Meanwhile, Katherine walked into her bedroom to find her messenger on, on her computer. She looked at her list of contacts just as Darren logged on. “Hey, Darren, I’m home!” She wrote to him.
“Hey, you’ll get your surprise Monday at your school ok. My school is playing yours in football. So, I’ll be there just to see you.” He messaged back.
“Aw, so sweet. Thank you, but I have to go catch up on sleep now. I’ll talk to you later.” Katherine told him.
That weekend passed by quiet fast for Katherine. She talked to Darren over the phone and internet becoming very obsessed with him. So, that Sunday, she asked him out, and they became a couple.
Monday at school, Katherine sat in her cafeteria awaiting the arrival of her boyfriend. A football player than can up to her, “Hey I didn’t know you did things like that with our rival school’s quarterback. You sick man!” he said while giving her a disgusting look.
Shockingly enough, the whole school knew about her and Darren. Sadly though, Katherine didn’t even know that he was the quarterback for that school. That didn’t matter to her though, at least she’s popular over there than.
Darren showed up at her school around 5. He handed Katherine a white rose and asked her if she got her surprise yet.
“No, do you mean that I just found out your on the football team?” she commented.
“That’s not it. You’ll see it soon enough. I have to go warm-up now. See ya.” He said as he ran off to the field.
Katherine watched Darren play and win the game. All of the football players and cheerleaders from his teams stared at her whenever they got a chance to. So did the players from her home school team. After the game, Darren took her to the movies and then they hung out at her house. All seemed well for them, and Katherine couldn’t be any happier.
That Friday, Katherine sat in her computer class. Things went boring as usual for her in there. So, she started to text message Darren over the internet. Just as she was in the middle of the conversation, someone in her class looked at her and muttered something under their breath towards her. She quickly got up, since it was “personal time” in her class, and walked over to the person to see what they wanted.
Just as she was behind them, her eyes caught something that it shouldn’t have. Katherine dropped her pencil and fell to the ground in tears. On the computer was a naughty site, and there she was on it with Darren, at the cabin, doing things that she can’t even remember doing.
She was in shock. She didn’t know what to do. Now she knew why that football player was being harsh to her on Monday, and why everyone was staring at her.
“This was his surprise! Why could he do this! How did he manage this!” cried out Katherine.
Quickly, she ran to the bathroom. Crying, she called to Darren.
“I think I found your big surprise! Do you think it’s funny?” Katherine yelled as tears poured down her face.
“No. I thought you were like that. I didn’t think that I did any harm!” He told her.
“Well, it wasn’t. You better take that off the internet now! By the way we’re through!” she hung up the phone and ran home.
A couple days later, a bouquet of roses appeared on her front door, they had a not attached. Katherine picked them up and read the note. “Please take me back. I miss you. You were my everything. Love, Darren”
She called him on the phone prepared for another battle. “Listen you!” hollered Katherine.
“I’m sorry, please forgive me. I miss you and want you back. It was only a bet, but I shouldn’t have done it. Please come back.” Darren said as he started to “cry.”
“Fine, I’ll take you back, but don’t do that again.” She begged.
“I won’t.” Darren replied. “I’ll be over there in about an hour if that’s ok.”
“Ok.” Katherine said as she hung up the phone and prepared herself for Darren.
She forgot about what broke them up and waited by the door for Darren. Exactly and hour later Darren arrived and walked inside. He grabbed Katherine by the hand and took her to her bedroom. That’s where he beat her. “Don’t ever leave me again like that ok!” yelled Darren.
“I won’t, I promise!” screamed Katherine as she tried to hide under her bed.
Darren pulled out locks of her blonde hair and made a bruise around her left green eye. “That will teach you!”
He then made her put on make-up around her eye and forced her into the car. “Listen, Darren, you hurt me.” Katherine said as she started to cry.
“I’m sorry Katherine, please forgive me, I just lost my tempure. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I have just been stressed out about my friends. Please forgive me.” Darren said as he started to cry.
At school the next Tuesday, she told everyone that she tripped and hit the door knob. She was afraid that if she didn’t lie, Darren was going to beat her even worse. She still was obsessed with him though, but she couldn’t figure out what she could do to make him happy. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62887 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .