There are defining moments in one's life that have the ability to shake you to your very core. They are defining in that how you choose to handle or not handle them says something about who you are and who you aspire to be.
Infidelity is one of those earth shattering experiences which leave you wandering in the ashes, shell-shocked, and bewildered. It is a time where ego, bruised and battered, will emerge and bombard you with a myriad of questions. "Aren't I good enough?", it asks. "Was she prettier/thinner/nicer than me? Was he smarter/funnier/younger than me?" "Who is this person that has the power to lure my husband away from me? What magic did he possess that my wife was willing to lay everything on the line for?" Mind doesn't wish to be out-done so it conjures up thousands of scenarios, allowing the imagination to run wild with possibilities revolving around passion, romance, and desire. Emotions rush in. Anger screams, "How dare he! Who does she think she is? What are we going to do about this?" Anger is throwing his clothes out on the streets, changing locks on the doors, and plotting revenge. Sadness weeps, "What is going to happen to us? What do I tell the kids? Doesn't he love me? Doesn't she love our family?" Sadness pulls the covers high over our heads unwilling to leave the safety of a warm bed. Self-esteem falls to an all time low and cries, "I am fat! I am ugly! I am not good enough! I am not worthy!" Guilt declares, "If only I had done this or that it might have been different." There are so many voices doing battle that one hardly hears the small, still whisperings of Soul say gently, "I am loved. I am worthy. I am strong, beautiful, and kind." It kneels down beside its broken body, grabs it firmly by the shoulder, hoists it up, and forces itself to look at its reflection in the mirror. "What do you see?", Soul says. "I see a mess. It is no wonder this has happened.", she answers. "Look deeper.", Soul encourages. He hangs his head in shame. Soul says, "What would love do?"
Love does not allow itself to be walked upon like a doormat. It does not give up and allow itself to be carried away in a sea of pity. Love evaluates the situation and, with truth by its side, determines whether the relationship can be saved. It inspects the remains to see if the foundation is strong enough to re-build upon together. Or if it is best for both parties to salvage what they can and build anew...separately. It does not blame. It does not speak harsh words. It does not carry on. Love re-tills the soil, sprinkles the seeds, and watches to see if anything will grow. If the ground is too hard or rocky then love finds another more fertile place to plant its seeds.
Love is like a sunflower in that it chooses to face the light. And we define ourselves not by what happens in our lives, but by whether we decide to handle it with love or fear, light or dark, or anything in between.
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