cafeteria. She cringed as he placed his hairy arms around her. “Hey baby, I brought you a teddy bear. I made it myself. I thought that this would show you that I’m sorry.” He said just as he kissed her on the cheek.
All of the girls around were in awe. They were jealous that Katherine had someone “wonderful.” They would tell her everyday that she was so “lucky” that she was with some one like him. “How could they think something like that?” she would think to herself. “If they only knew the real Darren, they would think otherwise.”
Everyday, Katherine picked up her phone and called Darren because that was being a good girlfriend. She would do everything she could just to try and keep him happy. She prepaid for pizza and sent it to him for his lunch, and she would even do things to him that made her terribly uncomfortable. Was this the end of her ordinary life? For the next couple of weeks, Darren was the perfect boyfriend. He didn’t lay a finger on her. He held doors open for her, and he even bought her a promise ring. Katherine really did think that everything was going to be just fine from that point on. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62887 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .