Thunder boomed outside the walls and lightning blazed through the bedroom windows of Jennifer’s house. “Your turn, Molly. Ask it something.” The four girls huddled together around a square board on the floor. Iridescent candles scattered the room. “What should I ask?” Molly giggled. “I don’t know,” replied Jennifer. “Ask what his name is.” “Okay, okay! You do it with me, Jennifer.” Molly and Jennifer placed their hands on the heart-shaped pointer table that sat on the board. Amber and Clair had seated themselves beside them and watched. “What is your name?” The girls remained silent and motionless. Seconds went by and the pointer slowly became animated as it crept across the board, slithering from letter to letter. “Oh my god, it’s moving!” Jennifer roared out in excitement. The other girls hushed her. “C-H-A-R-M-I-E! He said his name is Charmie!” cried out Molly. “Charmie? That doesn’t make sense,” challenged Amber, the most domineering and bold of the group. “He must have meant Charlie.” “Okay, hang on, I’ll ask him if that’s it.” Molly and Jennifer placed their hands back onto the pointer. “Is your name Charlie?” Molly questioned it. Again the pointer began to move. “He said yes! His name is Charlie!” said Jennifer. Clair spoke up, “I have a question for him.” Amber and Clair took over and positioned themselves for the next question. “Are you in love?” “Oh come on, Clair,” snickered Amber. “Don’t be so girly.” “Just let me ask it. Oh wait, it’s moving.” The girls peered down as once again their hands moved with the pointer. It glided towards the top left of the board. “Yes. Ooh he’s in love.” “Happy now, Clair? Let’s ask something more exciting,” remarked Amber. “How did you die?” Clair whipped her hands away from the board. “Fine. If you’re too scared then Molly will do it with me.” Molly meekly obeyed and joined her. Amber repeated the question. A minute passed. “Nothing’s happening.” “Be patient,” mandated Jennifer. “Hello! Anybody home?” Amber yelled mockingly at the lifeless board. BANG! “What was that?” Molly braced herself in panic. “Oh calm down. Don’t be such a baby,” Amber told her. “Yea, Molly,” added Jennifer. “It was probably just the storm outside.” “No, I agree with Molly,” interrupted Clair. “That sounded like it came from within the house.” “Are you serious? Clair, you guys are crazy. We’re home alone; Jen’s parents are out. And it’s not like there’s some creepy serial killer out on the loose!” Amber burst into laughter. “Shut up, Amber.” “Look, Molly. If you and Clair are too scared to play with the Ouija board, go and watch TV or something.” The shadows on the wall grew tall as Molly and Clair decided to act upon Amber’s suggestion and stop playing the game. They stood up and shut the door leaving Jennifer and Amber alone in the room accompanied only by candles and the game. “Good, now that they’re gone we can really have some fun with this,” chirped Amber. “Since it doesn’t like that death question too much, let’s ask it something else.” “Like what?” asked Jennifer. “Just put your hands on the pointer. Charlie, was it you who made that bang?” Again the pointer kept still. Amber laughed. “I don’t think Charlie likes me very much. That or one of the other girls was moving it the whole time! Charlie? You like me right?” she asked it. The pointer began to move. “I knew it,” smiled Amber, “he just loves me!” “Amber, wait. Don’t be so sure.” They watched as the pointer landed on the word No. “That’s not funny, Jen.” “What, it wasn’t me.” Suddenly there was another bang, followed by another, and another. “Okay, I’m thinking that maybe that’s not the storm.” “You’re acting like Molly and Clair now, Jen.” “I don’t care. I think we should end this game and go find the girls.” “Fine, whatever,” surrendered Amber. They kept the Ouija board as it was and left the vicinity of the room to go find their friends. They reached the end of the dark hallway and entered the living room. The only light emanated from the buzzing static television. They walked around the couch to find the girls, but the only inhabitants of the sofa were a few of Jen’s mother’s throw pillows. “Great, where are they?” sighed Jennifer. “Molly! Clair! Where are you?” BANG! BANG! BANG! “This really isn’t funny anymore,” quivered Amber. Amber and Jennifer headed to the kitchen. When they arrived they were the only ones standing in the room. “This isn’t good.” “Maybe they left,” Jennifer tried to shrug it off. “Yes, after they got scared playing with the Ouija board they decided to leave in the middle of the night during a thunder storm and hitchhike home.” “Your sarcasm isn’t appreciated, Amber.” “They just have to be around here somewhere.” “Well let’s check back in my room.” They retracted to the place where it all started. The bedroom door was ajar like they had left it. They entered and everything seemed as before. The lightning flashed outside and the tea light candles flickered around the room. But in front of their feet was the Ouija board - upside down. “Oh my god, it’s upside down. What does that mean? Who did that?” Jennifer panicked. “Shush, it was probably Molly or Clair.” “But we can’t find them!” she cried. BANG! “Amber what was that?” yelled Jennifer. Immediately the closet began to creak. “Something is in the closet,” whispered Amber. Slowly, Jennifer grabbing onto Amber deathly tight, they approached the rousing closet door. As they stood a meter away the door swung open lightning fast. Amber and Jennifer were knocked off their feet and fell on the bed behind them. Laughter pierced the air. Amber stood up and witnessed Clair and Molly standing ahead of her in wild amusement. She looked behind her and Jennifer was holding herself in laughing hysterics. “You guys!” cried Amber! “I can’t believe you did that! You are so evil!” “You should have seen the look on your face!” howled Clair. “So you did all of it? Charlie and the banging and everything?” “We sure did, and it was well worth it!” piped Jennifer. “Totally,” agreed Molly. “Oh,” said Amber, “you guys are so…” “Evil!” they all burst in laughing. The four of them fell on the bed laughing at the events of the night and finally sighed in amusement. And as they sat together in the newly fallen quiet of the room, the silence was interrupted. BANG! BANG! BANG! 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